What are Your Intuitive Tools?

We all have ways of making decisions and seeking inner guidance. Even when we consult others for guidance and insight, we still, ultimately, must make our own choices and trust our own judgement.

That’s probably why intuitive tools, such as tarot, runes, oracle cards and pendulums are so popular, and why many people find practices like mindfulness, yoga and meditation so helpful.

When we are able to listen to the inner voice of our intuition, we may feel guided by Spirit, or by our own higher self. We may feel the presence of spiritual guardians and ancestors.

Every one of us is capable of tapping into intuition, that source of spiritual power and guidance. We all have natural tools that help us do this. Some of us are good at paying attention to omens, signs and synchronicities. Some of us are good at being in the right place at the right time. Others have good instincts for reading people or predicting events.

Whatever natural intuitive tools we possess, we are often able to enhance and develop them with the use of divination. Divination often uses tools like cards, stones and symbols to help us make sense of our world.

Systems like astrology and numerology are tools, too. So are our sacred texts.

Other intuitive tools are the crystals and stones that enhance psychic awareness, such as quartz, labradorite, and amethyst, and aromatic herbs such as sandalwood and patchouli.

Each of us is unique. No two of us will have exactly the same intuitive process. The more tools we explore, the more likely we each will be to unlock our own intuitive abilities.

Three Ways to Work with Intuitive Tools

Many of us own various tarot decks, oracle cards and pendulums. Some of us are astrologers or numerologists. Some are scholars of sacred texts.

With so many amazing options, it’s sometimes hard to know with which tools we should invest our time, money and energy.

Sometimes we feel drawn to a particular deck of cards or body of knowledge, but, once we begin our study, we find no real resonance in the practice. It can be discouraging when this happens, but the important thing to do is to keep seeking.

Here are three things you can do to develop your intuition with tools.

Find Your Favorite Tool

While there are many from which to choose, it’s important to have a favorite modality at which you are skilled, even if you are well-versed in many. It may be a particular system that draws you, like Lenormand or astrology, or it may be a very specific tarot deck that you feel works best for you.

Once you know what your favorite, most comfortable tool is, you can use that tool to vet other tools. You can ask your tarot deck, “What would be the results of my beginning to study astrology?” Or “How can I best dedicate myself to the art of tea-leaf reading?” Let your favorite tool help you find the secondary tools that will help expand your intuitive practice.
Combine and Integrate Tools

Have you ever tried a tarot reading with two decks, or used an oracle card to give final thoughts to a numerology reading? You can use a lot of creativity in considering ways to integrate the use of your tools.

I like to use a pendulum with a tarot spread. I hold the pendulum over each card to gauge its reaction. The strength of the pendulum’s swing tells me how much weight to give the individual card in the reading.

I have found, from experience, a few different tarot decks that are particularly suited to specific sorts of questions. If those questions come up in a reading, I like to break away from the deck I’ve been using and turn to the specific deck appropriate for the question.
Take a Class

There are tutorials on YouTube, local classes and meetups, webinars and online study groups. You can learn to use any sort of metaphysical tool, or perform any sort of divination. You can study a sacred text, and find personal insight from the powerful words you read.

If you devote yourself to study, you will receive some powerful benefits, even beyond the awakening of your intuition.

From My Desk to Yours

I’m afraid that this American election season has me saying “enough is enough” even before the end of the primaries. You can read my plea for national unity on my Dark Forest blog.

From Around the Web

Over at Tarot Taxi you can find Lenormand Cheat-Sheet Keywords. She’s got the first ten up so far, and they are fabulous!

One of my guilty pleasures is adult cartoons, so I was thrilled to see this Futurama Tarot Deck on Ultraculture.

From Loner Wolf, here is “How to Use Tarot Cards to Solve Problems”.

Song of the Week

Here is Fleetwood Mac with “Crystal”. I loved this song when it came out in 1975, when Stevie Nicks redid it for the movie, “Practical Magic” in 1998, and I love it now.

Numerology with Zuri


I’ve asked Zuri of AskZuri.com to share some wisdom with us. For the next nine weeks, this column will be Zuri’s space.



