Are you a good friend . . . to yourself?

Most of us strive to be good friends to the people we care about. We forgive mistakes, we understand unintentional slights, we help out in times of need.

At the same time, we often don’t cut ourselves the same slack we do for the people we care about.

Many of us are focused on self-improvement. To that end, we look at ourselves with a very critical eye.

It’s good to strive to learn, grow and do better. It’s good to be able to own our flaws. But we also need to forgive ourselves as we would our friends. We need to treat ourselves gently.

Part of being a good friend to oneself is enjoying one’s own company. Take the time to do things alone that you enjoy. Read a book, visit the beach, shop, go for a bike ride – do something alone and enjoy your time with yourself.

The more you make friends with yourself and treat yourself as a valued friend, the happier you will be with your life.

Tarot Cards about Your Relationship with Yourself

Tarot can really help you understand yourself, communicate with your higher self, and be a better friend to yourself.

In the context of self-esteem, personal identity and self-love, there are many cards that offer specific lessons and insights. If these cards appear in a reading, they may speak to these kinds of issues, and offer insights into ways to shift your energy.

It is possible to use these cards to set intentions and do magick for increased confidence, personal security and self-esteem.

As you look through the deck, you may find many cards that speak to you of self-love, and issues that surround your sense of personal security. Here are some of mine.

The Aces: The Aces can always speak about “Number One”, that is, YOU! Each Ace may offer advice about ways to be stronger in yourself. Most significantly, the Ace of Pentacles may relate to your root chakra, and therefore your sense of physical security and safety, and your ability to claim your place on the planet.

The Nine of Pentacles: The Nine of Pentacles has traditionally evolved into a card of personal security, safety, self-esteem and being comfortable in one’s own company.

The High Priestess: In her upright or well-dignified state, the High Priestess can indicate a sense of peace and serenity within oneself. Reversed, she can indicate a sense of feeling guilty, or that you are not “enough”.

The Seven of Swords: Traditionally “The Thieves’ Card”, the Seven of Swords can suggest that you feel that you are getting away with something – that you fear you are not equal to your task, even if you are.

The Six of Wands: This is the card of the champion. Upright, you feel you are winning. Reversed, the opposite may be true.

The Two of Cups: Traditionally a card about relationships, this card could advise you to be a good partner to yourself.

The Lovers: Much like the Two of Cups, the Lovers could discuss the way you integrate the different parts of yourself, the way you find personal balance, and your ability to be a good friend to yourself.

From My Desk to Yours

Make sure you check out the new post on my personal blog, Tarot Trends.  Read “Psychic Handicap is a Real Thing”.

From Around the Web

Would you believe that a tarot book has made it to the New Yorker for review? Check out “Making the Tarot Literary Again”!

For those who enjoy learning about the history of cards and cartomancy, here is something fun. Read “The Bawdy History of Medieval Playing Cards”.

Science fiction buffs like me recognize Wil Wheaton as “Wesley Crusher” from Star Trek: The Next Generation. My kids’ generation knows him as a blogger and board game enthusiast. He is also a very public depression sufferer. Here is his frank post, “You’re not broken, and you’re not weak”.

Song of the Week

Here’s a pop song about self-love from TLC, “Unpretty”.

Numerology with Zuri
Number TwO

Hello Bright Sparks!

Ever have that gut instinct that steers you through right and wrong? That soul stirring intuition that either gives you the thumbs up or down when you meet someone new? Well, that’s the energy of the 2 at work in your life!

This week we begin the journey of understanding the vibrational qualities of the 2 and how it could play out in your orbit. In general, 2s are one of the most emotionally sensitive people, which would make sense that they’d be so in tune with their empathic sides. They feel so deeply and because of that, almost possess a Piscean vibe that soaks up the energies around them, in their quest to be loved and to create harmony wherever they go.

If you want to dive further into the celestial glow of the number 2, think no further than the High Priestess Tarot card. She holds divine knowledge within her sacred scrolls, reminding you that you have all of the answers within yourself to move forward. You simply have to take the time to drown out the white noise and listen to your powerful inner voice, that’s always whispering what you know to be true.

