Stop Comparing, Because You Are Enough

In a world where social media, advertising and celebrity worship set the standard, it’s easy to feel that we aren’t doing enough, that we aren’t successful enough, and that other people are somehow doing better than we are.

We compare what we know about our lives with what we see about other people’s lives, and believe ourselves to be lacking.

Here’s the truth. We can never know the reality of other people’s lives – we only know what other people want us to see.

We are deeply familiar with our own lives, and often focus more on our deficits and problems than we do our talents and achievements.

When you stop comparing yourself to others, and when you start acknowledging your own positive qualities and achievements, you will come to the correct conclusion.

You are absolutely the best in the world at being yourself, and that is all you have to be.

"Imma Do Me" Tarot Spread

Sometimes we get so distracted by social media and the 24-hour news cycle that we lose focus on the things that really matter, and the things over which we can have some control.

When you are feel distracted by others, use this tarot spread to bring your focus back to where it needs to be.

Think about your life at the current moment, and your goals for personal success.

Arrange the cards in a vertical line, from bottom to top.

Card One: My Biggest Priority

Card Two: My Biggest Opportunity

Card Three: My Biggest Distraction

Card Four: A Difficult Thing I Need to Accomplish

Card Five: Where I Can Find Help

From My Desk to Yours

This week, on my Community Blog, I wrote about the healing power of the suit of Swords. Read my post, and use your Swords cards to heal!


From Around the Web

From Robert Moss, here is an interesting look at what would happen if we honored the power of dreams in our society. Read “When we become a dreaming society”.

Here’s a podcast from Unity.FM featuring Tarosophy Tarot Association’s Marcus Katz.

When my daughter was young, she loved the art of Lisa Frank. Check out the new Lisa Frank Tarot Deck!

Song of the Week

Our song for the week is Pete Seegar’s “As the Sun Rose”.

Numerology with Zuri

Number Four

Hello Bright Sparks!
Last week we were flying high on the wings of the 3’s sweet optimism and fun. But now the party’s over and the 4 beckons us back to a new work week filled with tasks and responsibilities waiting to be completed. You will always recognize the 4s in your life. They are the managers, the planners and the grounded, hard working individuals who have the dedication and perseverance to get the job done.
They aren’t afraid to tell it like it is, and sometimes need to be careful not to come across too bluntly. Ultimately, there are no gray areas with the 4; only black and white realities.
The 4 is also represented by the Emperor card of the Tarot. He brings order out of chaos, and keeps everyone in line. He is the father, the leader, the rock by which the family can lean on because he oozes authority, stability and strength in everything he takes on.
Having some repair work done on your home? If you’re interviewing contractors, look no further than a 4 because you can always depend on him to follow through and be a man of his word.
When you see an abundance of 4’s in a Tarot spread, think about how stable your foundations are, whether it’s in your home life, your relationships or in your career space. Why? Because the 4s are obsessed with creating security and stability for themselves, so they seek out this goal in all aspects of their lives. And when a 4 is operating at his/her best, they are taking their dreams and transforming them into a long term physical reality.
This week’s vibrational takeaway in working with the 4 is to think about the systems and structures you are creating for your life. Where do you need to create more order and security? Are you bending the rules too much or do you need to reign yourself in and be more disciplined in your approach? Are you putting in the hard work or are you cutting corners?
Just like in Aesop’s Fable, the Tortoise and the Hare, the 4 reminds you that it takes dedication and patience to see your goals to the finish line.
To your inner tortoise!
xo Zuri


I’m Zuri Eberhart: Tarot reader, numerologist and intuitive healer put on this planet to help fantastic spirits (like you!) learn to trust their intuition, cast light on their possibilities, and move towards their gorgeous goals, fearlessly.

(Oh - and I’m here to make it fun, too. Like, heart-opening, adventure-sparking, I-can-see-clearly-nowww kind of fun.) 

Ready to make some magic? I’d love to help you set your mojo on fire! Stop by my digital digs at

Congratulate and Cooperate!

No matter your field, talents or activities, there will always be those who try to imitate you, steal your ideas, or compete with you in other unsavory ways.

It takes a strong, confident, smart person to know that that sort of behavior isn’t good for business, and doesn’t encourage personal growth.
What can you do when you have a person, either in real life or on social media, who has decided to promote themselves by attacking you or copying you?

What about when a friend’s successes start to make you feel less successful?

If someone is breaking the law by violating your copyright, you have legal recourse. If someone is harassing you, you also have recourse. The problem is not with legalities; the problem is that we let other people make us feel badly about ourselves.

Years ago, my young son came home from school and told me that sometimes, other people didn’t appreciate it when their peers were successful. His answer to that was “Don’t hate, congratulate!” If someone else’s success makes you feel badly, do your best to summon some congratulations for them, and don’t think that their success diminishes yours. There is plenty of room for us all to be successful.

If someone is actively working against you, don’t play their game, and don’t sink to their level. Rise above it! Most importantly, don’t ever let anyone cause you to believe you are anything less than exactly what you need to be.

If you are in a position to do so, be an example. Invite other to collaborate. Get involved in cooperative ventures. When we work together in community, we make each other strong.

Often, it is better to cooperate than to compete.

When we compete, only one of us can win. When we cooperate, we all win!

Image from Gilded Royale by Ciro Marchetti.

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Queen of Cups

This week, the Queen of Cups is your one-card weekly reading.

The Queen of Cups asks you to nurture your heart.

This week, make a point of being compassionate with yourself, and with others.

Pay attention to your dreams, your intuition, and your feelings.

Remind yourself that your feelings are important.

Speak your heart, and honor your emotions.

and activities that aren’t healthy for you.

Upcoming Events


Sunday, March 20, 3:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Archetypal Encounters: Tarot for Expansion and Personal Integration
Beef O’Brady’s Private Room
21539 Village Lakes Shopping Ctr Dr, Land O' Lakes, FL, 34639


Marcy Currier will be our special guest teacher. Marcy is a member of the Holistic Studies Faculty at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY, and founder of Metamorphosis Healing & Intuitive Arts.

Don’t miss this very special opportunity! Join us for lunch and an exciting and inspiring tarot class.

Learn more on the event listing on my website, and RSVP on the Meetup!

Wednesday, March 23 - Wednesday, April 6
Christiana's Trip To Connecticut


I will be available for psychic house parties and private readings in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Phone and Skype readings will also be available during this time. Call 561-655-1160 to schedule yours!

While I am traveling, Tarot Topics will not be published. Look for our next edition of this newsletter in your inbox on April 7th.

Thursday, April 7, 1 pm
An Afternoon with the Tarot
SouthShore Regional Library
15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573

Join me as I give a free talk on tarot at the library! Visit the event listing on my website for more information.

Now Open for Registration:  

Sunday, June 5, 10:00 - 4:00, Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup Retreat Day at Mitchell's.

October 7, Professional Development Day at TarotCon (Follow the link below).

October 8 & 9, TarotCon (Florida) 2016 in Palm Beach Gardens.

About Christiana


Christiana Gaudet
Origins Spa and Wellness Center
1537 N Dale Mabry Highway #102
Lutz, FL 33548



Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Demographics for Professional Tarotists


The Healing Power of the Suit of Swords