Energetic Cures for Obnoxious Neighbors

Whether you live in an apartment or out in the country, there is always a chance that your peace at home will be disturbed by your neighbors.

Often, when usual attempts at resolution don’t work, folk remedies such as protection magick and Feng Shui become reasonable options, even for people who don't normally seek energetic fixes.

Tarot clients ask me, in desperation, what to do about their horrible neighbors. Often these problems can be solved on an energetic level, but we have to change our energy by changing our attitude about the problem, first.

Here are some suggestions that often work.

1.       Don’t give the problem the weight of your anger.
If you spend time and energy on moral outrage, you are adding fuel to the fire. Your outrage may be justified, but it doesn’t help. Recognize that the problems might stem from cultural differences, mental illness or a host of reasons more complex, and more deserving of compassion, than your neighbor simply and willfully being disrespectful.

2.       Install better barriers.
Robert Frost was correct when he said “good fences make good neighbors”. If you have the wherewithal to make some structural changes that will give you more privacy, security or peace, by all means do. When you do, do it with gratitude rather than resentment. Be grateful that you have the ability to make this change, rather than being angry that you found the change necessary.
This technique also has an internal component. The more internal barriers you have against your anger and frustration, the more quickly you will be able to resolve the situation.

3.       Discover the magickal properties of salt.
Whether you use black salt, pink salt, sea salt, kosher salt or a packet you saved from McDonald’s, salt is a great way to energetically discourage people from coming into your space. Sprinkle a line of salt in front of your doorsteps, and around the perimeter of your property. Do this regularly. As you do, think about how much you enjoy your home, and what you want the energy of your home to be.

4.       Install mirrors.
The idea is to reflect your neighbors' energy back at them, or, to cause them to see themselves as you see them. Install a mirror of any size, either outside your home facing the neighbor, or, inside, on the wall (or floor or ceiling) that faces the neighbor, with the mirror facing in, toward the neighbor. You can be creative about how you do this. The size of the mirror is not important, but a round or octagonal mirror is better than a square or rectangle.

5.       Manifest great things for your neighbor.
I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but when Jesus said “Love thine enemies” he may have known of this self-interested side effect of compassion. You want your neighbors to go away, or at least to desist certain irritating activities. Rather than wishing them ill in anger, wish them great fortune that will change their circumstances, and therefore yours. Cast a spell, say a prayer or set an intention that will help them, and you, at the same time! A great new promotion that causes an out-of-state move, or a whirlwind long distance romance that ends in marriage, might solve everyone’s problems.

Our relationships with other people always include an energetic component. When language and legalities fail to fix a problem, changing the energy around the situation often will.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


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