Tarot Topics Blog
Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!
This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.
Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.
Holiday Open House 2020
Give a gift, if you can, to help your neighbors in need.
Radical Kindness
This week we explore the importance of kindness.
Holiday Open House 2019 a Success!
Our psychic and healing community gathered to celebrate the holidays and raise food for those in need.
Happy or Not
Acknowledging our feelings, whether positive or negative, is an important step toward healing.
Happy New Year!
Start your New Year with a tarot class!
Warm Welcome
It’s time to welcome joy to our hearts, friends to our home, and prosperity to our new year!
Be Grateful for Gratitude
This week the newsletter shares some tarot thoughts of Thanksgiving.
Accepting Help
This issue of Tarot Topics contains a great story about what happens when we don't let others help us.
Create Your Success, Regardless of Your Circumstance
Lots of news to announce, including our Holiday Open House, my new office in Palm City and our next Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live!
Special Edition - Hearing Our Guidance
Join my New Year program, visit me in my new office, and learn three ways to hear your own guidance!
At the Intersection of Tarot and Food
For the Tarot Blog Hop, some thoughts about tarot and food.
Another Successful Psychic Foodraiser: Holiday Open House 2015
The Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup's Holiday Open House was a huge success! Read about it, and see the pictures.
Season's Greetings, from My Family to Yours!
Here's the Christmas edition of Tarot Topics, including an original "Holy Light Tarot Spread" and a few of my favorite holiday songs!
What's on Your Wish List?
Let's use the magic of holiday miracles to manifest our wishes, for ourselves and for the world!
Once upon a holiday...
Stories are part of our holiday traditions. Let tarot be a part of your holiday story!
Let the Festivities Begin!
The holiday season is upon us! This week, discover three ways to avoid holiday guilt and three ways to use tarot in your holiday celebrations.