Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.

Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Spring Cleaning

As we plan seeds for spring, we take time to remove what no longer serves us.

Hands holding blossoms on water

This is the first week of Spring! No matter your favorite season or your geographical locale, the arrival of spring brings excitement and renewal for all.

We associate spring with new projects, new ideas, fertility, and growth. Spring is the time that the earth is renewed, and with that we find personal renewal as well.

It struck me that the tradition of spring cleaning seems different than the energy of planting, sprouting, and hatching which we often associate with springtime.

I did some research to find out where the tradition of spring cleaning originated. It turns out that spring cleaning is thousands of years old, and originated independently in several cultures around the world, including Iranian, Chinese, and Jewish.

In these cultural traditions, the cleaning of the house in springtime is spiritual and energetic as well as physical. Spring is the time to remove any bad luck or negative energy that has accumulated over the year.

This made me think of the gardening task of pruning. There are many plants that should not be pruned in spring. Yet, there are some that indeed thrive when pruned early in the year. In spring, some things need to be cut away to make room for new growth.

Perhaps the process of spring cleaning helps us ensure that the seeds we plant will blossom.

It makes sense, too, that as the earth is renewed, we would want our physical space to reflect that renewal.

Sometimes the cleaning we most need to do is not physical at all. Along with the concept of removing negative energy from our space is the concept of removing unhelpful things from our life. This is a sort of personal pruning where we cut away what no longer serves us. Perhaps it is time to break a bad habit, or to change the way we speak to ourselves. Perhaps we need to stop honoring outmoded beliefs that are keeping us from our success.

Now that spring is here, think about what you might want to prune away from your life in order to assure the success of the seeds you are planting. Let your personal spring cleaning support your new projects and ultimate success this year!

The pool at the Palm Beach Hilton

The StaarCorner

We are excited to announce that StaarCon 2023 will take place January 20 through 22, with a thirty day “AfterGlow” to follow on the Accelevents platform.

StaarCon 2023 will be available online on Accelevents.

StaarCon 2023 will take place in person at a brand-new venue, the Palm Beach Airport Hilton in West Palm Beach.

In-person conference attendees will enjoy a premium guest experience at this resort hotel., including a twenty percent discount on all food and beverages. There are three restaurants and two bars on the property, so there will be a lot of options for dining. At the end of a day of tarot learning, you can enjoy a beverage with your conference friends at the tiki bar, which is poolside and lakeside.

Tickets will be available very soon. We are excited to bring you the very best hybrid tarot and divination conference experience ever!

On March 24 at 5 pm ET, join Nancy SageShadow and me on her Instagram page as we go live to discuss some things that will be happening at StaarCon 2023.

Crystal ball over a pile of tarot cards

Hybrid Minor Arcana Tarot Class

On Thursday,  March 31 at 7 pm ET I am teaching a hybrid tarot class on the Minor Arcana of tarot. The class is called Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth. You can attend in person in Palm City, or online on Zoom.

This class is great for beginners, intermediate readers, and professionals.

In this class you will learn how numerology and the Four Elements can help you find the lessons, stories, and meanings of the forty numbered Minor Arcana cards.

For more information, and to get your ticket, visit the event listing on my website.

Hands holding pruning shears clipping a planting

Spring Pruning Tarot Spread

In gardening, you only prune certain plants in the spring. This seems like a great inspiration for a three-card tarot spread.

Card One: What do I need to cut out of my life at this time in order to ensure my growth?

Card Two: What am I growing in this season?

Card Three: What can I do to make the pain of releasing what is cut away easier?

Hartford Connecticut from the airplane

Northeastern Spring Tarot Tour

I will be in Connecticut May 26 through June 5. I will be offering private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, Ct. I am available for house calls and psychic house parties throughout Connecticut. I am also able to travel to Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York.

As always, my available time will book quickly. Please call or text me at 561-655-1160 to schedule your appointment.

I am so excited to see my northeastern friends this spring!

Graphic depicting two women

The Week in Review

Our Equinox Gathering on YouTube was a lot of fun. We did some great tarot exercises. I also shared a short video with an idea for a spring meditation and tarot exercise. You can watch these videos and try the exercises anytime within the next few weeks.

