Divinity, Myth, and Mystery
I think it is part of being human to wonder about our spiritual nature, and the spiritual nature of the universe.
There are so many different religions, schools of spiritual thought, and philosophies. Some adherents believe their doctrine with an unshakeable faith that moves past belief, and into the realm of ‘knowing’. They absolutely and unequivocally ‘know’ that their particular doctrine is true, and, therefore, every other doctrine in the world, by default, is false.
Regardless of the specific belief system, this inability to distinguish between faith and fact always strikes me as dangerous. It seems to miss the point of spiritual thought.
It is natural to seek truth. It is good to wonder about those things we cannot see with our eyes, but still perceive. I think that those who want to turn faith into fact perhaps do not understand the strength and beauty of true faith.
I do not think it is an accident that there are so many different belief systems. Virtually all cultures have some myth or belief structure to explain their place in the universe, and their larger reason for being.
That we all perceive there is something larger than ourselves, and all come up with different ways of understanding that something, is a powerful thing.
If we could take all the world religions and philosophies and put them together, we would find, at the center, a core of truth. We each have our own way of connecting with the divine, and we all seek the divine.
I think, from our perspective as human beings, the inability to solve those great mysteries, to answer the big questions, is part of divinity.
To know and understand divinity the best we can as humans, we must be satisfied with what we can learn from myths and archetypes. We must know that the mystery itself is sacred.
Doreen Valiente imagined the voice of the divine. She wrote this from that perspective.
“You who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.”
The concept of the divine within appears in many religions. Christians call it the Holy Spirit. The Sanskrit word, ‘namaste’, is a respectful greeting in India. Amongst some yoga practitioners and modern spiritual seekers, ‘namaste’ has come to mean a recognition of the divinity within each of us.
I began the first chapter of my book, Tarot Tour Guide, with a discussion of a famous quote from Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
This is a reason that archetypes are so important. Archetypes help us learn about ourselves. When we learn about self, we learn about the spirit within. In that way, we come closer to knowing something about the divine.
I think it is possible, and advisable, to know and honor our spiritual nature with certainty. At the same time, it feels best to honor the mystery of the divine in faith, to find inspiration from our myths, without needing to prove them as facts. There is divinity in wondering. There is spiritual grace in believing in the goodness of something we can’t yet understand.
The StaarCorner
Are you a member of the StaarCon Community group on Facebook? If not, make sure you join!
Look for the Study Buddies thread.
Study Buddies is a new, ongoing program to help us learn, grow, and stay connected as we look toward our conference in January.
Each month there will be a new Study Buddy Challenge. You will be able to find a partner and complete the challenge.
The challenge this month has been to do a video call with your Study Buddy and exchange readings, using the Seven Sisters tarot spread.
There will be a new Study Buddy Challenge beginning on May 15. Make sure you join us!`
Did you miss Tarot Flow Workshop?
Take it now in archive at Card and Craft Academy on Teachable!
Includes the class materials and a recording of the live webcast.
Making Magick with Tarot on Zoom
On Tuesday, May 18, 7 pm to 9 pm EDT, I am teaching an exciting new class on Zoom.
In this class you will learn to use a tarot deck as a set of seventy-eight magickal tools. Find ways to incorporate magick to power your divination process and take control of your future.
Use the cards to attract what you need into your life, and to release what does not serve you. Make connections with loved ones in spirit, and with your guides and guardians.
Join me for a unique and enlightening tarot learning experience. Class fee is $37.50. Register now.
Make Your Appointment to See Me in the Tampa Bay Area in June!
I will be available for house calls, small parties at your home or office, and private readings by appointment at my AirBnB in Wesley Chapel June 11 through June 14.
This will be the first time I have been able to visit the Tampa Bay Area in more than a year. I am looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new friends!
If you would like an in-person session with me during that time, please call or text 561-655-1160 to make your appointment.
What Does the Universe Want Me to Know?
My favorite question for tarot is, “What does the universe want me to know?”
In asking this question, we are allowing divinity, however we perceive that, to speak through the cards, and give us a direct message.
This is also a great tarot exercise because it causes us to interpret a card, or a group of cards, in this specific yet open context.
To do this exercise, take a moment, breathe and focus.
Ask the question, and pull a single card, or a small group of cards.
Speak your interpretation aloud. Begin by saying, “The universe wants me to know that…”
Give your interpretation to yourself in this way. Take the message to your heart.
Make Your Plans to See me In Connecticut in May!
I will be in Connecticut May 21 through May 26. I have a limited number of appointments available for private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, and house calls and small parties at your home or office.
Please call or text me now at 561-655-1160 to reserve your appointment time. It will be wonderful to get together and look toward a new, better future.
The Week in Review
This week I wrote a blogpost about the Hierophant. The Hierophant is certainly an important card in our search for spiritual truth.
I taught a free class on my YouTube channel, focusing on the Aces, Twos, and Threes of the Minor Arcana. You can watch that class in archive. I will be teaching a class on using tarot for healing this Saturday. Set a reminder and join us live, or you can use the link to watch it in archive.
You can also join us for Global Tarot Circle on YouTube Thursday evening!
From Around the Web
Here is a great article about myth as metaphor.
You can learn about archetypes in myth here.
Here is a great article about Jungian archetypes in tarot.
Cards for Your Consideration
Tarot is a great tool to help us understand the world around us on both a material and spiritual level.
There are many tarot decks based on cultural myths that can help us connect with the spiritual messages inherent in myths from around the world. Kris Waldherr, Lisa Hunt, and Julie Cuccia-Watts are three tarot artists who have created numerous tarot decks based on mythologies. We are excited that Lisa Hunt will be joining us for StaarCon 2022!
The Moon, Major Arcana 18, is a card that speaks specifically to mysteries, and to the search for spiritual truth.
Often the Moon appears to remind us that the journey to enlightenment is fraught with dangers and pitfalls. Very often those dangers include the fundamentalist tendency to think we know a lot more than we do.
The Moon reminds us to search for truth, but also to honor the power of the mystery.
Events and Tours
Palm City office appointments and private parties in your home or office will be available starting June 4th!
Card and Craft Academy
Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!
Christiana’s Candle Magick
Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross
Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane
Practical Tarot Techniques
Psychic Tarot
Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others
The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals
Journey Through the Major Arcana
Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth
Tarot Beyond the Veil
Your Journey Through the Tarot Court
Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Clarity in Every Tarot Card
Tarot Flow Workshop
Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!
Card and Craft, Inc.
Christiana Gaudet
3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 19
May 12, 2021