Tarot Topics Blog
Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!
This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.
Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.

For the Win
Friendly competition can be fun and can help us build skills. Yet, when we fail to acknowledge our wins, we set ourselves up for loss.

The Power Number Nine
It is the beginning of the ninth month, and we are talking about the power of the number nine.

Is Fear Fun?
Spooky stuff can be fun, but it also helps us process our real fears and traumas.

When You Feel Lost
There are so many reason we can feel lost. Tarot can help us understand what we are feeling specifically. Then, tarot can help us find solutions.

In Tune With the Moon
The moon phases teach us and guide us every day.

The Inside and the Outside
People are sometimes different on the outside than on the inside.

Everything You Think You Know
Is what we believe really the truth?

Divinity, Myth, and Mystery
Faith and fact are two different things. Both are important.

I Wonder What That Means
We look for meaning in the things that happen around us.

The Mysteries of Faith and Prayer
This week we explore the difference between faith and fear.

When You Shouldn't Trust Your Intuition
Fear, desire and ego can masquerade as intuition. How do you tell the difference?

Tarot Topics 4/22/2015: Courage
This week in Tarot Topics, find your courage with tarot! Rana George on the Psychic Café, free tarot webinars and a tarot technique to face your fears.

Tarot Topics Newsletter 1/21/2015
Tarot Topics celebrates the New Moon, January 21, 2015. Enjoy a free tarot webinar tonight, try a New Moon Tarot Spread, and discover the different between the tarot Moon and the Lenormand Moon!

Tarot Topics Weekly Newsletter 7/30/2014

Tarot Topics Weekly Newsletter 2/5/2014

Mysteries of the Dark, Power of the Light: Major Arcana 18, The Moon