The Sun and the Moon

The Sun and the Moon are quite busy this September. Here’s a list of solar and lunar activity for September 2015, and some thoughts on what it all means for us.

On September 13th, there was a partial solar eclipse. While it was only visible in a few parts of the world, some believe that the effect of the eclipse can be felt worldwide, and for many days after the event. While different traditions interpret the energy of the eclipse in various ways, some people believe that a solar eclipse can facilitate communication with the spirit world.

Have you felt the presence of your loved ones in spirit this month?

The equinox is today, Wednesday, September 23th. In the northern hemisphere, it is the autumnal equinox; in the southern hemisphere, the vernal. At the time of equinox, when day and night are of equal length, we have an opportunity to use that energy to bring balance to our lives.

Today, or over the next few days, focus the energy of the equinox as you contemplate what you can do to bring more balance to your life.

Another significant event this month will be Sunday, September 27. This is a full moon, a lunar eclipse and a lunar perigee (super moon). This should provide some great moon-watching opportunities, and also some helpful energy.

The full moon provides an energy that can be harnessed to help with anything that is culminating in our lives. We could use this energy to help in launching a new project, or in releasing something from the past. The energy of the full moon helps us focus and manifest our wishes. The eclipse, and the perigee, serve to strengthen this energy.

What would you like to manifest on this full moon? 

Harness the Sun and the Moon

What do we mean when we speak of working with the energy of the moon and the sun?

We can bask in the light, and, as we breathe, be conscious of the energy we feel.

We can focus on the outer, external nature of the Sun, and ask that energy to help us be more confident and successful.

We can focus on the inner, internal nature of the moon, and ask that energy to help us become more psychic, and more in tune with Spirit.

We can strive to balance these two energies within ourselves, making sure we honor our relationships with others, and our industry in the world, while at the same time honoring our relationship with self, and with Higher Power.

Image from Gilded Royale, by Ciro Marchetti

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Your one-card reading this week is the Two of Wands. This card can speak specifically to personal desires, career, entrepreneurial pursuits or creative goals.

The Two of Wands suggests that now is the time to figure out what you want, and how you are going to make it happen.

Now is the time to dream, to contemplate, to visualize, to imagine and to plan.

I drew this card at random, and it represents an energy that is very appropriate for Sunday’s full moon.

Make a wish, but also take the time to plan how you are going to make your wish come true.

The Week in Review

Once again, I participated in the seasonal Tarot Blog Hop. This time around, our topic was very challenging. You can see how I, and seventeen other tarotists, each created a tarot card to describe our thoughts about the autumnal equinox.

You can start with my post, and follow the links to read all the others.

I’ve added a few things to my online scrapbook, including these great thank you notes from two of the six library presentations I did this summer. A new season of library programs starts next month!

From Around the Web

This Sunday, you can watch the lunar eclipse, no matter the weather. Visit Nasa TV to watch the live feed!

Here is a song for Mabon, the autumnal equinox, from Lisa Thiel.

Here are some thoughts about magic for different phases of the moon, from

Image from Gilded Reverie Lenormand, by Ciro Marchetti

Learning Lenormand


Card Twenty: Garden

We might think of gardens as being lovely places of retreat, but this is not so in the Lenormand system. Card Twenty, Garden, or Park, is about the public, social gatherings, networking and activities. Think of a garden or a park as a place to meet your friends, attend a concert or do business with the public.

Garden is a neutral card. It could refer to being noticed for your accomplishments, or being embarrassed by your failures, for example.

The playing card association is the Eight of Spades, which refers danger or temptation.

Next week we will explore Card Twenty-One, Mountain.

The Sun and the Moon in Divination

The sun and the moon are symbols in many systems of divination. The sun and the moon are both important characters in astrology. They also make an appearance in tarot, and in Lenormand.

It’s important to note that these symbols mean different things in different systems. As well, the context of a reading can change the meaning of a particular symbol substantially.

Still, it is interesting to see the different ways the symbols of the sun and the moon speak to us.

In astrology, the Sun represents ego, the conscious mind and our creative life force. These are very similar to the attributes of the tarot Sun, Card 19 of the Major Arcana. Key words for the tarot Sun also include brilliance and happiness. Indeed, the Sun is arguably the happiest card of the deck!

In Lenormand, the Sun is card 31, and its key words include success, energy, luck and accomplishment.

We can see that in these three systems, the symbol of the sun is perceived similarly, but not identically.

The Moon is a little trickier.

In astrology, the Moon represents our unconscious, and our deepest personal needs. Therefore, when we look at the sun and moon in astrology, we see the sun as what we show others, the external, and the Moon as what is within us, the internal. At this time of equinox we strive for balance between our internal and external selves.

The tarot Moon, Card 18 of the Major Arcana,can be about the confusion and illusion that plague us on our journey toward truth. The Moon asks us to use our intuition and develop our spiritual abilities, but warns us that we may fall prey to hidden enemies if we aren’t careful. Much like the astrological moon, the subconscious is a key focus.

The Lenormand Moon, Card 32, can speak about intuition, just as the tarot does. Both Moon cards can speak to moodiness and emotions. However, the Moon in Lenormand can symbolize exciting things that happen at night, so it can also refer to fame, and romance. That is quite different from the tarot Moon, or the moon in astrology!

The sun and the moon rule our sky, and divide night and day. It is no wonder these symbols are so important in our divination practices!

Upcoming Events


October 10th and 11th
Florida TarotCon
Doubletree Palm Beach
4431 PGA Boulevard, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

Join Marcus Katz, Tali Goodwin, Russell Sturgess, Ciro Marchetti, Lisa Hunt and more for a weekend of tarot learning, fun and growth.

TarotCon is presented by Tarosophy Tarot Association.  Visit their website to register.

Thursday, October 15 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively Online

Spend an hour with tarot friends around the world! No matter where you are in your tarot journey, you will learn and grow in your practice!

Visit the event listing on my website, and simply follow the links to log in, or follow the instructions to call in.

About Christiana

Christiana Gaudet
Origins Spa and Wellness Center
1537 N Dale Mabry Highway #102
Lutz, FL 33548


Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Some Thoughts on Literalism, Spirituality and Tarot


Pomegranates, Persephone, the High Priestess and Poetry