Tarot Topics 2/11/2015: Messages of Love

Messages of Love

Valentine’s Day is this weekend. Some people really enjoy this holiday. Others pretend it doesn’t exist.

Whatever your romantic status is, it’s interesting to think about the person for whom this holiday was named, St. Valentine.

According to legend, the original “Valentines” were messages of hope and courage written on the heart-shaped leaves that grew in Valentine’s prison window. His followers gathered by the window to receive these inspiring messages.

This week, let’s send messages of love wherever and whenever we can. A smile, a kind word, or a heartfelt prayer can go a long way.

Let’s make a conscious effort to receive the messages of love, hope and inspiration that come our way.

Three Tarot Cards that are Messengers of Love

Here are three tarot cards that sometimes bring a message of love. They could indicate a secret admirer, a message of love from one who has passed on, or a new relationship.

Sometimes these cards encourage you to speak your heart and become a messenger of love.

Ace of Cups: The Ace of Cups can predict a new love. It can also speak of the open heart, and your ability to freely give and receive unconditional love. The Ace of Cups also represents divine love, that is, the love that Higher Power has for us. 

The Page of Cups: The Page of Cups can be specific encouragement to speak your heart. The Page of Cups may indicate a message of love from one who is departed. The Page of Cups reminds you speak with compassion.

The Knight of Cups: The Knight of Cups is the card of the suitor. This card may predict a new romance, or encourage you to pursue the person you desire. The Knight of Cups encourages you to be the bringer and seeker of love in all its forms.

The next time you see these cards in a reading, consider what message of love they may bring!

The Week in Review

This week I posted another “Answers to Your Questions about Tarot” video. I received two questions that were very similar, both from professional readers. You can read the post and watch the video to see my ideas about “Getting Back your Tarot Groove.”

On my Dark Forest Blog, I added another UrbanSpoon restaurant review. If you are every in Land O’Lakes, Florida, you must try Capital Tacos.

Have you noticed my new and improved website growing every day? Check out the convenient event calendar! Here you will find local events everywhere I travel and internet events available everywhere.


From Around the Web

Mary K. Greer has been doing a lot of research and writing about the artist behind the Waite-Smith Tarot, Pamela Colman Smith, known as Pixie.

Here’s “Pamela Colman Smith 1907 – story teller.” While you are there, you can see the wealth of information Mary has collected about Pixie. Follow the links to read more!

From Raptitude, here are some truths about thinking!

Here’s a video treat for you! You’ll enjoy these two young tarot voices, and you will learn about tea leaf reading! Watch Daily Tarot Girl Kate interviewing Tabitha Dial.

Messages of Love Tarot Spread

Here is a simple three-card spread for you to try.

Card One: How do I send the message of love to those around me?

Card Two: How do I receive the message of love from others?

Card Three: How can I more easily and fully give and receive love at this time?

Try this spread in honor of St. Valentine, or at any time you need to feel the love!

What’s Up on the Psychic Café?

Our featured episode last week was “Creating a Better World.” I asked a diverse group of people one simple question. What is one thing we could do to create a better world?

Their answers are inspiring. If you haven’t seen this episode yet, watch it on YouTube!

This week we are featuring an episode called “Divination Exploration.” Three diviners, Robin Renee, Mary Ellen Collins and Ambika Devi join me to discuss the ins and outs of divination.

This episode was recorded in June of 2013, but will debut on YouTube this Sunday.

You can watch in on our Facebook page, or on my YouTube channel.

Learning Tarot: Six of Pentacles

As we journey through the suit of Pentacles, we see lessons of creating and managing resources. In the Three, we saw learning a career and achieving professional recognition. In the Four we saw selfishness, and in the Five, poverty. These cards really illustrate the journey we all take in learning to deal with resources appropriately.

In the Six of Pentacles, we see someone giving charity. This is a sharp contrast to the miserly Four of Pentacles.

He holds the scales as if he is making sure that what he gives is fair to all, and appropriate for all.

Key words for this card include charity, giving, success, sharing, helping.

This card can indicate giving or paying money, but can also indicate giving and sharing in other ways.

