Tarot Topics 4/22/2015: Courage


Often, when we think of courage, we think of the brave acts of warriors and explorers. Courage isn’t reserved for those brave enough to face physical danger. There are other kinds of courage, too. There is the courage to speak your mind, or to stand up to a bully. There is the courage to learn something new.

Sometimes it’s a good idea for us to do things that scare us. The more we challenge ourselves, the more we push past our fears, the more successful we become. That success begins the moment we have the courage to believe in ourselves and take a bold step forward.

It’s important to remember that courage isn’t the absence of fear. Courage is doing something difficult, in spite of your fear.

Face Your Fears Tarot Technique

Often, when we are feeling anxious about a particular situation, we don’t really understand what it is we really fear. If we can figure out the exact fear that is causing our upset, we are often able to find an easy remedy.

The next time you have a worry, simply shuffle your tarot deck and ask this question.

“What am I really afraid of in this situation?”

Pull one card, and see if that card gives you a direct and resonant answer. If it does, let that answer lead to you a better place of confidence. If it does not, pull a few more cards to help tell your story.

When we face our fears, we find our courage.

The Week in Review

This week I posted an Urban Spoon review for E.R. Bradley’s Saloon in West Palm Beach. That’s where Jenna Matlin and I met for lunch a few weeks ago. Aside from the joy of meeting an online tarot friend in person for the first time, I really liked Bradley’s.

On our Community Blog, I shared a piece that has been getting a lot of attention. Do you work with tarot reversals? You might find this post helpful. Read “An Example of Reversal: Two Angles on the Same Card.

From Around the Web

Theresa Reed, aka “The Tarot Lady,” is also a foodie! She has started a new tarot and food blog project with Kyle Cherek called “Tarot by the Mouthful” that is just wonderful! Check out her installment on The Empress.

Denver TarotCon is just around the corner. See what convention speaker Shaheen Miro has to say on the convention blog about “The Art of Seeing Symbols.”

From Barbara Moor’s Tarot Shaman Blog, here are “5 Similarities between Tarot and Shamanism.”

Three Tarot Cards for Courage

If you need to be brave, you might see these tarot cards in your reading. If you are working to muster your courage, spend some time in meditation and manifestation with these images.

1.    Strength – Major Arcana 8 (or 11, depending on your deck) often depicts a woman with a lion. The woman has tamed the lion. Both had reason to fear the other, but, through the strength of compassion and gentleness, the woman has subdued the wild nature of the lion.  When you see Strength in a reading, you are reminded that you have the courage and ability you need to accomplish your tasks. You also must remember that you task may require a bit of finesse, rather than simple brute force.

2.    Seven of Wands – Sometimes called the card of “Valor”, the Seven of Wands shows a person successfully defending himself against superior odds. This card reminds you that you can and will do what you must, and that you have advantages in your favor, regardless of your position.

3.    Moon – Card 18 of the Major can cause some fear and misunderstanding. Things appear differently in the light of the moon than they do in broad daylight. The Moon asks you to have faith in the unseen, and to find courage in your faith. The Moon requires you to have the courage to separate truth from fantasy.

What’s Up on the Psychic Café

How you had a chance to watch my interview with Rana George? If you’ve never met Rana, this is a great chance to get to know the person behind the cards. Rana, the author of the best-selling “The Essential Lenormand” is one of the world’s foremost authorities on Lenormand.

In her conversation with me, Rana opened up about the difficulty of accepting her own psychic abilities, her life-long relationship with the Lenormand cards, and her project-in-process, “The Rana George Lenormand.” In the video, she reveals a new card from that project for the first time.

You can watch my interview with Rana on my YouTube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe while you are there!

Learning Tarot: Tarot Spreads

A tarot spread is a typical way to conduct a tarot reading, but certainly not the only way. There are many traditional tarot spreads, including many variations of the Celtic Cross, astrology wheel spreads and seven-card horseshoe spreads.

There are also many modern spreads, some designed for use with specific decks, or for specific purposes.

Many readers create single-use custom spreads to answer questions in a specific situation.

It is also possible to read by creating a dialogue with the cards, simply by asking questions and pulling cards in answer.

Experiment with larger and smaller spreads, newer spreads and traditional spreads. Try some non-spread techniques, like dialogue, and try creating a custom spread.

There is no specific right way to read tarot; each reader must discover the techniques that work best.

Next week we will begin a new Weekly Learning series as we explore the thirty-six cards of the Lenormand system.

Image from Gilded Royale, by Ciro Marchetti.

Image from Gilded Royale, by Ciro Marchetti.

Your One-Card Weekly Reading: The Hermit

The Hermit can indicate loneliness. Often, when the Hermit appears it is because we are feeling alone, isolated or unsupported.  It’s important to check in and make sure that our loneliness isn’t self-imposed. Sometimes, too, our goals get in the way of social activities temporarily, and we know the outcome will be worth the sacrifice.

The Hermit also speaks to the great spiritual wisdom that comes from the arduous journey of self-discovery. While this is inherently a lonely journey, the wisdom that you acquire becomes something you can share with others.

Are you seeking your own wisdom? Are you ready to hold the light for someone else? If you are lonely, do you think your loneliness serves a purpose at this time? Can you take steps to find more social balance in your life?

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, April 22, 7 pm (Tonight!)
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively On Line
The Four Elements and the Minor Arcana

Join us for this 75-minute long free tarot webinar with Christiana Gaudet. You’ll learn about the Four Elements and their relation to the Minor Arcana.

Wherever you are in your tarot journey, this exciting webinar will give you a new understanding of your cards, and new insight in your readings.

Simply visit the event listing on my website, and follow the links, or call the telephone number, to participate.



Thursday, April 30, 7 pm
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively On Line
Global Tarot Circle

Let the author of “Fortune Stellar” and “Tarot Tour Guide” help you deepen your tarot practice while you connect with tarot readers from all over the world! Here’s what a recent participant had to say about Global Tarot Circle.

"I enjoyed the tarot webinar tonight, Christiana was informative, insightful and gave great advice for beginning and advanced tarot readers. I found a space where I can chat with other tarot professionals in real time... thanks so much!"

To log in, visit the event listing.

Sunday, May 17, 3:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Lenormand Study Group

Join us at Panera Bread on SR 54 in Lutz for an afternoon of Lenormand study.
Bring your Lenormand cards, Lenormand books, Lenormand knowledge to share, and your curiosity. We'll work together, sharing experiences, research and ideas, to understand the 36 cards of the Lenormand system.

This will be the first of many regular meetings devoted to Lenormand study, alternating with meetings devoted to tarot study. The focus of this meeting will be gaining a working vocabulary of card meanings for all 36 cards.

Join the Meetup and RSVP!

About Christiana

Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Tradition and Innovation: Celtic Lenormand


An Example of Reversal: Two Angles on the Same Card