From Around the Web

MindBodyGreen.com offers some ways to clear negative energy from your space.

Carrie Mallon shared a tarot spread for spring.

I love it when tarot stories show up in mainstream spaces. Here is a fun tarot article I found on Salon.com.

Tarot cards, crystals and sage

Guidance on the Journey

People often ask me to share ways of cleaning a tarot deck.

If the deck is physically dirty, you can wipe the cards with a slightly damp cloth.

The energetic cleansing of a tarot deck is something that needs to happen quite often. Nicely, many of the things we naturally do regularly with our cards serve to dispel any energy that has stuck to them from previous readings.

Some of these things are shuffling, striking the deck on the table, and sorting the cards in numeric order.

After a particularly difficult reading, or perhaps monthly, you might want to do a more intense cleansing. For this, there are a few things you can do.

Leave your deck on an inside windowsill during the night of a full moon.

Use incense or burning herbs to cleanse your deck with smoke. You can do this card by card, or with the whole deck.

Place quartz crystals on your deck overnight.

Use a selenite wand or a kyanite comb to remove the energy from the deck by waving the stone around the edges of the deck.

How do you know your deck needs deep cleansing? You might find that your readings feel flat or uninspired. You might find that you do not feel that you are enjoying your deck as much as usual. Generally, after you cleanse your deck your connection with the cards should return to normal very quickly.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Christiana holding her tarot cards.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 12
March 23, 2022

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Who Needs Energetic Protection?

It take more than a crystal or some incense to keep your energy flowing in a healthy way.

Woman in a yoga pose

When I first started learning about energy work, tarot, and all things mystical, my teachers told me to visualize myself in a bubble of white light.

I also learned to burn herbs such as sage, dragon’s blood, and copal to clear the energy in my room and create sacred space. I learned to meditate, and to ground and center myself before performing a tarot reading.

Over the years I have developed my own methods for energetic protection and to create sacred space. In performing readings for others, energetic protection has become something I think about a lot. This is not only for me, but for my clients.

Energetic protection is not something that should be reserved for sacred tasks and holy places. Energetic protection is for everyone, everywhere.

Sometimes when my spiritually minded clients are struggling in the workplace or in life in general, I ask what their practice is for energetic protection. What I often discover is that they have the tools of protection, but not the practices.

For example, they may keep a crystal on their desk at work. Or they may have sacred symbols, or a picture of a saint on the wall. These are all good tools for protection. But, without the practice of protection, these tools will do little to protect them.

What, exactly, is energetic protection?

Energetic protection describes practices that keep our own energetic aura free of other people’s energetic residue. Energetic protection keeps our own energy flowing through and around us. This does not mean we are not compassionate or empathetic toward others. And it does not mean that we are protected from all misfortune.

When we engage energetic protection, we are not weighed down by the collected energy of others.

We live on a difficult planet. To be present to help others and bring healing to the world, we must ourselves be as well as we can be in each moment. Part of that wellness is energetic. Energetic protection helps us feel better because it keeps us from carrying the weight of others in ways that do not help them. Energetic protection keeps our own energy as clear as possible,

While the tools of energetic protection, like herbs, crystals, and symbols are helpful, they are not necessary. What is necessary is to use your breath, your visualization, and your concentration to put your energetic shield in place, and keep your own energy flowing, each and every day.

Lobby of the Hilton Airport Hotel in West Palm Beach

The StaarCorner

We are in the process of finalizing a contract with a new hotel for StaarCon 2023! We should have all the details for you next week. Right now, we can tell you a few important things.

First, StaarCon 2023 will of course be hybrid. We will once again use the Accelevents Events Management Platform.

Those who join us in person will enjoy some great improvements. Some of these include a free airport shuttle, a lakeside pool area with a tiki bar, and a beautiful, large conference center.

Our screens will be digital. This means that remote presenters and in-person presentations which include slide decks or videos will be crystal clear and easy to see.

In 2023 we anticipate that most of our presenters will be in person in West Palm Beach. This is good for in person attendees, and for online attendees. Since we are producing the videos ourselves, we can make sure that each presenter is able to give their presentation without worrying about tech issues.

