Tarot Topics Blog
Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!
This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.
Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.

What is blocking you?
Tarot helps you remove the things that hold you back!

The Nurture of Nature
Connect with the nurturing energies of nature!

Every Journey is a Healing Journey
This week, we explore the healing journey that is life.

What the Cards Teach Us
Each tarot card can teach us important things about life! This week's newsletter includes Zuri's take on the number 6, and great opportunities for tarot study and fellowship.

Embrace the Journey
My trip northeast reminded me that life is a journey, not a desitination.

Stop Comparing, Because You Are Enough
Don't ever think you are "less than", or "not enough". Try a new tarot spread, see Zuri's take on the number four, and learn about my trip to the northeast!

Are you a good friend . . . to yourself?
This week, Tarot Topics deals with self-love, self-esteem and self-acceptance. Learn about the energy of the number 2 from Zuri, and join Global Tarot Circle!

What are Your Intuitive Tools?
Learn to use the tools and techniques that awaken your intuition and connect you to Spirit.

Can you ask for help when you need it?
Why is it so hard to figure out what we need, and even harder to ask for it? This week, Tarot Topics includes some help for tarot pros, some helpful ways to use tarot, and info about a free tarot webinar!

Open Eyes, Open Mind, Open Heart
As we approach Valentine's Day, try a new tarot spread to help you open your eyes, mind and heart.

Have You Seen Your Shadow?
The Groundhog didn't see his shadow, but can you see yours? This week, Tarot Topics explores the Jungian shadow.

Be an Original, not a Copy!
We all want to be the original, unique individuals we are, and yet we all feel pressure to conform! This week, Tarot Topics explores what it means to be original.

Does Everything Happen for a Reason?
This week, Tarot Topics explore the roles random luck and destiny play in our lives.

What Makes You Who You Are
This week Tarot Topics explores the things that influence our identity. Try a new tarot spread, and learn to gently steer the way you are shaped by the energies around you.

Begin 2016 with a Journey Within
The first Tarot Topics of the New Year features your journey toward wisdom, supported by the Year of the Hermit, and Mercury Retrograde.

Season's Greetings, from My Family to Yours!
Here's the Christmas edition of Tarot Topics, including an original "Holy Light Tarot Spread" and a few of my favorite holiday songs!

What's on Your Wish List?
Let's use the magic of holiday miracles to manifest our wishes, for ourselves and for the world!

Once upon a holiday...
Stories are part of our holiday traditions. Let tarot be a part of your holiday story!

Let the Festivities Begin!
The holiday season is upon us! This week, discover three ways to avoid holiday guilt and three ways to use tarot in your holiday celebrations.

When People Make You Nuts
Difficult people are everywhere. Here are some great ways to handle them! Don't miss your one-card weekly reading and some great upcoming events in the Tampa area!