Tarot Topics 3/11/2015: Innovation


It’s easy to get stuck in a habit, or a particular way of doing things. Sometimes, the way we’ve always done it isn’t the best, or the easiest, way to get something done.

There are times we need to think outside the box and try something new. We are often told not to “reinvent the wheel,” and there’s wisdom in that. Once in a while, though, it is time to build something new or try something different.

Where do you need a little innovation in your life?

Meditate to Innovate!

It happens to all of us. Sometimes we feel uninspired and unmotivated. Even the most creative people seem to lose their ability to have original ideas from time to time.

You always have unlimited ability to create something wonderful. Sometimes, it’s hard to access that potential.

Meditation is a simple and easy way to access your creativity, and to allow your energy to flow. Spend just ten minutes alone with yourself, quietly, each day. You will be surprised how those ten minutes improve the rest of your day!

The Week in Review

This week, I was honored to be a guest blogger on the U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Tarot Blog. Read my story about Golden Tarot, and the poignant way it made the connection between life and the afterlife.

On my personal blog, I wrote about psychic predictions, and a phenomenon I have observed.

On the Community Blog, I posted another video from my YouTube channel in the “Answers to Your Questions about Tarot” series. This time, the question is about Major Arcana 9, the Hermit.

From Around the Web

An amazing thing is happening in the online tarot community. Artists from all over the world are coming together to create a tarot deck with a poignant theme. Read about it on Olivia Destrades’ First Earth Tarot Blog, and see her contribution to the deck.

Majorie Jensen shared a wonderful post on Spiral Nature. Read “Epistolary tarot: Love, letting go, and learning”.

There’s another great new video on “A Metaphysician’s Journal” on YouTube. This time it’s about learning to read Lenormand oracle cards.

Innovation with the Aces

Are you ready for something new in your life? Look to tarot and the Four Elements to help you manifest it!

From your tarot deck, remove the Four Aces. Look at each one, and think about the Element it represents.

Each Ace brings its Element to your life, bringing with it new opportunity and energy. Which Ace, or which Element, is ready to jump into your life now?

Shuffle the four Aces and pull one at random to tell you.

Think about how your Ace’s Element will manifest in your life, and what you can do to welcome its energy.

What’s up on the Psychic Café?

This week I am featuring our Saint Patrick’s Day episode from March 17, 2013. You’ll enjoy perspectives on Saint Patrick’s Day from Gary Karp, Robin Renee, Helene Martz,  Ambika Devi, String Band and more! You can watch the episode on my YouTube Channel at your convenience.

Don’t forget to stop by our Facebook Page and hit the Like button!

Learning Tarot: Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles is traditionally called the “Castle Card.” This card can refer to real estate, or a family home.

In the Ten of Pentacles, we see the promise of the Ace of Pentacles, now fulfilled. Metaphorically, the Ace of Pentacles is a seed filled with potential, the Ten is the fruit-laden tree which sprung from that seed.

This card speaks of your family tree, your lineage. It may reference traits that are inherited.

The Ten of Pentacles reminds us of family history. This is the card of ancestry and legacy.

The Ten of Pentacles can predict happiness and wealth in a love relationship.

This card may suggest a multi-generational home.

The Ten of Pentacles may describe the sale or purchase of a home.

As the last pip card in the suit of Pentacles, the Ten suggests the ultimate security and prosperity.

Next week, we will meet the Page of Pentacles as we begin our journey through the earthy court of the suit of Pentacles.

Crystal Visions Tarot Copyright Jennifer Galasso Image used with permission.

Guest Blogger Contest

Would you like to win a copy of the brand new Celtic Lenormand? Write a post for our Community Blog. Share some thoughts about a tarot card, a spread, or a reading you’ve done.

Once your post is published, share the link and get your friends to vote for it. At the end of March, the person with the most stars wins!

It’s easy to submit your post and share your thoughts with our Community Blog!

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Your One-Card Reading this week is the Five of Swords. 

This week, there may be a battle coming your way. Pay attention, and don’t get drawn into a fight that isn’t yours.

If it is time to take a stand, be firm.

Some battles can’t be avoided. If this is so, make sure you are in it to win it.  It is likely this will not end in a draw, but in a victory, or a defeat. Choose your position carefully.

If the battle is already over, it is time to move on. Do not dwell on past losses on victories, but only on the lessons learned from the battle.

Crystal Visions Tarot Copyright Jennifer Galasso Image used with permission.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, March 18, 6:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Panera Bread, 23388 State Rd 54, Lutz, FL, 33549

This is a special class with Katrina Wynne, M.A.

Lenormand is a cartomancy system of 36 cards popularized in the French court of Napoleon. Combined in unique ways they create understandable messages used to enhance your reading.

By the end of this 2-hour class you will be ready to start reading for yourself and others.

Bring your Lenny deck for fun activities. There will be a few to practice with if you do not have one. Great handouts are provided. The slide show offers a wealth of visual information.

The class includes helpful handouts. All levels of interest are welcome!

Katrina is traveling from Oregon, and will be in the area only a short time. We are asking for a $20 donation to help defray her travel expenses.

RSVP on the Meetup site, or just join us at Panera!


Monday, March 30, 7 pm
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively On Line
Global Tarot Circle

Do you have burning questions about tarot, or about your life? Would you like to deepen your tarot practice and make new friends?

Join us for this free monthly exploration of tarot! You can join on your computer, tablet, smartphone or by calling in.
Simply visit the event listing for log-in and call-in information.

Sunday, April 19, 3:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Panera Bread, 23388 State Road 54, Lutz, FL 33559

Join us for fun, food, fellowship and tarot! We’ll share our thoughts about tarot, and our experiences with the cards. We’ll perform readings for each other, and enjoy sharing energy with tarot friends new and old!

Visit the Meetup site for more information.

About Christiana

Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Internet Tarot Teaching: Let the Buyer Beware


Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: The Hermit