Building a multi-track hybrid conference can be fraught with challenges. We are excited to bring some amazing solutions to StaarCon 2023.

Tickets will be available soon, so get ready and mark your calendar now for January 20-22, 2023!

Right now, we are ready to welcome volunteers and presenters. Please email me for details! We will have information for vendors and sponsors shortly.

A crystal ball on top of tarot cards

Hybrid Minor Arcana Tarot Class

On Thursday,  March 31 at 7 pm ET I am teaching a hybrid tarot class on the Minor Arcana of tarot. The class is called Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth. You can attend in person in Palm City, or online on Zoom.

This class is great for beginners, intermediate readers, and professionals.

In this class you will learn how numerology and the Four Elements can help you find the lessons, stories, and meanings of the forty numbered Minor Arcana cards.

For more information, and to get your ticket, visit the event listing on my website.

A collage of tarot cards

Tarot Cards are Energetic Tools

You can use a tarot card to cleanse energy, move energy, and heal energy.

Aces are my favorite cards to use as energetic tools.

Here are some ways to use Aces.

Take the Ace of Swords and wave the card through the air to remove stuck energy from a room.

Hold the Ace of Wands to your solar plexus when you are tired and need new energy and inspiration.

Breathe deeply while holding the Ace of Pentacles in your hand to help you ground and center.

Hold the Ace of Cups to your heart to increase your capacity for compassion and your capacity to feel loved.

Which cards might you want to use as energetic tools? Go through your deck and think about how you might use each card to help you manage your energy, and the energy around you.

Hartford Connecticut as seen from an airplane seat

Northeastern Spring Tarot Tour

I will be in Connecticut May 26 through June 5. I will be offering private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, Ct. I am available for house calls and psychic house parties throughout Connecticut. I am also able to travel to Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York.

As always, my available time will book quickly. Please call or text me at 561-655-1160 to schedule your appointment.

I am so excited to see my northeastern friends this spring!

Tarot cards, candles and a hand holding a key

The Week in Review

Do you catch my free YouTube Tarot Keyword Bootcamp? This fast-paced workshop shared ideas and practices to help all tarotists understand and use keywords effectively. If you missed the class, you can watch the replay.

If you are a member of my YouTube channel and missed the livestream class on Monday, you can watch that replay as well.

From Around the Web

Theresa Reed, the Tarot Lady, has write a fabulous blogpost about inexperienced tarot readers who go pro too soon.

Here is a method for handling yes or no tarot questions.

Ethony has some good thoughts about grounding and protection after a tarot reading.

A woman holding a candle

Guidance on the Journey

There are those who believe that tarot cards themselves are dangerous. They believe that tarot cards can open a ‘portal’ which allows negative energy or entities into the body and mind of the tarot reader, or any who comes into contact with the cards.

It is imperative to understand that this is false. When we speak about the need for energetic protection before, during, and after a tarot reading, we are not speaking about protecting ourselves from the cards.

Psychic work can be energetically draining. Part of psychic protection is to allow the reader to preserve their own energy during the reading.

Beyond that, a tarot reading can bring up emotions as we use tarot to explore and heal past trauma and untrue narratives. Emotions have energy that can cling to us. That clinging energy can cause fatigue and mood issues.

We all need energetic protection. It is important to understand why we need that protection. It is also important to understand the misunderstandings that often surround tarot.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Christiana reading for Allison

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 11
March 16, 2022

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Waiting to Be Happy

Happiness is not about achieving goals, and it is not about the absence of grief. Happiness is how we perceive the moments of our lives.

A woman looking into a crystal ball

One of my favorite quotations is from Eleanor Roosevelt. She said, “Happiness is not a goal...it's a by-product of a life well lived.”

I have been recently thinking about something called “destination addiction”. It is very easy to fall into the trap of say that we will be happy when we change where we live, or when we meet a great love partner, or get a new job.

It is true, of course, that home, relationships, and career can contribute greatly to our happiness or unhappiness. But it is also true that happiness is an inside job.

It is right to be proactive to create the life we want. Yet, we need to learn to be happy right here, right now.

