If You Don’t Like What the DJ is Playing…Wait!


I went to an afternoon pool party this weekend. I was excited to attend specifically because I knew there would be a DJ. For me, music makes the party.

When we arrived, I was immediately underwhelmed by what the DJ was playing. After a few minutes I was feeling a little cranky. I was looking forward to some good tunes, but clearly, the DJ wasn’t playing any!

Then, a new beat started, and suddenly one of my favorite songs was playing. After that, another.

I realized that the DJ was great at his job. He was entertaining a diverse group; weaving together songs from different eras and genre to keep everyone happy.

I realized, too, that I had hastily judged him, and therefore how the afternoon would go, based only on a faulty first impression.

I think we do the same thing in life. Sometimes what we are asked to deal with, or deal without, isn’t what we ordered or expected. No matter how much current circumstances might challenge us, if we wait a little while, the circumstances will change. And we might like the next song better.


The Week in Review

This week I wrote a blog post of interest to anyone who reads tarot at all – from beginners to self-readers to pros. It’s called Tarot Reading Technique: Turn Problem Questions into Profound Readings.

The date and location for FPG Samhain 2018 is set, and I’m headlining!

I often share posts from The Sibyl’s Tarot, but I have just discovered that she also has a YouTube channel. Here is a cute video where we get to meet her boyfriend and her cat!

Something else I just discovered is MagicOma.com. What a great collection of wisdom!
Do you know how to calculate your Tarot Birth Card? My friend Angelo Nasios shows us how on the Tarot School’s YouTube channel.


See Me on the Upper East Side of NYC

On Friday, September 7th in the afternoon and evening, and in the morning of Saturday, September 8th, I am offering hour and half hour readings by appointment in a private apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

To reserve your time slot, simply call or text 561-655-1160. Tell your friends in NYC – this is a rare opportunity to have an in-person appointment with me!


Lessons from Temperance

One of the most innovative and workable tarot decks of the decade is Steven Bright’s Spirit Within Tarot. A favorite card of mine is Steven’s depiction of Major Arcana 14, Temperance.

Temperance is a special card to me in any deck. With traditional key words like art, time and alchemy, Temperance seems powerful and profound, regardless of the depiction.

Within the structure of the Major Arcana, Temperance is the last of the second group of seven numbered cards. Therefore, this card represents the accumulated wisdom of the Major Arcana archetypes prior to having to face Major Arcana 15, the Devil, and begin the arduous journey toward spiritual enlightenment.

Temperance has mastered the material realm and has found emotional balance. Temperance creates what is needed. Temperance knows that nothing is perfect, but if we can find the right ingredients and blend them together in the right measure, we can find the perfect blend.

It is in that blending that we see Steven Bright’s Temperance come to life. While the traditional depiction of Temperance is someone mixing, usually what they are mixing is a liquid from cup to cup, or fire and ether between their hands. In Spirit Within Tarot, Temperance is a DJ, mixing beats and sounds.

Does this interesting depiction change how I interpret this card? Not at all. I have often called Temperance “The Cosmic Bartender”. I spent enough of my younger years working in bars to know that there is not always too much difference between the two job descriptions.

In what way does this concept of ‘mixing’, be it beats, spirits or something else, speak to us when Temperance appears?

I think Temperance can be a reminder to be patient, to wait and see what comes next, to remember that everything is a mix of many things. Just because you didn’t enjoy something doesn’t mean the entire thing isn’t worthwhile.

Temperance also reminds us to be creative; that we each have our own way of putting things together to create what works for us.

Very often, the difference between happy people and unhappy people is simple. Happy people give themselves permission to create the mix that works for them and are patience with the parts of the mix that aren’t their favorite.

That’s one of the lessons I’ve learned from Temperance.


Register Now for September Classes in New Haven, CT, Madison, CT and Tequesta, FL

I love teaching, and I love that I get to teach a wide variety of topics in some very interesting places.

Registration is now open for the following September classes. In all cases, registration in advance offers you a discount, and reserves your seat.

On Sunday, September 9 at 7 pm I will be teaching “Tarot and the Four Elements” at True Bikram Yoga in New Haven, CT. This is a great hands-on tarot class for anyone interested in tarot, from beginners to experienced readers. You will learn about the power of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and how the Four Elements influence tarot, and teach us about ourselves.

On Sunday, September 16 at 7 pm I will be coteaching an exciting class with True Bikram studio owner Robin Brace at her Madison studio. Robin is a DoTerra representative. Together she and I will discuss plant magick – that is, metaphysical uses for essential oils. This will include using the oils to awaken intuition, and in working the Law of Attraction.

You may register for one of both classes on the True Bikram website.

After I return to Florida I will visit Dream Angels in Tequesta on Thursday, September 27 at 7 pm for a class in Tarot Key Words and Interpretations. You can reserve your seat for that on the Dream Angels website.

Very soon I will be releasing a new schedule of classes in my Palm City Conference Room, as well as some special online offerings, so stay tuned!


Upcoming Events

Sunday, August 19, 4 pm
Special Class! Tarot Basics and Beyond
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City, FL

In this class, tarot beginners will get a basic overview of tarot structure, traditions and techniques, and will be introduced to the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana.

Experienced tarotists will get not only a refresher, but a new understanding and perspective of both the cards and techniques for reading.

This is the first in an ongoing series of tarot classes designed to offer foundational tarot knowledge for spiritual seekers, curious explorers and dedicated diviners.

Class size limited to eight people. Class fee $30, payable on my website or by calling 561-655-1160. You must be prepaid to reserve your seat.


Sunday, August 26, 4 pm
Tarot Meetup: Cards and Conversation
Panera Bread
2894 Town Center Way, Palm City, FL

Join our tarot meetup for fun, food and fellowship as we share readings and tarot exploration together.


Wednesday, August 29, 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live

Join me on my Facebook business page for an hour of readings and study with tarot friends from around the world.


September 6-18
Last Northeastern Tour This Year!
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York

Readings, parties and house calls available in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and NYC. Call 561-655-1160 for details.


Sunday, September 9, 7 pm
Special Class: Tarot and the Four Elements
True Bikram Yoga, New Haven, CT

The study of tarot, a book of spiritual wisdom in picture form, can offer insight, inspiration and personal reflection. One of the easiest ways to connect with the symbols of tarot is through the lens of the Four Elements; Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

Each of the Four Elements hold a powerful key to understanding astrology and tarot, and thereby, understanding yourself.

Join author Christiana Gaudet for a hands-on exploration of tarot appropriate for any level of experience, from expert to the merely curious.

Bring a tarot deck or borrow one at the workshop. There will be an opportunity to register on True Bikram Yoga’s website shortly.


Sunday, September 16, 7-9 pm
Plant Magic: Essential Oils to Enhance Intuition and Manifestation
True Bikram Yoga, Madison, CT

We all know that essential oils can offer profound healing of body and mind, but how can we use oils for spiritual growth and healing?

Join Robin and Christiana for an enlightening evening as you discover and deepen your own connection to guidance and wisdom, and your own ability to manifest your best destiny.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Advice for Tarot Readers: Embrace the Blank Space


Tarot Reading Technique: Turn Problem Questions into Profound Readings