Spring Cleaning

Hands holding blossoms on water

This is the first week of Spring! No matter your favorite season or your geographical locale, the arrival of spring brings excitement and renewal for all.

We associate spring with new projects, new ideas, fertility, and growth. Spring is the time that the earth is renewed, and with that we find personal renewal as well.

It struck me that the tradition of spring cleaning seems different than the energy of planting, sprouting, and hatching which we often associate with springtime.

I did some research to find out where the tradition of spring cleaning originated. It turns out that spring cleaning is thousands of years old, and originated independently in several cultures around the world, including Iranian, Chinese, and Jewish.

In these cultural traditions, the cleaning of the house in springtime is spiritual and energetic as well as physical. Spring is the time to remove any bad luck or negative energy that has accumulated over the year.

This made me think of the gardening task of pruning. There are many plants that should not be pruned in spring. Yet, there are some that indeed thrive when pruned early in the year. In spring, some things need to be cut away to make room for new growth.

Perhaps the process of spring cleaning helps us ensure that the seeds we plant will blossom.

It makes sense, too, that as the earth is renewed, we would want our physical space to reflect that renewal.

Sometimes the cleaning we most need to do is not physical at all. Along with the concept of removing negative energy from our space is the concept of removing unhelpful things from our life. This is a sort of personal pruning where we cut away what no longer serves us. Perhaps it is time to break a bad habit, or to change the way we speak to ourselves. Perhaps we need to stop honoring outmoded beliefs that are keeping us from our success.

Now that spring is here, think about what you might want to prune away from your life in order to assure the success of the seeds you are planting. Let your personal spring cleaning support your new projects and ultimate success this year!

The pool at the Palm Beach Hilton

The StaarCorner

We are excited to announce that StaarCon 2023 will take place January 20 through 22, with a thirty day “AfterGlow” to follow on the Accelevents platform.

StaarCon 2023 will be available online on Accelevents.

StaarCon 2023 will take place in person at a brand-new venue, the Palm Beach Airport Hilton in West Palm Beach.

In-person conference attendees will enjoy a premium guest experience at this resort hotel., including a twenty percent discount on all food and beverages. There are three restaurants and two bars on the property, so there will be a lot of options for dining. At the end of a day of tarot learning, you can enjoy a beverage with your conference friends at the tiki bar, which is poolside and lakeside.

Tickets will be available very soon. We are excited to bring you the very best hybrid tarot and divination conference experience ever!

On March 24 at 5 pm ET, join Nancy SageShadow and me on her Instagram page as we go live to discuss some things that will be happening at StaarCon 2023.

Crystal ball over a pile of tarot cards

Hybrid Minor Arcana Tarot Class

On Thursday,  March 31 at 7 pm ET I am teaching a hybrid tarot class on the Minor Arcana of tarot. The class is called Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth. You can attend in person in Palm City, or online on Zoom.

This class is great for beginners, intermediate readers, and professionals.

In this class you will learn how numerology and the Four Elements can help you find the lessons, stories, and meanings of the forty numbered Minor Arcana cards.

For more information, and to get your ticket, visit the event listing on my website.

Hands holding pruning shears clipping a planting

Spring Pruning Tarot Spread

In gardening, you only prune certain plants in the spring. This seems like a great inspiration for a three-card tarot spread.

Card One: What do I need to cut out of my life at this time in order to ensure my growth?

Card Two: What am I growing in this season?

Card Three: What can I do to make the pain of releasing what is cut away easier?

Hartford Connecticut from the airplane

Northeastern Spring Tarot Tour

I will be in Connecticut May 26 through June 5. I will be offering private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, Ct. I am available for house calls and psychic house parties throughout Connecticut. I am also able to travel to Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York.

As always, my available time will book quickly. Please call or text me at 561-655-1160 to schedule your appointment.

I am so excited to see my northeastern friends this spring!

Graphic depicting two women

The Week in Review

Our Equinox Gathering on YouTube was a lot of fun. We did some great tarot exercises. I also shared a short video with an idea for a spring meditation and tarot exercise. You can watch these videos and try the exercises anytime within the next few weeks.

From Around the Web

MindBodyGreen.com offers some ways to clear negative energy from your space.

Carrie Mallon shared a tarot spread for spring.

I love it when tarot stories show up in mainstream spaces. Here is a fun tarot article I found on Salon.com.

Tarot cards, crystals and sage

Guidance on the Journey

People often ask me to share ways of cleaning a tarot deck.

If the deck is physically dirty, you can wipe the cards with a slightly damp cloth.

The energetic cleansing of a tarot deck is something that needs to happen quite often. Nicely, many of the things we naturally do regularly with our cards serve to dispel any energy that has stuck to them from previous readings.

Some of these things are shuffling, striking the deck on the table, and sorting the cards in numeric order.

After a particularly difficult reading, or perhaps monthly, you might want to do a more intense cleansing. For this, there are a few things you can do.

Leave your deck on an inside windowsill during the night of a full moon.

Use incense or burning herbs to cleanse your deck with smoke. You can do this card by card, or with the whole deck.

Place quartz crystals on your deck overnight.

Use a selenite wand or a kyanite comb to remove the energy from the deck by waving the stone around the edges of the deck.

How do you know your deck needs deep cleansing? You might find that your readings feel flat or uninspired. You might find that you do not feel that you are enjoying your deck as much as usual. Generally, after you cleanse your deck your connection with the cards should return to normal very quickly.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Christiana holding her tarot cards.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 12
March 23, 2022

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


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