The 2 craves intimacy and connection, so whenever you see a group of 2’s in a card spread, you have to keep your mind open to the possibilities of an offer or invitation to partner up in some way. Or, the layout may be presenting you with a choice of some kind. It’s an opportunity to cooperate and collaborate on some project or venture that’s being offered to you, depending on the context of the question asked.

On the flip side, however, we also have to explore the shadow side of what the 2 may reveal. The 2 energy may not be the person who’s going to get all up in your face and be ready to confront you on something that’s been bothering them. Instead, they may react passive aggressively, or bury the issue under the rug but harbor resentment that they don’t feel comfortable speaking up about it. They’re the type that may lack healthy boundaries and allow relatives to take advantage of their hospitality at Thanksgiving in an effort to keep the peace.

So part of the lesson of the 2 would be to learn how to grow a pair and stand up for themselves with tact and diplomacy. It’s okay to be assertive once in a while, my lovely 2s, we will still love you. I promise!

This week’s vibrational takeaway in working with the 2 is to think about your relationship to yourself, with others and that relationship you have with your intuition. Where do you need to engage in more self love, compromise and balance? Where do you need to show more compassion and support? If you’re being called to build that relationship with yourself, then this may be a sign to build healthier boundaries and recalibrate that auric field from time to time with a sage or salt cleanse.

To love!
xo Zuri

I’m Zuri Eberhart: Tarot reader, numerologist and intuitive healer put on this planet to help fantastic spirits (like you!) learn to trust their intuition, cast light on their possibilities, and move towards their gorgeous goals, fearlessly.

(Oh - and I’m here to make it fun, too. Like, heart-opening, adventure-sparking, I-can-see-clearly-nowww kind of fun.) 

Ready to make some magic? I’d love to help you set your mojo on fire! Stop by my digital digs at

Global Tarot Circle: Free Online Tarot Workshops and an FB Page!

Global Tarot Circle has been meeting once a month for a few years now. We meet online, using the industry standard WebEx. WebEx allows you to log in using a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. You can also call in on a telephone.

Each month we are joined by tarotists from around the world to discuss the cards, share readings and try group exercises together.

At out last meeting we decided to start a Facebook group to share ideas and keep in touch in between meetings. Please ask to join!

You can join our next Global Tarot Circle, too. Simply visit the event listing on my website.

Image from Gilded Royale by Ciro Marchetti.

Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Ace of Cups

This week I drew the Ace of Cups as our one-card weekly reading.

In the context of this week’s theme of self-love, the Ace of Cups is a clear reminder of the spiritual nature and value of love.

This week, think about the energy of love – that is, the high vibration of love.

Be open to love in all its forms. As you open to love, so you will attract love to you.

Consciously try to act in a more loving way, towards others, and towards yourself.

Remember, too, that sometimes the best way to practice self-love is to protect yourself from people and activities that aren’t healthy for you.

Upcoming Events


Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively Online!

Join us for conversation, reading, insights, new techniques and amazing group exercises!

For log-in info, visit the event listing on my website!


Sunday, March 20, 3:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Archetypal Encounters: Tarot for Expansion and Personal Integration
Beef O’Brady’s Private Room
21539 Village Lakes Shopping Ctr Dr, Land O' Lakes, FL, 34639

Marcy Currier will be our special guest teacher. Marcy is a member of the Holistic Studies Faculty at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY, and founder of Metamorphosis Healing & Intuitive Arts.

Don’t miss this very special opportunity! Join us for lunch and an exciting and inspiring tarot class.

Learn more on the event listing on my website, and RSVP on the Meetup!


Now Open for Registration:  

Sunday, June 5, 10:00 - 4:00, Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup Retreat Day at Mitchell's.

October 7, Professional Development Day at TarotCon (Follow the link below).

October 8 & 9, TarotCon (Florida) 2016 in Palm Beach Gardens.

About Christiana


Christiana Gaudet
Origins Spa and Wellness Center
1537 N Dale Mabry Highway #102
Lutz, FL 33548


Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Special Weekend Edition: Expect the Unexpected!


Psychic Handicap is a Real Thing