Tarot Topics Blog
Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!
This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.
Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.

Unexpected Cards – The Magical Processes of Divination
Divination is most powerful when accompanied by contemplation.

Northwest Tarot Symposium 2019: My Adventure to Portland
The tarot community gathered in Portland, Oregon early in March, 2019!

When Tarot Keywords Diverge
Divergent keywords can solidify our tarot practice.

You Have Seen Your Golden Wings
Rumi, my musical oracle and a tarot exercise.

Musings on the Wheel of Fortune
Some thoughts on the Wheel of Fortune.

The Process in a Tarot Card
Try these simple exercises and divination techniques to enhance your work with tarot.

That Time I Walked on Fire
Many of us need a dramatic way to transform fear into power. Firewalking was mine.
Tarot Fusion
I am a Waite-Smith reader who uses some Crowley keywords. This is my confession.

Tarot Reading Technique: Turn Problem Questions into Profound Readings
Amongst tarotists of every level of experience, from beginner to pro, is an ongoing discussion about the questions we pose of tarot.
There are workshops, blogposts and memes designed to help us understand how to phrase a helpful question, and, in some cases to didactically tell us what tarot can and cannot do, or what we should or should not ask tarot.

Five Ways to Keep Your Tarot Readings Fresh
Use these techniques to assure each reading you give is insightful and exciting!

Dealing with Our Decks: Different Ideas in a New Era of Tarot
Some musing on tarot trends, and the different ways we try to understand the mysteries of tarot.

Divining with Friends
This pro diviner was blown away by the power of a renounced oracle to make sense, and make friends.

If It Were Easy, Everyone Would Do it! Lessons From the Suit of Wands
If you are an artist, healer or entreprenuer, you can find special wisdom and inspiration in the tarot suit of Wands!

Pro Tarot: When Compassion Makes You Crazy
Some frank talk about assumptions, attachments, compassion and anger at the tarot table.

I'm Teaching "Anatomy of a Tarot Reading" at Tarot Summer School
Here is everything you need to know about Tarot Summer School and the course I am teaching!

An Evening with the Six of Swords
What does it mean when the Six of Swords stalks two readers at a military fundraiser?

Magic with the Two of Wands: Strength, High Rank and Wealth Without Shame
For the Spring Equinox Tarot Blog Hop, some magic and musing about wealth, inspired by the season, the Two of Wands and the Picatrix.
Reversals, Dignities and the Continuum of a Card
This month, the Tarot Rebels Blog Hop is writing about tarot reversals. I have a lot to say!
Learning to Love
What do we learn from Major Arcana 6, the Lovers? For the February Tarot Rebels Blog Hop, I explore four different Lovers, and the lessons they teach.

When There's a Shadow on the Queen's Throne
What happens when your spouse fails to see the value of your mystical career?