I Wonder What That Means


This week I had an experience that left me wondering about my tendency to wonder.

I will tell you what I mean.

On one particular day, we had two occasions to gently escort wildlife from our home. First it was a spider. Later in the day, it was a tree frog. This was the first time we had to evict visitors from our home in quite some time.

I found myself wondering about this on a spiritual level. What might it mean to be visited first by a spider, then by a tree frog?

Of course, there is a logical explanation. There was construction happening on a building close by. That could have disturbed small creatures, causing them to look for shelter. Still, I wondered. Just because something has a mundane explanation might not make it less of an omen.

I know I am not the only person who thinks about these things. Many of us look for omens in nature, and in the things that happen around us.

Sometimes we need to remember that not everything has a spiritual meaning. The fact that you saw a fox this morning might simply mean that there was a fox in your yard, and nothing more.

Yet, many of us believe that the universe sends us messages. This can happen in mundane occurrences, in animal visitors, in what we see in clouds, and in our dreams.

Sometimes it makes sense to do a formal reading to see if we can receive a larger message. Sometimes it feels like the message is coming directly from a loved one in spirit or is offering a specific solution to a current problem.

Sometimes we need to cogitate some before the meaning becomes clear.

The next time you notice something unusual take a moment to wonder if it might be a message, or if it might have a deeper meaning.

Try these steps.

Think about what you have seen, and what has happened. Breathe with it. Ask your higher self what it might mean and see if you get an answer.

Research common associations with what you have seen or experienced and see if you find anything that resonates.

Do a reading, or seek a reading, on the topic.

Allow the question to marinate for a while and see if you think of anything over time.

Not everything that happens has a deeper meaning. Yet, it feels like many things do. The universe, our Higher Power, and our loved ones in spirit find many ways to make themselves known to us.


The StaarCorner

The second episode of StaarCast features an interview with Ciro Marchetti. This is not to be missed! I had so much fun talking with the man who has helped to make modern tarot and cartomancy what it is today.

You can watch the interview on YouTube or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Make sure you sign up for the StaarCon newsletter, so you never missed the latest news about StaarCon, and StaarCast.


Two Zoom Tarot Classes in September

This month I am offering two different tarot classes on Zoom. Feel free to take one or both.

On Thursday, September 24 at 7 pm EDT, join us for The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals. Whether or not you typically use reversals in your readings, this class will be helpful for two reasons. First, it will help you understand the spectrum of meanings within each card. Second, it will teach you ways to add active manifestation work to your tarot readings.

On Wednesday, September 30 at 7 pm EDT, join us for a beginner-level tarot class about the Major Arcana. Journey Through the Major Arcana will introduce you to the twenty-two most important cards of the tarot deck. You will learn ways to interpret them in a tarot reading, ways to do a reading with just the Major Arcana, and the spiritual lessons these cards teach us.

Sign up now for one or both of these great classes! Class fee is $37.50 each.


Understand Your Omens with Tarot

Perhaps you have had a dream you want to interpret. Or maybe, like me, you are wondering about the spiritual significance of a frog and a spider in your home. Tarot offers us easy opportunities to find some deeper answers.

Generally, the best way to do this is to create a specific spread or have a dialogue with the cards.

Here’s an example, using my question.

Q. Is there a deeper meaning to the fact that these creatures were in my home?

A. Five of Swords Rx


My interpretation here is that there isn’t a huge omen here, but there might be some messages worth hearing.


Q. What is the message of the spider?

A. Six of Pentacles Rx


My interpretation here is that I used to be very afraid of spiders and would not have been comfortable rescuing one. That I was charitable to this spider shows my growth.


Q. What is the message of the frog?

A. The Chariot


This feels like a deeper message. Frogs hop. Perhaps I need to stay flexible, being willing to hop from one thing to another in order to achieve my goals in difficult times.


Try this technique the next time you are wondering what something means!


The Week in Review

This week we had two tarot meetups on YouTube Live. I also did three live broadcasts on the StaarCon Facebook page, and four on my Facebook business page. The ability to livestream video on social media is really amazing and helpful.

I wrote a blogpost of interest to professional readers, called Tarot Stamina.

From Around the Web

Mars is in retrograde for the next couple of months. Here’s what that could mean to you, based on your sun sign.

Here are some thoughts on the Mars retrograde from Starcana.

The Tarot Lady addresses the Mars retrograde in The Hit List.


Cards for Your Consideration

The tarot deck, and any deck of cartomancy, can be a great tool for helping us decipher the messages that appear around us. But are there specific tarot cards that might suggest that something we witnessed does indeed have a deeper message?

The card that most clear speaks to me of this is Major Arcana 18, the Moon.

While the Moon can have many different interpretations, very often it seems to tell us to look deeper.

The Moon may ask us to contemplate something more fully. The Moon may suggest that we look for a hidden meaning, or a message from spirit.

The Moon offers us a path that is not easy to follow. Yet, when we do, we may solve a mystery.

Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 38
September 16, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Oracle Cards for Psychic Development


Tarot Stamina