Enjoy Your Life Without Comparisons


In the past few weeks I’ve shared some lines from my favorite prose poem, Desiderata. This week, I want to share a few more, on a different topic. In his famous poem, Max Erhmann wrote,

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

It’s so easy to look at someone else’s life and worry that they are blessed in ways that we are not. Perhaps we feel a colleague is more successful than we are. Perhaps we wonder why our friend has found love and we are still single. Maybe we grew up feeling that one of our siblings was favored more than we were.

There is an internet meme floating around that offers some insight into this. It says, “Never compare yourself to others because you are comparing your inside with their outside”.

We can only ever truly know our own journey.

It can happen, of course, that we find we are being treated unfairly when compared to others, perhaps in a workplace or family situation. It’s right to work to correct an imbalanced situation. Yet, it’s not right to spend our energy worrying about someone else’s success.

So often those worries come from an underlying fear that we, ourselves, aren’t good enough, or haven’t made the right decisions.

Comparisons can get us into trouble in other ways, too. When we have to choose between one path and another, we have to try to make an objective comparison to make the best choice. After we choose, it’s easy to fall into the trap of anxiety, worrying that we should have made a different choice. It’s usually better to wholeheartedly commit to the path we chose, and to trust that we did the right thing.

Another comparison trap happens when we make changes in life. We compare our new relationship partner with the ex, or our new home with the home we had to leave. It’s so much better to choose to focus on the present, rather than trying to compare our life now with our life in the past.

In all things, the more we can focus on our own success, our own healing and our own life in the present moment, the more we will love the life we have.


The StaarCorner

I am so excited for our first-ever international tarot conference to be held in January 2021 in Palm Beach Gardens!

On Friday, January 22, 2021, from 9:30 to 5:30, I am offering a special pre-conference tarot intensive workshop. This will be available at a separate ticket price, and will help you improve your tarot skills.

The day-long intensive with me, Christiana Gaudet,  is called “Operational Tarot”. I will cover four important aspects of tarot reading; the energy and psychic work of tarot reading, card interpretation, technique and delivery.

The conference will open at 7:00 that evening and will continue until 6:00 Sunday evening.

I hope you plan to attend all three days! Registration will be opening soon at StaarCon.com.

StaarCon Presenter Ciro Marchetti Tarot Deck Creator and Artist

StaarCon Presenter Ciro Marchetti
Tarot Deck Creator and Artist


Reading Tarot About Your Life

We all have moments when we feel unsure about life, unclear about our decisions, and discouraged about the way things are going. Tarot can be a great tool to help us gain perspective, understanding and confidence.

So often, people try to do tarot readings about their business competitors, exes, or people with whom they compare themselves. Those sorts of readings may or may not be helpful, depending on the situation. What is always helpful is to ask questions about yourself, and about your own life. When we take the focus off other people and put the focus on ourselves, we have the opportunity to grow, to increase our understanding, and improve our self-esteem.

If you are not sure what questions to ask, here are some ideas.

What are my special talents and abilities?

What can I do to improve my finances?

How can I heal from the things that have hurt me?

What do I need from a romantic partner?

What sort of career would be best for me?

What can I do to attract the right partner?

What is something good that is happening in my life?


Class in Palm City: Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana

On Thursday, March 26, 2020, from 7 pm to 9 pm, I am excited to offer a special class at my Palm City office called “Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana”.

The Minor Arcana is comprised of forty numbered cards and sixteen Court cards, divided into four suits. Although the term ‘Minor Arcana’ means ‘lesser secrets,’ there is nothing minor or lesser about the amount of information, inspiration and insight you can derive from these cards if you understand their meanings fully.

In this class, newer tarot readers will develop strong skills for working with these cards when they appear in a reading. Experienced readers will add new understanding and techniques to their tarot practice.

Bring a seventy-eight-card tarot deck or purchase one at the class.

Class fee is $37.50. Reserve your seat on Eventbrite.


The Week in Review

This week I was pleased to share a very personal blog post about a special tarot student with whom I am working.

I enjoyed teaching “Making Friends with the Suit of Swords” live on YouTube. If you missed it, you can find it in archive, along with my other live broadcasts from the week, on my YouTube channel and my Facebook business page.

From Around the Web

No matter what, it’s good to be good to yourself. Here is an article on how you can do that better!

From Genius Magazine, some tips on being more decisive.

Here’s a five-card tarot spread for decision-making!


Making Plans for Connecticut

My annual Spring Tarot Tour to Connecticut and Rhode Island is scheduled for April 22 through May 4. I will be available for private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, CT, and am planning on teaching a tarot workshop and offering a psychic gallery while I am there.

I am available for psychic house parties, and house and office calls during my trip. You can schedule your time with me by calling or texting 561-655-1160.

Of course, in the event that the current community health concern worsens, we may need to change our plans. Right now, I am hoping for the best and looking forward to spending time with my friends and clients in Connecticut next month. Typically my appointment times book quickly, so reach out now to schedule yours!


Cards for Your Consideration

When I think about the trap we fall into when we make anxiety-producing comparisons, I often think about the Four of Cups.

The Four of Cups can be a card of decision-making, boredom and apathy. The Four of Cups can describe a feeling of not wanting or liking any of our options. Sometimes that is because we need to wait for better options. Sometimes, however, the Four of Cups calls out a bad attitude. The Four of Cups may be telling us that we are not celebrating the good things in our life. The Four of Cups may be encouraging us to take what is offered, and make it work, rather than worrying about what we don’t have, or what someone else has that we wish we had.


Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 11
March 11, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


When the Card Doesn't Seem to Answer the Question


How Tarot is Helping a Person with Aphasia