Be Grateful for Gratitude


Be Grateful for Gratitude

The energy of gratitude changes everything!

Like it or not, the holidays are upon us. For some this is a joyous time, for others the holiday season is synonymous with awkward dinners, loneliness, and unnecessary financial burdens.

Whether or not you are celebrating this week, a holiday that is themed around the concept of giving thanks can’t be bad thing, can it?

The problem is that sometimes, when we are caught up in the difficulties of life, or when we are experiencing trauma, it’s hard to get to that place of gratitude.

Yet, gratitude is a powerful energy. Gratitude gives us new perspective and opens the way to new possibilities. Finding the gift that comes along with a disappointment, or the silver lining in the grey cloud is more than a lame cliché – it’s an exercise of spirituality, healing and magic.

Being grateful doesn’t negate the things that hurt us, but it does magnify the things that bless us.

No matter how difficult or dire a situation might be, gratitude, even for something very simple, can make our burdens feel a bit lighter.

This year I am happy to say that the blessings in my life are easy to count. I know that isn’t the same for everyone, though. We all have times in life when our burdens seem greater than our blessings. It’s my contention that those are the times when gratitude is most important! I know that sounds counterintuitive, but if we can summon the energy of gratitude, even in difficult times, our mood will be lighter, and our blessing will increase.

During happy times, we show our gratitude by enjoying life.

During dark times, sometimes all we can do is be grateful for the energy of gratitude – that energy that allows us to find what is good, to accentuate the positive, and to find the blessings in everything.


Join us for our Holiday Open House!

Plans are coming together for our December 23rd annual “psychic food-raiser” Holiday Open House, to be held from 2 to 6 pm. I am happy to say we will have a full roster of tarot readers, astrologers and healers ready to pamper you with mini-sessions in exchange for your donation of nonperishable food items.

Bring your friends, your food donations and a holiday treat for our snack table and join us at Unity Church in Stuart for an unforgettable event.

Some of the well-known talent already signed up for this event include Ruby Hands, Blue Evans, Ambika Devi and Mary Ellen Collins. We also have some incredible new talent, even a few folks who have never shared their skills in this way before!

Our new venue, Unity of Stuart, at 221 SE Central Parkway, Stuart, FL, 34994, is spacious and convenient, so make sure you don’t miss this special day!

If you have questions or would like to volunteer, please call me at 561-655-1160.


One Card for Gratitude

This week I am including some links to a few great Thanksgiving tarot spreads. To add to your tarot gratitude practice, here’s a single card tarot exercise to help you generate the energy of gratitude, no matter what is going on in your life.

Simply ask the question “What can I be grateful for?” and pull a card. The exercise is in interpreting the card, and then meditating with it to raise your grateful energy.

If you get a card you just don’t understand in this context, pull a second card to answer this question, “How can I possibly be grateful for this?”


The Week in Review

This week I am happy to announce my special offer for January 2019 called LEAP 2019. You can learn about this opportunity, and sign up to participate, on my website.

I also shared a post about the ways our tarot practice can become unhealthy.

From Around the Web

I’ve found a cornucopia of tarot spreads and exercises for Thanksgiving. Grab your cards and enjoy a tarot-inspired holiday with these exciting ideas.

From Gothic Bite, a Tarot and Gratitude Spread.

From US Games, The Path to Thanksgiving.

From Cher Green, A Thanksgiving Tarot Spread.


Upcoming Events

Monday, November 26, 7 to 8 pm
Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live

Join me on my Facebook business page for an hour of readings, study and fellowship with tarot enthusiasts from around the world. Simply visit my page and look for the live feed!

Wednesday, November 28, 7 to 9 pm
Tarot, Gratitude and Healing: Using the Tarot to Heal
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City, FL

I have space for a small group of people to participate in a free workshop designed to use tarot to help us heal from past hurts and remove current obstacles.

Some understanding of tarot will help you get the most out of this experience.

Bring your tarot deck and a notebook.

To register, please call or text 561-655-1160.

Sunday, December 9, 4 to 6 pm
Cards and Conversation
Panera Bread
2894 SW Town Center Way, Palm City, FL

Join our monthly tarot meetup! Anyone with an interest in tarot is welcome. Bring your cards or borrow a deck at the meeting. You can RSVP on the Meetup site or simply meet us at Panera.



Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Major Arcana Christmas Season 2018


Can a Tarot Practice Become Unhealthy?