Tarot Topics Blog

Christiana Gaudet working on a writing project.

Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!

This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.

Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.

An Example of Reversal: Two Angles on the Same Card
Christiana Gaudet Christiana Gaudet

An Example of Reversal: Two Angles on the Same Card

There is so much controversy and misunderstanding around reversed cards in tarot. The quandary is this. Since it is the reader’s choice whether to honor reversals, we must acknowledge that one can conduct a perfectly good reading without them. That being the case, then, why do some tarotists find reversals so integral to their reading process? One answer might be this.

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