It is important to understand that we do not have to be happy with everything that is in our life to be happy in the moment. We can enjoy a good meal, a conversation with a friend, nice weather, or our favorite song on the radio. In these things we can find happiness while we work toward our goals or deal with our grief.

So often we achieve the goal we thought would make us happy and feel let down when we arrive. The adage “wherever you go, there you are” is wise and true.

When I talk with people about these concepts, they often push back. “How can I be happy when someone I love is suffering?” “How can I be happy when I am worried about money?” “How can I be happy when I feel all alone in the world?”

We need to acknowledge our pain and grief. We need to set goals and work toward them. Yet, even in dark times there can be bright moments. The more we can see the light, the more light we have to help us find our way.

Let’s not wait to be happy. Let’s not look outside of ourselves to find what must come from within. Let’s not let what is dark keep us from seeing and enjoying what is bright.

Joanna Salerno & Lainie Sevante Wulkan presenting at StaarCon 2022

The StaarCorner

We will be making some exciting announcements about StaarCon 2023 very shortly. For 2023, we will need a team of in-person volunteers. We need moderators, monitors, receptionists, and more! Would you like to join us in making StaarCon 2023 the very best tarot and divination conference ever? Email me!

A crystal ball on a pile of tarot cards

Hybrid Minor Arcana Tarot Class

On Thursday,  March 31 at 7 pm ET I am teaching a hybrid tarot class on the Minor Arcana of tarot. The class is called Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth. You can attend in person in Palm City, or online on Zoom.

This class is great for beginners, intermediate readers, and professionals.

In this class you will learn how numerology and the Four Elements can help you find the lessons, stories, and meanings of the forty numbered Minor Arcana cards.

For more information, and to get your ticket, visit the event listing on my website.

Woman holding a tarot card

Tarot as a Tool for Joy

We can use tarot to cultivate happiness in our lives, especially in difficult times. Simply ask tarot what you need to focus on to bring happiness in this moment and pull a card. You can even pull a few cards.

When you interpret the card(s) in the context of this question, you will have a focus, an action, or a reflection that can bring you a moment of happiness.

The more moments of happiness we have, the more we will begin to identify as being happy.

Connecticut as seen from the airplane window seat

Northeastern Spring Tarot Tour

I will be in Connecticut May 26 through June 5. I will be offering private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, Ct. I am available for house calls and psychic house parties throughout Connecticut. I am also able to travel to Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York.

As always, my available time will book quickly. Please call or text me at 561-655-1160 to schedule your appointment.

I am so excited to see my northeastern friends this spring!

A crystal ball on a pile of tarot cards

The Week in Review

Did you catch Global Tarot Circle on YouTube Live? You can watch the replay. In the first half we did a lot of readings, as usual. In the second half we had some great conversations about tarot cards and reading techniques.

From Around the Web

Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady, gives us a morning tarot ritual.

Tarot.com offers a serenity tarot reading.

Can tarot readings help us find happiness?

Yellow roses and major arcana tarot cards

Guidance on the Journey

There are tarot cards that have “happiness” as a keyword. There are tarot cards that have other keywords that make us happy, such as “luck”, “power”, and “prosperity”.

There are also tarot cards that have less desirable keywords, such as “hardship”, “grief” and “loss”.

Sometimes, though, keywords do not tell the entire story.

Sometimes happy cards deliver hard messages, and sometimes unhappy cards can offer positive messages.

How can that be?

The answer is simply. Tarot reading is entirely contextual. Each card has classic keywords, interpretations, image, and associations. Yet, in a reading, any card could potentially mean a lot of things, desirable and undesirable.

We would all rather see the Sun than the Tower in a reading. Yet sometimes the Tower is what we need to see. And sometimes the Sun could describe a narcissistic partner, rather than a happy outcome.

Tarot can be a partner in the ongoing mission we all have to cultivate joy. This is true whether or not the cards show us an immediate message of happiness.

Upcoming Events

Christiana with her tea at  the tarot meetup at Panera Bread in Palm City

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 10
March 9, 2022

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

The Right Moment

It is hard to know when the moment is right to make a change or execute a plan. Logic, intuition, and courage must align to find and seize the right moment.

