Create Your Success, Regardless of Your Circumstance

Create Your Success, Regardless of Your Circumstance

While we are all created equal, we do not come in to this world with equal advantage.

Many times, we cannot control our circumstances, or the way fortune works in our lives.

The control we do have is how we react to every situation.

The more we are willing to work with what we have with a positive attitude, and the less we lament our sorrows and shortcomings, the more success we have.

Call it “The Secret”, the Law of Attraction, creative visualization or the power of positive thinking – it all means the same thing.

When we make the best of a situation, no matter what it is, we receive blessings.

When we have gratitude, even during difficult times, we end up with even more for which to be grateful.

Often it seems that the holiday season points out the things that are lacking in our lives, be they money, health, a dear loved one, or the energy to get everything done in time.

This year, if you are focusing on a particular lack or loss, it’s appropriate to acknowledge that. It’s OK to wish things were different.

As you look to the New Year, however, take the time to imagine and visualize wonderful things for yourself and for those around you.

Consider your blessings, no matter how small, with gratitude.

It can be a challenge to stay positive in life when it feels that life is throwing you curve-balls. Rising to that challenge will help you make the most of what is, and help you create the best 2017 you can.

The more you can visualize your success, regardless of your circumstance, the more successful you will be.

Three Ways to Make the Most of What You’ve Got During the Holidays and Beyond

So often during the holidays we get caught up in the stress and expectations of the season. When that happens, we often lose sight of our blessings, and lose focus from our goals.
1. Be Prayerful.
If there is something you need, ask for it in prayer. Let prayer be a tool of healing, and of comfort. As you pray, you attune your energy to your need, or your goal.
2. Be Mindful.
While it is important to plan for the future, it is equally important to stay in the moment. That can be hard when we are counting down the days to a holiday, but that makes your mindfulness even more important. Let the season be more about your presence than your presents.
2. Be Divinatory.
Whether you use tarot, runes or simply check in for answers, divine on questions like this:

How can I be more mindful?

How can I be more appreciative?

What must I do to create what I want in my life?

How can I better cope with my difficulties?

What spiritual gifts can I find within the things that cause me to suffer?

I Am Open for Business in Palm City!

My new office is located in the WestBridge Building, 1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Palm City, 34990. Call or text me at 561-655-1160 for your in-person reading, or to pick up a gift certificate for a friend.

If you are not familiar with the area, Palm City is right next to Stuart, and is an easy drive from Jupiter, West Palm, Fort Pierce and other Treasure Coast and Palm Beach locations.

It is great to be back on the Atlantic side of Florida. Come see me soon!

Of course I am already missing my friends in the Tampa Bay Area. I will travel back for parties and events, so don't be shy - reach out and let's get together!

Remember, too, that I am also always available for readings by phone, Skype and FaceTime, so don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule yours.

The Week in Review

Now that we are moved to a lovely condo in Stuart and my office is open in Palm City, I’ll be getting back to the business of blogging, making videos, and sending regular newsletters.

Here are a few things I have managed to publish recently.

On my Dark Forest Blog, I shared a piece of “Uncommon Business Advice”. Stop looking for your niche, and let it find you!

On my YouTube Channel, here’s another answer to a question about tarot. (Please subscribe while you are there!)

From Around the Web

When I was in college I had to read a book that ended up changing my life. That book was Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning”.
Today I stumbled on this wonderful article about Mr. Frankl and his stunning perspective and philosophy.

Here’s another tarot-based writing prompt from Jamie Morris.

If you are gift shopping for the witchy woman in your life, try these fun subscriptions!

Song of the Week

In keeping with our theme, here is Ella Fitzgerald with “Aint’ What You Do, It’s the Way That You Do It”. If you are looking for something a little more contemporary, here’s Bananarama and Fun Boy 3’s cover of the same song. 

Join me for 2017: Embrace Your Power, Manifest Your Goals

This New Year I am doing a very special program, and you are welcome to join me!

Would you like to make real change this year, instead of just making resolutions?

This one-time program offers special techniques for discovering and releasing the things that hold you back.

Each participant will have three private meetings with me via phone or Skype, and the opportunity to attend one video class in real-time or archive. Each participant will receive a specific action plan to help release what no longer serves you, find your power, identify your goals and achieve them.

Make your 2017 the best year ever.

Find more information on my website, and sign up today!

Image from Gilded Royale by Ciro Marchetti.

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Four of Pentacles

Did you miss these weekly readings while the newsletter was on hiatus? I know I did!

This week’s card is the Four of Pentacles.

Often we see this as the card of the miser; it can discuss selfishness, or a “lack mentality”.

In the context of our theme this week, this card instructs us not to focus on what we don’t have.

However, this card can encourage us to take good care of ourselves and our resources.

In dealing with others, the Four of Pentacles advises good boundaries. This can be an important message as we plan to gather with family members.

This week, take care of yourself. Try to worry less about what you don’t have, and be grateful for what you do have. And, if necessary, make sure you keep comfortable boundaries with the people around you.

Upcoming Events

Monday, December 12, 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live!

Join us online for an hour of tarot fellowship with tarot enthusiasts around the world. Simply visit my business page on Facebook, hit LIKE, and, at the day and time of the meeting, look for the live feed.

We use the comments as a chatroom, so get ready to participate in a fun, holiday themed tarot event.

Sunday, December 18, 12:30 – 5
Holiday Open House
Palm City Professional Building
2646 Southwest Mapp Road, Palm City, FL, 34990

Join some of the area’s well-known readers along with some new psychic talent for an afternoon of free readings for a good cause!

We’ll be taking over the hallways of the Palm City Professional Building, courtesy of the building’s owners. This is just one block away from my new office!

Bring your donation of non-perishable food items, and enjoy free sample readings with our volunteers. Bring a holiday treat for the snack table if you like.

If you have questions, call me at 561-655-1160.

Visit the event listing on my website for more information.  Bring a friend, and join us as we celebrate the holidays together.

About Christiana


Christiana Gaudet
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, #102B
Palm City, FL 34990

Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Five Reasons Not To Be a Full-Time Tarot Professional


Special Edition - Hearing Our Guidance