Since the character often holds a scale, this card sometimes refers to equal exchange, fair trade, and finding the right balance.

When this card appears, you could be either the giver or receiver of charity, a gift, a grant, or payment.

Next week we will meet the Tired Gardener in the Seven of Pentacles.

Tarot card  image from The Gilded Tarot Royale by Ciro Marchetti.
Used with permission.

February Guest Bloggers Contest

I’ve been hosting a Community Blog for a few years now. Unbelievably, we’ve had thirteen guest bloggers so far, including notables such as Biddy Tarot, Mary Ellen Collins, Robin Renee and Mary Nale.

With our new website, it’s easy to contribute to the Community Blog. Anyone who wants to submit something is welcome. Your submission needs to be somewhat tarot-related, or at least spiritual. Hate speech isn’t allowed, and you must have the legal right to publish any words or art you submit.

You may use the Community Blog to participate in the Tarot Blog Hop, as Amanda Lee has done. You may use the Community Blog to promote your own website, as long as you add something of value to the Community Blog.

As an incentive to welcome current bloggers to our new format, and to encourage new bloggers, we will have a contest during the month of February.

From now until March First, all guest bloggers on the Community Blog are eligible to win a brand new copy of the fabulous Japaridze Tarot.

How do you win? Simply contribute to the Community Blog as many posts as you like. You’ll notice that our readers can rate each blog post with stars at the bottom of the post. On March First, the blogger with the most stars, wins!

You may share your post, and ask your readers to vote for you!

The winner will be announced in March 4th edition of this Newsletter! Happy Blogging!

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Your One-Card Reading this week is The Hermit.

If you are feeling lonely this week, don’t worry. Enjoy your own company, and use your solitude to learn and grow, or to help others.

If you have an opportunity to learn something new this week, take it, even if the process is difficult.

This week, eschew short-cuts. Sometimes the longer way is the correct way. Remember that all wisdom, and all enlightenment, come at a price.

The price, or the sacrifice, is that you will sometimes be lonely when others seem surrounded by love. You will sometimes work while others play.

The Hermit promises the reward of wisdom and the joy of sharing, after a long, lonely journey.

Tarot card  image from The Gilded Tarot Royale by Ciro Marchetti.
Used with permission.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, February 25, 7 pm
Premium Webex Webinar Available Exclusively On Line
Sharing Wisdom – Reading for Others

Tarot hobbyists, professional readers, and those somewhere in between, all share something in common. We all want to give the best readings possible to clients, family and friends.

In this online presentation, Christiana Gaudet will guide you through each step of performing a great reading. She will help you discover your personal style as a reader, and discuss some common pitfalls and ways to avoid them. She will give you insight in how to derive the most specific information possible from each reading.

Christiana’s virtual classroom is accessible using your computer or your telephone using the Webex app.

To register for this webinar, visit the event listing.

Sunday, March 1, 3:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Panera Bread, 23388 State Rd 54, Lutz, FL 33549

Join fellow tarot enthusiasts for an afternoon of readings, conversation, exploration and insight. Grab a beverage and a snack and get ready to learn something new.

We’ve recently been working with both tarot and Lenormand, so bring your cards if you have them.

Join our Meetup!

Wednesday, March 18, 6:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Panera Bread, 23388 State Rd 54, Lutz, FL, 33549

This is a special class with Katrina Wynne, M.A.

Lenormand is a cartomancy system of 36 cards popularized in the French court of Napoleon. Combined in unique ways they create understandable messages used to enhance your reading.

By the end of this 2-hour class you will be ready to start reading for yourself and others.

Bring your Lenny deck for fun activities. There will be a few to practice with if you do not have one. Great handouts are provided. The slide show offers a wealth of visual information.

The class includes helpful handouts. All levels of interest are welcome!

Katrina is traveling from Oregon, and will be in the area only a short time. We are asking for a $20 donation to help defray her travel expenses.

RSVP on the Meetup site, or just join us at Panera!

About Christiana

Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


The Joy of a Hand-Written Letter


Creating a Better World on Christiana's Psychic Cafe