Major Arcana Haiku

Fool, please take a chance.
Spread your wings and make that jump
Into a new world.

Magician card says
I have all the tools I need
To aid my journey.

Sitting on her throne,
High Priestess holds all knowledge.
Share your wise secrets.

Empress nurtures all,
Animals, birds, all that live
Hold your children close.

Emperor, so strong,
A father to all mankind.
Teach us right from wrong.

Hierophant so wise,
Allow us our own choices
We will not lose faith.

Lovers love to love.
Togetherness is the key.
Compromise binds all.

Chariot power,
Move forward with greatest speed.
Always keep control.

Strength tempts her lion.
The lion shows great restraint.
Stay composed and calm.

Hermit, shine your light.
Illuminate those below,
With wisdom and peace.

Wheel of Fortune turns
Ever changing by each day.
What will be will be.

Justice will prevail.
All are held accountable.
We all must answer.

Hanged Man, upside down,
Hanging from that tree all day.
Make your decision.

Death used to scare me.
What dies will be born again.
A new beginning.

Temperance will mix,
A life formula for you
To help ease your stress.

I must break the chains
That Devil holds so tightly.
I will soon be free.

Tower, you will fall
Crashing quickly to the ground
Now we can rebuild.

Wish upon a Star
Wish your dreams will all come true.
Always trust your dreams.

Moonlight from above,
Do you hide secrets from me?
You are my life force.

Sun shines brightly down,
Warming our hearts and our souls.
Take care to not burn.

Judgment will call us.
All our deeds are recorded.
We must defend them.

My World is open
To experience the joy
I have found my way.


Energetic Cures for Obnoxious Neighbors

