Cope, Hope, and Use the Soap!


What unique times we find ourselves living in! As scary and uncertain as things seem right now, there is significant spiritual power, and a weird sort of privilege, in being asked to experience something that has literally never happened before.

Each of us will encounter different kinds of challenges during this time. Yet, there are some things that we will all have in common. One of those things is stress!

The irony here is that, when I Googled to look for ways to reduce stress, most of those activities are things that we can’t do right now. We can’t go to the gym or the yoga studio or get together with friends. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to connect online, and plenty of ways to develop a fitness practice in our own homes.

We all have to find ways to cope with stress. So often, we deal with baseless fears; anxieties that aren’t founded in fact. Unfortunately, our current situation offers us legitimate things to fear. We spend a lot of time finding ways to relieve and release our baseless fears. But how can we cope with fears that have a basis in fact?

If we let fear rule us, we become ineffective. We have to be able to live our lives and cope with our new temporary reality.

One important component in this fight against fear is to have hope. We must maintain a hopeful vision for the future. Another important component is to make sure we are doing everything we can to protect ourselves and the people we love. We must make common-sense decisions that will give us the best chances of a good outcome.

In these difficult times, we each must rise to the occasion, and live within the circumstances in which we find ourselves. That means that we all must find ways to cope, have lots of hope, and use the soap!


The StaarCorner

Plans for StaarCon, our international conference to be held in Palm Beach Gardens in January 2021, continue to move forward. We are optimistic that our current struggles will be behind us by then!

Since soap is on our minds this week, I want to tell you about a vendor who will be at StaarCon. Zuri Eberhart of

The Yatzuri Shop sells a great selection of crystals and magical tools. Zuri also makes soap, bath scoops and other body care products. Not only are Zuri’s creations high quality and hand-crafted, they are Reiki-charged!

Visit her website now, and plan to stop by Zuri’s table at StaarCon, where she will be happy to teach you about the magic of crystals, herbs and candles.

StaarCon Presenter Zuri Eberhart Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Reiki Master

StaarCon Presenter Zuri Eberhart
Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Reiki Master


Finding Hope in the Cards

Now is a great time to study tarot, or to deepen your tarot practice. If you have time, you can begin a Card of the Day tarot practice. Do this by pulling a card to study, contemplate and journal about every day. You can also watch YouTube tutorials, take online classes, and read blogposts about tarot.

You may even want to consider a tarot mentorship with me!

Tarot isn’t just about asking questions and receiving answers. Tarot is a book of spiritual wisdom in picture form. Each card offers lessons for life and hope in difficult times.

During times of high anxiety, it is important not to focus that anxiety into tarot reading. Rather, look to tarot for comfort and hope. Let tarot offer you spiritual understanding and strength in difficult times.


Join us for a Class on Zoom: Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana

My first Zoom class will be tomorrow, Thursday, March 26 at 7 pm EDT.

The Minor Arcana is comprised of forty numbered cards and sixteen Court cards, divided into four suits. Although the term ‘Minor Arcana’ means ‘lesser secrets,’ there is nothing minor or lesser about the amount of information, inspiration and insight you can derive from these cards if you understand their meanings fully.

In this class, newer tarot readers will develop strong skills for working with these cards when they appear in a reading. Experienced readers will add new understanding and techniques to their tarot practice.

Class fee is $37.50. Register and receive your link on Zoom!


The Week in Review

This week I took a break from writing about tarot and instead shared a blogpost of my favorite lesser-known dystopian novels. It seemed appropriate, and many people have some extra time to read these days.

During these difficult times I am doing a lot of free live videos on both YouTube and Facebook. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and Like my Facebook page so that you can be notified when I go live.

From Around the Web

Professional tarot reader Denour Lacoste has just created her new YouTube channel. Check out her great review of Hoodoo Tarot, and hit subscribe while you are there.

While you are checking out newer tarot voices on YouTube, don’t forget Marion K Tarot, who is offering some great readings for your sun sign!

Here’s the Master List for the 2020 Ostara Tarot Blog Hop. See what a group of tarotists each had to say on the same topic.


Cards for Your Consideration

I bet a lot of my tarotist friends will agree that we are all feeling the Seven of Wands right now! There is so much taking our attention, and so much to worry about.

The Seven of Wands suggests a defensive posture. At this time, we must be on guard, and be vigilant against infection. At the same time, we want to be aware of our strength and ability to handle the pressure we are under.

When we consider the character in the Seven of Wands, we see that he deftly handles everything that comes at him. He is a giant. No matter what the world throws at him, he will succeed.

We must be like this character. We must be able to hand many things at once. Yet, we must do it with confidence, and know that what is thrown at us will be no match for our abilities.

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Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 13
March 25, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

A Technique for Dream Interpretation with Tarot


My Favorite Lesser-Known Dystopian Novels