A collage of a daydreaming woman and clocks

Timing is everything. When we are ready to make a change, seize an opportunity, or have an important conversation, we must feel that the time is right.

Sometimes it is hard to know when the right moment is, or if the right moment will ever come.

Often, the moment is right, but we do not feel ready.

When we look to the past with regret, it is often because of something we failed to do, chose not to do, or forgot to do. For whatever reason, the moment did not feel right, or we did not feel ready.

Regret is never helpful. Whether it is entirely true or not, it feels good to tell ourselves that we did not do something because we just were not ready.

The problem is, sometimes there is a window of opportunity that is only open for a certain time.

We cannot change what we did or did not do in the past. What we can do is be very aware of the present moment. We must act when the time is right. Sometimes, we must do this whether or not we feel ready.

But how do we know the when the moment is right?

There is a combination of logic and intuition that can let us know it is time to move. It may be that the window of opportunity is closing, so there is no choice. It may be that the moment feels right. It may be that divination and signs from the universe seem to give the go ahead.

We must learn to pay attention, use logic, intuition, and divination, and be willing to take a leap before we feel ready. Then, we will seize the right moment for the right opportunities.

LAdy Lenormand vending at StaarCon 2023

The StaarCorner

As the StaarCon 2022 AfterGlow ends, I would like to take a moment to thank our vendors, both online and in person, for being such an important part of StaarCon.

Our vendors share their creativity, along with their time, expertise, and energy, to make sure we have lasting mementos and tools to enjoy long after the conference has ended.

If you are interested in being a vendor for StaarCon 2023, please email me.

A crystal ball and tarot cards

Hybrid Minor Arcana Tarot Class

On Thursday,  March 31 at 7 pm ET I am teaching a hybrid tarot class on the Minor Arcana of tarot. The class is called Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth. You can attend in person in Palm City, or online on Zoom.

This class is great for beginners, intermediate readers, and professionals.

In this class you will learn how numerology and the Four Elements can help you find the lessons, stories, and meanings of the forty numbered Minor Arcana cards.

For more information, and to get your ticket, visit the event listing on my website.

A woman reading a tarot card

Is the Moment Right? Find Out with Tarot

If you are planning to do something and want to know when the right time will be, divination can help. Astrology can give information about auspicious timing. A pendulum can let you know if the right moment is now.

Asking the correct questions of tarot can give a great deal of insight when it comes to timing the execution of your plan.

Here are some helpful questions to ask.

What happens if I do this right now?

What happens if I wait?

What happens if I do this in three months?

What signs will tell me the time is right?

Connecticut from the window seat of an airplane

Northeastern Spring Tarot Tour

I will be in Connecticut May 26 through June 5. I will be offering private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, Ct. I am available for house calls and psychic house parties throughout Connecticut. I am also able to travel to Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York.

As always, my available time will book quickly. Please call or text me at 561-655-1160 to schedule your appointment.

I am so excited to see my northeastern friends this spring!

A metal plate with the number two

The Week in Review

It is a new month, so make sure you check out your tarotscopes on my YouTube channel.

Did you catch our class on YouTube about the tarot Twos? You can watch the replay.

From Around the Web

Forbes gives us 15 Strategies for Finding Courage.

Here are 12 Ways to Tap Into Your Inner Knowing.

Tarot appears in movies and television quite often. Sometimes the readings we see in fiction are based on actual tarot knowledge and tradition. Sometimes, not so much. Here is a fun article from Collider about that.

A woman holding a watch and tarot card next to a candle

Guidance on The Journey

Most tarotists agree that predicting timing is one of the hardest things to do. Yet, when we look to tarot cards to give us information about qualities of time rather than quantities of time, we can often get valuable information about when the right moment will be.

For example, the Knight of Swords and the Eight of Wands suggest swift action. The Knight of Pentacles advises us to take our time. Temperance, the High Priestess, and the Hermit all advise patience. The Aces may tell us to strike while the iron is hot.

When you are working with your tarot cards, consider which cards are slow, and which are quick. Which cards advise action, and which cards advise us to wait?

Upcoming Events and Tours

Christiana Gaudet at her laptop

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 9
March 2, 2022

Read More