Embrace the Journey

A last-minute opportunity allowed me to return to Connecticut for a couple of weeks over the Easter holiday. Of course, I used this time to my best advantage. I visited with old friends, made new friends and gave lots and lots of tarot readings throughout Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

While in the Northeast, I experienced beautiful spring weather, snow, ice and unseasonable cold. I was surprised at how quickly I was able to revert to winter survival mode, and how easily I remembered the tricks for driving on ice.

The best part of returning to the Northeast is the opportunity to see, face-to-face, some of the people who have been with me since I began as a tarot reader in Putnam, CT in the early 1990s.

I’m so grateful to those people who worked with me then, and continue to work with me now.

My travels also made me think of the metaphoric journey of life. This metaphor, so beautifully woven into tarot, is a constant call to mindfulness.

When we understand that life is a journey and not a destination, our thinking is fundamentally changed.

We can view the twists and turns of our journey, not as mistakes, but simply as experiences along the road.

We can be grateful for every experience, wanted or unwanted, because each experience is part of the journey that makes us who we are.

We can worry less about goals and results, and focus more on being present for each unique experience.

The Journey of Tarot

Actress and tarot author Eden Gray (1901-1999) was the first to write about tarot as “The Path of the Fool”. In this model of tarot understanding, we see the Fool as the star of the story told by tarot. We see the other seventy-seven cards as the characters, themes, lessons and experiences the Fool encounters along the way.

In this way, we are all the Fool, stepping off the cliff into the unknown. The tarot cards contain the range of possibilities available to us.

One of the best ways to explore tarot, and to use tarot to explore your personal journey, is to keep a tarot journal.

Record your thoughts about the cards, your readings and your observations. Pull a card every day and write about it. Refer back to see how the card presented itself in your day.

Sometimes, a tarot reading can reference the journey of life. Of course, the Fool can appear to remind us that life is a journey, and that we are the star of our own epic adventure story.

The Six of Cups can indicate a return to a childhood home.

The Ten of Pentacles can speak of legacy and ancestry.

The Six of Swords, the Eight of Cups and all the Knights can speak of travel, both literally and metaphorically. Likewise, the Chariot, who reminds you to be the hero of your own journey.

Tarot tells the stories of our journey through its archetypes, in divination, and in our ability to use the cards to manifest our right pathways.

From My Desk to Yours

On my Personal Blog this week I shared a piece for professional tarotists about demographics.

From Around the Web

Orbifold Tarot is now published! You can learn about Orbifold, and order your deck, on the Orbifold Tarot website.

Michael Newtown-Brown has launched his tarot blog. He’s a smart and funny guy, so you’ll want to visit him often. His first post is “A Tarot Fool for Food”.

While in Connecticut, I had the opportunity to spend some time at True Bikram Yoga in Madison and New Haven. If you are interested in hot yoga, fresh-pressed juices, Zumba, massage or esthetician services, Robin Brace at True offers the best there is.

Song of the Week

Our song this week is Tom Cochrane’s “Life is a Highway”.

Numerology with Zuri

Number Five

Hello Bright Sparks!
Four had you stuck at the office or with your head buried in a mountain of to-do lists where the only way out was to be disciplined and focused on each and every minute detail. You’ve made momentum on your tasks, built solid foundations and worked your tail off to prove your dedication and talents to those that matter.
But just as you’re teetering on the edge of potential burnt out, the 5 swings his head into your cubicle and lets you know that the hard work and perseverance have earned you some vacation time, so get ready to ride the freedom wave of the 5 and see what new adventures await! As a 5, you’re the socialite, the life of the party, the bohemian on a quest for variety and new experiences.
Maybe you may want to take off after graduation and travel the world. Perhaps you channel that thirst for adventure as a flight attendant, photographer or as a journalist. Your spirit is unrestrained, wanting to taste and feel everything. It definitely puts you in the same charismatic stratosphere as the rockstars and creative movers and shakers that make our world sparkle a little brighter. However you have to be careful not to dip your toes in too many pools or over-indulge in the senses to the point of excess because one of the lessons of the 5 is to know your limits and learn how to create balance.
The shadow side of the 5 can sometimes show up as the Peter Pan syndrome when dating a guy with heavy 5 energy in his chart or as being jack of all trades and master of none when the person is not living to their full potential.
Bringing in some of that 4 vibration can help ground that 5 and keep him/her taking their great ideas and openness to try new things and channel it into a more constructive direction.
Because truly, the 5 can achieve great things, when they put their mind to it. They have the confidence to take risks that pay off, and adapt to the curve balls of life.
When you see a group of 5’s in a reading, you know that change is in the air and the cards are going to give you clues on how to adapt and be flexible to move through those challenges from a new perspective. Some questions + thoughts to ponder when you find the 5 vibration stalking your dreams or outer world are: How can you create more flexibility in a situation? What needs to change and shift? Am I taking calculated risks? How can I step outside of my comfort zone and promote myself or a project more successfully?
This week’s vibrational takeaway in working with the 5 is to think about new ways to break through your self imposed glass ceilings and try something new. Take chances. Explore and be more adventurous. Network and promote your ideas with confidence. And most importantly, soak in new experiences through each of your 5 senses. It’s not a time to play small. It’s pushing you to embrace change and be flexible as things ebb and flow.
To showering your world with excitement!
xo Zuri
I’m Zuri Eberhart: Tarot reader, numerologist and intuitive healer put on this planet to help fantastic spirits (like you!) learn to trust their intuition, cast light on their possibilities, and move towards their gorgeous goals, fearlessly.

(Oh - and I’m here to make it fun, too. Like, heart-opening, adventure-sparking, I-can-see-clearly-nowww kind of fun.) 

Ready to make some magic? I’d love to help you set your mojo on fire! Stop by my digital digs at AskZuri.com.

Tarot Tour Guide: A Book for your Tarot Journey

My book, Tarot Tour Guide: Tarot, the Four Elements and your Spiritual Journey, is written for beginners and experienced readers.

Beginners will find a solid foundation of tarot practice, while experienced readers will delve in to deeper meanings of the cards.

Along with card descriptions, the book included meditations, spells and exercises designed for healing, self-discovery and tarot learning.

You can order the paperback or the electronic version on Amazon.

Image from Gilded Royale by Ciro Marchetti.

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Two of Pentacles

Your one-card reading this week is the Two of Pentacles.

You may find yourself juggling your finances to make ends meet. You may find yourself working more than one job, or managing multiple responsibilities.

The Two of Pentacles suggests that the resources of time and money may be limited for a while. However, you have the ability to make everything work for as long as you need to.

The Two of Pentacles affirms the difficulty of meeting life’s daily needs. The Two of Pentacles also affirms your ability to meet those needs, and, ultimately, to succeed.

Upcoming Events


Wednesday, April 20, 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle
A Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively Online


Join me, and tarot friends from around the world, and we discuss cards, interpretations, spreads, readings and techniques! Visit the event listing on my website for log-in info.

Now Open for Registration:  

Sunday, June 5, 10:00 - 4:00, Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup Retreat Day at Mitchell's.

October 7, Professional Development Day at TarotCon (Follow the link below).

October 8 & 9, TarotCon (Florida) 2016 in Palm Beach Gardens.

About Christiana


Christiana Gaudet
Origins Spa and Wellness Center
1537 N Dale Mabry Highway #102
Lutz, FL 33548




Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


The Casual Way Medicine Tries to Kill Us


Demographics for Professional Tarotists