Tarot Topics Blog
Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!
This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.
Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.

Backing Into a Delicate Reading
Here is a supportive, helpful way to handle difficult client questions.

How Tarot Teaches Us about Itself
Over time, my understanding of each tarot card, and of groups of tarot cards, expands. Here are some new thoughts about the World, and the Minor Arcana Twos and Fours. Along with that, some thoughts on why it is important to let our tarot understanding expand, and how that happens.

Can Tarot Tell You More Than Your Higher Self Already Knows?
Can tarot give us new information, or does it simply bring the subconscious to the conscious mind?

Four Things I Learned at the Masters of the Tarot Conference at Omega Institute
Each presenter at the Masters of the Tarot Conference taught me something important.

Can Any Tarot Card be Good or Bad?
When we stop thinking about individual cards as good or bad, we open ourselves to more helpful and nuanced readings.

Choosing the Best Tarot Technique for the Worst Questions
Here is an intuitive tarot technique for yes or no questions.

Opening Up the Four of Pentacles
The Four of Pentacles is not always selfish. The Four of Pentacles can also be about self-care.

Diving into the Tarot Nines
Here is a deep, deep dive to find understanding of each of the tarot Nines, and to discover what they may have in common.

Unpacking my New Light Seer’s Tarot Deck
For the first time in a long while I have found a new deck for professional readings. Here is the process I used to figure it out.

Deep Tarot Musings on the Justice Card
The Justice card taught me something yesterday.

Five Things I Learned Last Year as a Tarotist and as a Human
2020 is over. Here are some things it taught me.

Unpacking the Five of Wands
The Five of Wands offers a great deal of insight when we explore it.

Tarot and Poetry Inspire Each Other
The profound relationship between tarot and poetry is rooted in history.

Holding Space at the Tarot Table
Handling grief, speaking truth, and fostering growth for our tarot clients.

Advice for Tarot Students: Be Your Own Guinea Pig
When learning tarot, practice makes perfect.

Manifestation with the Watery Suit of Cups
What can we learn about manifestation from the element of Water and the tarot suit of Cups?

Let Me Justify Your Massive Tarot Collection
Here are nine reasons to feel good about collecting more tarot decks than you use.

Sympathetic Resonance in Tarot
When reading for others, sometimes messages pop up for us.

Mystery and the Moon
Some thoughts on a deep and intriguing tarot card.

Compare and Contrast Eight of Cups and Six of Swords
Discover what these cards have in common, and how they differ.