When You Shouldn't Trust Your Intuition


When You Shouldn't Trust Your Intuition

Make sure your guidance is coming from the right place!

Something we hear and say daily in the spiritual community is that you should always trust your intuition. There is a good reason we hear and say that often. It’s because most of us hear that little voice prompting us. Perhaps we have dreams that seem to give us clues. Yet, when the prompts and clues challenge us to see something we don’t want to see, or do something we don’t want to do, we are very often tempted to write those prompts and clues off as nonsense. Later, we remember and regret.

So why in the world am I saying that there are times we shouldn’t trust our intuition? It’s because sometimes we mistake other things for intuitive information. Fear, desire and ego all speak with voices that mimic intuition. If we trust those inner whispers blindly, we are sure to follow the wrong path.

How can we determine if what we are feeling is truly intuition? The first thing we must be able to do is take our emotions off the table. We have to ask ourselves if fear, desire or ego might be playing a role in feeding us what feels like intuitive information.

Imagination is a huge part of any psychic work. Imagination is connected to the third eye, or brow chakra, seated there along with our psychic vision. Without imagination, no intuitive work is possible. Sometimes imagination allows intuition to speak. Sometimes imagination is speaking with its own voice.

We have to be able to question ourselves. We have to be able to look within and ask, “Is this my intuition or simply my imagination?” If we have any emotional attachment to the question or the answer, we are likely to miss the truth.

Sometimes we receive information in symbolic form. The bear in your dream might be your mother, for example. The book you see in your mind’s eye might be an actual book you need to write, or it might be an indication that you need to closely follow the rules. If we can’t interpret the symbols we receive, we will have a hard time following the wisdom they provide.

Sometimes when we receive and follow good intuition, we believe the next time we think we have received intuition that it will be as on point as it was previously. This is definitely a mistake. Each intuitive hit needs to be considered on its own merit.

Like anything else in life, working with intuition requires a careful balance. We really are equipped with profound inner guidance that we need to tune in to and consider. At the same time, we are also equipped with other voices that try to steer us.

When we can’t tell the difference between the voice of intuition and the voices of fear, desire, ego or imagination, it’s time to find another way to receive guidance. That’s when a good professional reading or a conversation with a coach or counselor comes in handy!


See Me in Connecticut This August!

I will be returning to Connecticut for my August Northeastern Tarot Tour beginning August 14. I will be there through August 26.

I will be offering private readings by appointment at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, Connecticut. I am available for house calls and psychic house parties throughout Connecticut and Rhode Island.

On Sunday, August 18 at 7 pm I will be giving a tarot workshop focusing on the Court cards of tarot. The workshop is entitled “The Tarot Court: A Universal Mirror”. For more information and to reserve your seat for this class, visit the True Bikram Yoga website.

To reserve your appointment time for your in-person appointment with me, or to schedule your house call or psychic house party, call or text me at 561-655-1160.


Vet Your Intuition with Tarot

When you feel like your intuition is telling you something, you can use tarot to confirm or deny the message you have received, and to flesh out the actions you need to take, if any.

Likewise, if you are doing a tarot reading and are wondering if you are on the right track in your interpretations, you can ask your cards to vet your information.

To do this, simply hold your premise in your mind.

Phrase a question like, “Is it true that this is what is happening?” Pull a card, or a few cards.

From there, you may have other questions to help you plan your actions based on what your intuition has shown you. You might ask questions like, “Is it true that I should take this step?” “What will be the result if I take this step?” “What else do I need to know about this situation?” “What am I not seeing that I need to see?”

If the cards reveal that you have missed the mark, you can ask questions like, “What is really true here?” and, “What caused me to misunderstand this?’

By working with the cards in this manner, you can decipher the symbols and messages you have received and create an actionable plan.


Have a Private Reading with me in Fort Lauderdale!

This Sunday, August 10, I will be available for private hour and half-hour long readings by appointment at the Center for Inner Wisdom in Oakland Park.

If you would like to see me for an in-depth in-person session, please call or text me at 561-655-1160.


The Week in Review

This week I wrote about the ins and outs of predicting long-term love relationships. Read ‘Is This the One?’ on my personal blog.

As always, you can check out my Three-Card Weekly Reading on my YouTube channel.

From Around the Web

It’s a new month! On August 1 there was a Tarot Blog Hop. Here is the Master List where you can read about the topic and see what ten tarot bloggers had to say.

Here’s a tarot reading for each astrological sign for the new moon in Leo, which happened July 31, from Theresa Reed.

Here are Nine Tips for Honing Your Intuition.

Image from Spiral Tarot by Kat Steventon. Published by US Games System, Inc. Copyright 1997. Used with permission.

Image from Spiral Tarot by Kat Steventon. Published by US Games System, Inc. Copyright 1997. Used with permission.

Cards for Your Consideration

In light of our topic this week, let’s consider the Moon, Major Arcana 18, from Spiral Tarot.

The Moon perfectly illustrates the delicate balance we must find between trusting our intuition and being cautious not to mislead ourselves.

In the light of the moon, nothing is as it seems. We must walk carefully, measuring each step.

In this image, we see the passage of time, just as the phases of the moon measures time.

We are warned to be patient as we discern what the Maiden, Mother and Crone want us to know.

Traditionally, the Moon can speak of intuition and magic, mysteries and confusion. It can be a warning against treachery and deception, and an admonition to use your intuition. Sometimes those divergent aspects of this card can feel like they are in conflict with one another. Yet, when we consider them through the lens of the need to make sure we haven’t mistaken something else as the voice of intuition, this meaning of the Moon becomes very clear.

Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 32
August 7, 2019

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


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