A Time Apart is a Time of Renewal
It would be impossible to send a weekly newsletter without mentioning and reflecting on our global crisis. I pray, along with you, for the well-being of all, and that this difficult time passes quickly, with as little lasting damage as possible.
We have no choice but to do our best to stay healthy and contain the virus. That means the current day-to-day reality has changed for many people.
So many of us are usually busy, running from place to place, going to classes, meetings and social gatherings. There is nothing wrong with that. We will miss those things during this time. We will value those face-to-face and group interactions even more when we are able to return to them.
Yet, since we have no choice but to handle what we’ve been handed, let’s find the gift in our circumstances.
This time apart offers us opportunity to study the things for which we haven’t had time. I know I will be practicing my own guitar playing rather than going to see live music this month, for example.
I know many of my tarot students have tarot decks and books collecting dust because they just haven’t had time to work with them.
While our meditation classes, gyms, and fitness studios may be temporarily closed, we now have the opportunity to develop solid living room fitness practices.
And those books we have been longing to read, or even write? Now we have some time for them as well.
There is so much to explore in terms of technology, too. We don’t have to feel isolated when we have video conferencing!
In a time when we are quieter, and perhaps more alone, we have the opportunity to look inward. We can tap into our creativity, our healing, our growth, and our intuition.
This Thursday is the vernal equinox, the first day of spring. We celebrate this as a time of balance, and a time of returning light. Spring will come, and the light will return. These difficult times will pass, just as winter passes.
Let’s welcome the light of spring into our hearts and lives. It is comforting to know that the world still turns, that flowers still bloom, and that no power can stop our time of rebirth.
As nature is renewed, may we take this time to nurture our own internal renewal.
The StaarCorner
Our temporary ban on in-person gatherings makes the anticipation for StaarCon even more significant. We believe that by January 2021 the coast will be clear, and we will be able to gather together once again, to learn, grow and enjoy.
Meanwhile, the plans for our conference are continuing. Check back here every week to see our new additions, and to learn more about our plans!
StaarCon Presenter Frank Kwiatkowski
Certified Professional Life Coach, Author, Tarot Coach and Mentor
Preparing for a Reading Without Cutting the Deck
I do a lot of readings by phone, Skype, FaceTime and other video conferencing platforms. Yet, many people enjoy the personal nature of a face-to-face reading. Once it becomes safe to offer face-to-face readings again, I think we should consider some different practices with our cards.
It’s traditional to let the client cut the deck. Some of us have elaborate rituals around this practice. Over the past few weeks I have developed a short ritual that allows the client to put their energy into the cards, without actually touching the cards.
Though it doesn’t seem to be necessary in order to get a good reading, this practice could be modified for phone and online readings as well.
I put the shuffled deck in front of the client and ask them to turn their attention to their right hand. I ask them to hold their right hand over the cards, not touching, and put their energy into the cards. Then I ask them to turn their attention to their left hand and put their left hand over the cards. This time, I ask them to focus on being open to receive the cards’ wisdom.
This is a way for us to move forward, as we learn to spread the love, not the germs.
Readings and Mentoring Sessions are Available
As we move through this time of social distancing and lock-down, I want to let you know that while my office is temporarily closed for in-person readings and lessons, I am always available to work with you.
We can work by phone, Skype, FaceTime, Messenger, Skype, Duo, WhatsApp, or any other conferencing platform you prefer. I make a recording of our conversation and can either email you a link or mail you a CD.
Years ago, before the World Wide Web and video calling were available to us, I began offering readings by telephone. Then, there were many people who were skeptical about the validity of readings at a distance. I was confident that the process was the same as an in-person reading and would be just as effective. Once people started working with me, they were quick to agree.
In those early days it took some technical wizardry to create a decent cassette tape recording of the session; there was a lot of trial and error.
One reason I knew that distance readings were effective was my work as a radio psychic. Some of you may remember me as the Official Psychic of the Morning Show with Gary O. on WINY in Putnam, Connecticut, or as Wayne Norman’s Psychic Friend on WILI in Willimantic. Eventually I became the Resident Psychic of Q105 in New London, and then Jammin’ 107.7, also in Southeastern Connecticut.
I loved the fast pace of taking calls and giving quick readings on the air. Now, I often do a similar thing live on social media.
Of course, in a private reading by phone or video conferencing we have the ability to delve into situations and explore things fully for you.
Now, in normal times I do much of my work at a distance. I am happy to work with people from all over the world. In these extraordinary times, I will do all of my work that way.
If you have never done a distance reading with me, I promise that you will be amazed at the connection we will have, even across the miles.
Tarot mentoring is another thing I offer at a distance, with great results. If you are ready to learn tarot, improve your tarot skills, build or grow a tarot business, or nurture your personal growth with tarot, a tarot mentoring package is exactly what you need.
During these difficult times I am here for you, as always! Just call or text me at 561-655-1160.
The Week in Review
This week I shared a blogpost called “When the Card Doesn’t Seem to Answer the Question”. We’ve all had that experience; this piece offers some solutions.
Our Cards and Conversation Tarot Meetup, scheduled to meet at Panera Bread on Sunday, had to move to an online format. The upside of that is that you can watch it on YouTube in archive!
I will be offering a number of livestreams on my Facebook business page this week! Hit LIKE to make sure you are notified when I go live!
From Around the Web
Since gyms, yoga studios and the like are temporarily closed, here are some great YouTube resources to help you stay fit, well and centered at home.
Yoga with Adriene is a favorite of many!
Here is the full 90-minute Bikram Yoga series with Maggie Grove.
Trifecta Pilates offers 30-minute mat workouts!
Robin Brace at True Bikram Yoga is sharing livestream home practice on Facebook Live.
Making Plans for Connecticut
My annual Spring Tarot Tour to Connecticut and Rhode Island is scheduled for April 22 through May 4. I will be available for private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, CT, and am planning on teaching a tarot workshop and offering a psychic gallery while I am there.
I am available for psychic house parties, and house and office calls during my trip. You can schedule your time with me by calling or texting 561-655-1160.
Of course, in the event that the current community health concern worsens, we may need to change our plans. Right now, I am hoping for the best and looking forward to spending time with my friends and clients in Connecticut next month. Typically my appointment times book quickly, so reach out now to schedule yours!
Cards for Your Consideration
Temperance is one of my favorite cards, and a perfect card for us to consider this week.
In Temperance, we see balance. The vernal equinox is on Thursday, March 19. This is one of the two days during the year when the day and night are of exactly equal length. Therefore, the theme of balance is key at this time.
Balance is an important and difficult energy to maintain during times of crisis and stress. Temperance shows us that nothing is perfect, yet if we mix together the right ingredients, we find the perfect blend.
Traditional keywords for Temperance include ‘art’ and ‘time’. Temperance reminds us to be patient, and to be creative. The lessons of Temperance are useful and meaningful as we strive to manage and maintain during this difficult time.
Upcoming Events and Tours
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 12
March 18, 2020