Radical Kindness


Radical Kindness

Our very successful Holiday Open House got me thinking about kindness and generosity. Radical kindness, revolutionary generosity; you know what I mean. The open-hearted, open-handed kindness that can be hard to do, but always gives back in return.

When I look for volunteers for my Holiday Open House I am always astounded by the generosity of people in our community. There are those who sign up to volunteer as readers, healers and hosts. There are those who are there as attendees but pitch in to help above and beyond the call of duty when the need arises.

This year I actually had more readers wanting to work with us than I had space to seat them! That says everything about the kindness that is rampant in our community, in the hearts of spiritual people.

I always run into a few readers who aren’t happy at the idea of working for free at a charity event. I think those few haven’t learned a particular aspect of how energy works. When we are kind and generous and give freely, good things come back to us in abundance.

It’s important not to confuse kindness with allowing people to take advantage of us. There are always those who will try to manipulate us, and who take our kindness for weakness.

Sometimes, the most generous thing we can do is have good boundaries, and the kindest thing we can say is ‘no’.

It’s important to remember that kindness never comes out of guilt. If we are doing something nice because we feel guilty, or will feel guilty if we don’t, we need to examine our motivations, and our relationships.

In our day-to-day lives there are specific things we can do to practice radical kindness. First and foremost, very often the kindest thing we can do is to refrain from judging others harshly. When we see someone who is struggling, rather than reacting with anger, scorn or ridicule, the kindest thing is often to recognize that we don’t know their situation, and they are probably doing the best they can in the moment.

We might not always be able to help a struggling person. Yet, a prayer, a smile, or a pleasant word can go a long way, and is so much better than holding judgment and resentment.

Even when it is healthiest for us to keep someone at a distance, it is a kindness to ourselves, and to them, if we keep that distance with an energy of love in our hearts.

Sometimes the kind thing is to say ‘yes’ to something. Sometimes the kind thing is to hold a boundary. Radical kindness is not only about what we do, it’s about the energy with which we do it.


Returning Light Tarot Spread

On Sunday, December 22, we will have our longest night and shortest day. After that, the light half of the year begins. At the time of the winter solstice we think of bringing light to our hearts, and to the hearts of others. This fits in well with the theme of kindness.

Using a tarot deck, or other oracle deck, try this simple three-card spread in honor of the winter solstice, and the returning of the light.

Card One: Something I learned in the past six months.

Card Two: A way I can welcome light into my heart.

Card Three: A way I can bring light to others.


The Week In Review

You can read about our Holiday Open House, and see pictures and videos, on my Community Blog.

Find You Three-Card Weekly Reading archived on my YouTube channel.

From Around the Web

My friend Kassia is a healer. Check out her new website!

Benebell Wen has given us a retrospective of the last decade of tarot.

Here’s a great personal story of how tarot helps us find truth and right action in our lives.


Cards for Your Consideration

This week let’s contemplate the Minor Arcana Sixes. Often the number Six can be about service to others, which speaks of kindness. The number Six is also associated with the solstices since the solstices divide the light and dark halves of the year, each six months long.

Keywords for the tarot Sixes are service, glory and victory. Let’s see if we can find the energy of kindness in these four cards.

In the Six of Pentacles, of course, we see charity and sharing that comes from success. Of all seventy-eight cards, the Six of Pentacles is one that speaks most of kindness.

The Six of Wands is typically associated with victory after battle. In the context of kindness, this card may remind us to celebrate another person’s victory, and to wish success for others.

The Six of Swords often speaks about the need for logic, and the ability to move toward better times. It’s interesting to note that in many images of the Six of Swords we see a character who is helping by steering or paddling the boat. Perhaps, in this context, the Six of Swords could offer the opportunity to shepherd those in need toward a better destiny.

In the Six of Cups we see often see two children, one making a gift of flowers to the others. In that image, we see the kindness of giving. Typically, this card is about the past; our memories, nostalgia, and connection from the past. When we consider and honor past sacrifices and traumas, we do a kindness to ourselves and others.

We can see kindness, and the need for kindness, in most of the seventy-eight cards. Perhaps, though, the energy of kindness is particularly evident in the Sixes.

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Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 51
December 18, 2019

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Holiday-Inspired Tarot Activities


Holiday Open House 2019 a Success!