Back to Reality

There is something about the end of August that signals for me the end of fun and the beginning of work, even though I haven’t been “back to school” in many decades. Perhaps, after twelve or more years of school, we are all trained to set goals and get focused at this time of year.

The end of vacation and a return to routine doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Perhaps we all need to work to create a personal reality that is balanced and joyful enough, that, while vacation will always be welcome, it won’t be necessary.

Some people have a day-to-day reality that seems to suck the life out of them.

What can you do to create a day-to-day reality that nurtures you?

Create Your Reality with Tarot

Tarot changes things. When we study tarot, we ourselves are changed. Our reality shifts when we absorb its wisdom and begin to feel more a part of the greater Universe.

It’s also true that getting a glimpse at things through the lens of tarot allows us the opportunity to make changes, to maximize the positive and mitigate the negative.

We can also use tarot in manifestation and attraction work, as well as in divination. Simply choose the cards that reflect what you want in your life, and spend time with those images. You can put a tarot image on your wall to bring a particular energy to your home, for instance.

One of the wonderful things about working with tarot is our ability to use it as a tool to shape our reality.

The Week in Review

This week, I shared a post of interest to tarot students, about the Ten of Pentacles and the Ten of Cups. These cards are quite similar, but their differences are important!

I also had fun writing a piece about the phrase “Have a Good Day”. Can we promote world peace with this worn-out phrase? Maybe!

From Around the Web

If you are interested in Golden Dawn tarot traditions, the Thoth Tarot, and astrology in tarot, Joy Vernon has a really amazing post for you. Read “Golden Dawn Cheat-Sheet Tarot Decks”. Tarot deck collectors will enjoy this post as well!

This next post isn’t a pleasant topic, but it’s an important one. From Elephant Journal, an enlightening article about a form of psychological abuse called “gaslighting”.

Here’s a fun post from Tamara Hawk about cricket as an animal totem.

Tarot Cards for a Wake-up Call

Many tarot readings will serve to wake us up to a new reality, or to bring us back to reality that is unpleasant but necessary to face.

There are a few tarot cards which particularly carry the message of the wake-up call. When these cards appear, it may a call to wake up and pay attention!

Most readers see Judgement as a card describe a wake-up call. There can be a strong sense of endings, and an opportunity for new beginnings.

The Ace of Swords beckons us to understand a new truth, to discover something that is real.

Likewise, the Ace of Wands may indicate a stroke of inspiration that changes our reality.

The Magician may ask us to open our mind to something new, and the lightning that strikes the Tower down may be enlightening.

When you see these cards in a reading, it may be time for a wake-up call!

What’s up at the Psychic Café?

This week I am featuring an old episode from our days on PEN. The topic is “Catapulting your Metaphysical Business”.

This includes a panel discussion about business techniques that work, and those that don’t.

You can watch the episode on YouTube anytime!

Image from Gilded Reverie Lenormand, by Ciro Marchetti

Learning Lenormand

Card Seventeen: Stork

Stork, in the Lenormand deck, can be about change, or news of change. We traditionally think of storks bringing babies, and the Lenormand Stork is no exception. This card can indicate motherhood or pregnancy.

Stork is considered a neutral card. The stork brings a change; the surrounding cards will offer the nature of the change.

Stork is related to the Queen of Cups, typically a nurturing woman, or mother.

Next week we will meet our faithful friend, Card Eighteen, Dog.

Learn Lenormand at TarotCon

So many people are excited about the Lenormand cards! At TarotCon, you can study Lenormand with some of the top authorities in the field, Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin. You can meet Ciro Marchetti, artist of Gilded Reverie Lenormand. And, you can practice your grand tableau with some of the best cartomancers in the world!

TarotCon comes to Palm Beach Gardens in October. Make your reservations now!

Image from Gilded Royale, by Ciro Marchetti.

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Your one-card reading this week is the Four of Pentacles.

Often, this card is associated with people who are cheap, selfish, greedy or miserly. When this card appears, it is a good idea to check yourself and your associates, to make sure these energies aren’t a problem for you.

If you are suffering from recent financial loss, find a way to release your disappointment with ease and grace.

The Four of Pentacles advises self-care, and the careful management of resources. Given some of the stock market turbulence this week, the Four of Pentacles may serve to remind us to be careful with our money, yet at the same time, to not make wealth our priority.

Perhaps most importantly, take some time and energy to take care of yourself this week.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, September 13, 3:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Lenormand Study Group: The Final 9 Cards
Panera Bread, 23388 State Road 54, Lutz, 33549


We’ve been exploring the Lenormand cards nine at a time. Join us for our study session with the final nine cards. After we explore the meanings of these cards, we’ll put the deck together and try some readings!

You can visit the event listing on my website, and RSVP on Meetup!


Monday, September 14, 7 pm
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively On Line
Global Tarot Circle


Join tarot friends around the world, for an hour of readings, spreads, techniques and general tarot fun!

You can join on your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, or you can call in.

For log in information, visit the event listing on

About Christiana

Christiana Gaudet
Origins Spa and Wellness Center
1537 N Dale Mabry Highway #102
Lutz, FL 33548


Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office

are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Happy Labor Day!


Focus on Family and Home: The Ten of Cups and the Ten of Pentacles