 Number One

Hello Bright Sparks!
We begin our adventure of understanding the vibe of the numbers that make up our world with the number 1.
The number 1 acts as a seed, the starting point where magic takes shape. When you think of being #1, think of the self-starters of the world: the pioneers, the go-getters, the strong Aries types who don’t wait for an opening to take action; they boldly make it happen!
When we are in a 1 cycle, we are in our place of manifestation, and it's no coincidence why the Magician of the Tarot was assigned the number 1. The Magician is the cosmic mover and shaker. He has all the tools and resources he needs to launch his next great venture and strike while the iron’s hot!
And when you see a predominance of 1’s in a Tarot spread, such as the power combo of the Ace of Wands with the Ace of Pentacles, you know it’s time to get the ball rolling and transform that great idea into a money making opportunity. It reminds you to open your mind and your heart to fresh perspectives and new ways of doing things to create profound change in your physical reality.
Are you seeing a pattern of 1’s in your dreams, alarm clock or in the world around you? It’s just your A-team of Guides interrupting your regularly scheduled programming with an important message. So pay attention to the thought forms that are being planted in the soils of your subconscious mind. Are they in alignment with your future goals? Or are you sabotaging your growth with the negative loop your mental goblins have playing on your internal Spotify?
The 1 is asking you to get your mind right so you can channel your inner Magician and take a big leap into something new and exciting. If you’ve been dealing with drama or push back from the people in your life, this may be yourgreen light to be more independent, stand on your own two feet and get back in the driver’s seat to create changes.
This week’s numeric takeaway: Honor the ways you bring you own magical awesomery to your orbit and lead by example.
Shine on!

xo Zuri
I’m Zuri Eberhart: Tarot reader, numerologist and intuitive healer put on this planet to help fantastic spirits (like you!) learn to trust their intuition, cast light on their possibilities, and move towards their gorgeous goals, fearlessly.

(Oh - and I’m here to make it fun, too. Like, heart-opening, adventure-sparking, I-can-see-clearly-nowww kind of fun.) 

Ready to make some magic? I’d love to help you set your mojo on fire! Stop by my digital digs at AskZuri.com.

Join us for the Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup Retreat Day!

Mitchell Osborn will host our Retreat Day at his new home in Orlando. He’ll be presenting a workshop on Animal Communication.

I’ll also be presenting. My workshop will be “Psychic Tarot”.

We’ll have other activities too, including Tarot Improv.

Our Retreat Day is June 5, 2016, from 10 am to 4 pm. The fee to attend is $30, which includes lunch. We are limited to twenty people.
You can RSVP on Meetup, and join us for Retreat Day on June 5!

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Ace of Pentacles

Your one-card reading this week is the Ace of Pentacles. Traditionally, this card predicts new money, a new job, a new opportunity, or a new way of taking care of your well-being.

The Ace of Pentacles invites you to ground yourself to the Earth, and to draw from it your strength, stability and grounding.

This week, look for new opportunities to increase your health and wealth! 

Upcoming Events

Sunday, March 20, 3:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Archetypal Encounters: Tarot for Expansion and Personal Integration
Beef O’Brady’s Private Room
21539 Village Lakes Shopping Ctr Dr, Land O' Lakes, FL, 34639

Marcy Currier will be our special guest teacher. Marcy is a member of the Holistic Studies Faculty at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY, and founder of Metamorphosis Healing & Intuitive Arts.

Don’t miss this very special opportunity! Join us for lunch and an exciting and inspiring tarot class.

Learn more on the event listing on my website, and RSVP on the Meetup!


Now Open for Registration:  

Sunday, June 5, 10:00 - 4:00, Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup Retreat Day at Mitchell's.

October 7, Professional Development Day at TarotCon (Follow the link below).

October 8 & 9, TarotCon (Florida) 2016 in Palm Beach Gardens.

About Christiana


Christiana Gaudet
Origins Spa and Wellness Center
1537 N Dale Mabry Highway #102
Lutz, FL 33548



Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Psychic Handicap is a Real Thing


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