Tarot Topics Blog
Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!
This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.
Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.
Is Fear Fun?
Spooky stuff can be fun, but it also helps us process our real fears and traumas.
The Choices We Regret
"To err is human, to forgive is divine". How can we process the choices we later regret? How can we learn to trust ourselves?
What Never Stops
Time is always passing, and always changing us. Yet some things remain eternal.
The Right Moment
It is hard to know when the moment is right to make a change or execute a plan. Logic, intuition, and courage must align to find and seize the right moment.
If we do not bend, we will surely break. Sometimes we must adjust our attitude, our budget, our plans, or our expectations.
Make It Better
We are always seeking improvement. When things are not going well, we want quick solutions. Tarot can help!
The Sacred Space of Time
Holidays are holy times for us. How will you use your sacred time?
Expand with the Number Five
In tarot and in numerology in general, the number Five can be difficult. Yet, the struggles we find in the number Five are necessary to achieve our goals. In tarot, the Fives teach us what it takes to create our success in life.
Creative Problem-Solving
Problem-solving is an art that requires creativity, inspiration, and flexibility.
How Art Heals
Creativity is for everyone, and heals everyone.
The Year of the Hierophant and the Need for Temperance
As a new year advances, I took a deep dive into Major Arcana numerology.
A Time Apart is a Time of Renewal
We have to handle what we are handed. The gift is the opportunity of time.
You Don't Have to Fit in to Be Comfortable
Being different isn't always easy.
What It Means to Balance and Blend
This week we look for ways to find balance in life.
Things of Quality Have No Fear of Time
This week we explore time and tarot.
Third Eye Focus
This week Tarot Topics helps you learn to support your brow chakra!
If You Don’t Like What the DJ is Playing…Wait!
This week’s Tarot Topics explore tarot’s Temperance as a card of patience and creativity.
How Spirit Speaks
In this very special Tarot Topics, you will find an opportunity for tarot mentorship, and 5 ways to hear the voice of Spirit!
Once upon a holiday...
Stories are part of our holiday traditions. Let tarot be a part of your holiday story!
The Cosmic Bartender of Art, Time and Alchemy
For the Summer Solstice Tarot Blog Hop 2015, we are writing about the Major Arcana. Here are my thoughts on Temperance.