What do You Fear?

At Halloween, we have an opportunity to laugh at the things that scare us. Ghost stories and scary costumes help us confront our mortality, and our fear, with humor.

Sometimes, our fears are based on anxiety and imagination. Sometimes our fears reflect true concerns. Regardless, if it isn’t a dire emergency, acting on fear usually leads to a less than positive result.

It’s important to face our fears. It’s wise to take measures to protect ourselves.  When we give our fears decision-making power, we make a mistake.

This week, let’s acknowledge our fears, and laugh at them! Imagine the changes that might create for us.

How Fear Appears in Tarot

It’s important to discuss people’s fears in a tarot reading. In fact, fear and anxiety are often what prompts a tarot reading. But which cards reflect fear?

Often, an intuitive reader will pick up on their clients’ emotions without worrying about which cards express the feelings. At the same time, it’s important to acknowledge what shows up in the cards.

Fear can often show up as defensiveness, as in the Four of Pentacles, the Seven of Wands or the Nine of Wands.
Fear can also appear as worry and anxiety, as with the Eight and Nine of Swords. Fear can also appear as a confident card poorly dignified, such as the Nine of Pentacles reversed, or even the Sun reversed.

When you do a tarot reading, look for the emotions that are present. This is often a key to healing through tarot.

Image from Gilded Royale, by Ciro Marchetti.

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Ace of Pentacles

Your one-card reading is the Ace of Pentacles. This is a reminder to stay grounded and pay attention to practical matters.

The Ace of Pentacles can predict a new job, or new money.

The Ace of Pentacles can advise you to take better care of your body.

This week, pay attention to your health and wealth, and look for new opportunities to nurture them.

The Week in Review

This week I worked on my website, ChristianaGaudet.com. I’ve updated my calendar to reflect events through the rest of 2015. Check out these events, and mark your calendar now!

You may know that’ve I’ve been writing tarot deck and book reviews for many years. The problem was, they are published on different pages and blogs throughout my website. I’ve compiled a list of links in the “review” section of my site, so now you can see most of my reviews in one place!

From Around the Web

Marcus Katz was a guest on Unity On-Line Radio! You can listen to the interview. The topic is “How Can we Work with the Tarot for Guidance?

Here are some recipes for traditional Halloween/Samhain foods.

From Uncommon Help, here are five ways to beat fear and anxiety.

Song of the Week

When we laugh at our fears, we take control of our future. I’ve chosen the song “Unwritten”, by Natasha Bedingfield, for our song this week.

Image from Under the Roses Lenormand, by Kendra Hurteau and Katrina Hill.

Learning Lenormand

Card 23: Mice

In many traditions, Mice is viewed as a negative card. This card can indicate theft, or slow loss over time.

Think about the way mice chew at things and destroy them slowly. That is the energy this card projects.

Mice can also refer to fear and worry.

The playing card association for Mice is the Seven of Clubs. This can indicate hard work.

Next week, we will explore Card 24, Heart.

Transform your Fear and Find your Power with Tarot

When you are worried about something, it’s good to go to the cards, as long as you can base your questions on practical solutions or spiritual understanding, rather than asking questions that make your anxiety worse rather than better.

Asking “Why do I fear this?” may lead to better results than asking “Will this scary thing happen?”

“What can I learn from this?” and “What can I do to mitigate this problem?” are other good questions to ask about our fears.

Sometimes, cards that seem scary can appear in a reading. It’s important to take the messages of the cards in ways that help us be proactive, rather than to allow a difficult card to scare us.

Remember, the message we receive is always for our highest good. Don’t let fear drag you into an inappropriately pessimistic interpretation that takes away your power. Instead, use the cards to understand and transform your fears, and find your power!

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, November 4, 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively Online

Join with your computer, tablet or smartphone, or simply call in to participate in an hour of tarot learning, fellowship and fun! Find the easy log-in on the event listing on my website calendar.

Friday, November 6, 3 pm
The Fool’s Journey
John F. Germany Public Library
900 North Ashley DriveTampa, FL, 33602

Join me at the library as I present twenty-two of my closest friends, the cards of the Major Arcana.
Visit the event listing on my website for more information.

Sunday, November 8, 3:30
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Panera Bread
23388 State Road 54, Lutz, FL 33549

Join us for “Tarot Tales.” We’ll share stories, techniques and exercises from TarotCon, as well as some other new ways to grow your tarot skills. Christiana will lead the meeting. For more information, visit the event listing on my website, and follow the link to join the Meetup!

Save the Dates:

 On December 20, from 1- 5 pm, the Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup will host a Holiday Open House in support of Feeding America Tampa Bay. Read about it on my calendar.

TarotCon (Florida) 2016 will be in Palm Beach Gardens October 8-9. More information will follow soon!

About Christiana

Christiana Gaudet
Origins Spa and Wellness Center
1537 N Dale Mabry Highway #102
Lutz, FL 33548


Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office

are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


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