Tarot Topics Weekly Newsletter 5/7/2014



Tarot Topics

Christiana's Weekly Newsletter


May 7, 2014



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In This Issue




Mother's Day


Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate all the wonderful women in our lives. It’s a time to honor those who give life, and those who make life better.


Mother’s Day is also a great time to honor Mother Earth. As the weather becomes more pleasant we have the opportunity to find peace, healing and joy by spending time in nature.


Happy Mother’s Day to all who nurture life, and to all who create life.



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Mother's Day Tarot


Mother’s Day has always been a very special day in my tarot profession. Many years ago, in the mid-1990s, I held the very first “Christiana’s Psychic and New Age Fair” at the King’s Inn in Putnam, Connecticut, on Mother’s Day. We were so blessed that so many people turned out to enjoy readings, attend seminars and buy books, jewelry and candles.


Holding the Putnam psychic fair on Mother’s Day became a tradition we kept for many years. Often, mothers and daughters would come to celebrate the day at the psychic fair together.


These days, I do much of my work by phone and Skype. Mothers and daughters still like to have readings together. Just the other day I had a reading with a mother and daughter who used to come to the fair in Putnam. We’re all a bit older since we saw each other last. The daughter and I are computer savvy. The mother is not.


That didn’t stop Mom from having a great reading with me on Skype! She simply visited her daughter’s home. Her daughter set up the Skype. All Mom had to do was sit in front of the computer and talk with me. She was delighted! It was hard to believe that so many years had passed, and that there were so many miles between us. Giving the reading over Skype felt if there were no time or distance between us at all!


It’s been an honor to share tarot readings, classes and events with so many mother-daughter teams over the years. Now, modern technology makes it easy to keep connected with the people we love, and with the things we enjoy.



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Limitless Abundance with the Empress, the "Mother" of Tarot


Major Arcana 3, the Empress, is often associated with motherhood. In divination, the Empress can indicate pregnancy, issues with family members, or a message from your mother in spirit.


Within this card we also see a great deal of abundance and luxury. The Empress does not appear tired, as most mothers are. The Empress has plenty of resources.


So many of the stresses of motherhood come from a lack of resources; time, money or energy.


Imagine having a limitless supply of time, money and energy with which to nurture others, as well as having enough left over to nurture yourself!


Here is an exercise to bring some of the limitless abundance of the Empress into your life.


Simply take the Empress card from your deck and spend some timing looking at the image. Relax, and breathe for a few minutes.


Now imagine that you are the Empress. Imagine that you are wearing a crown of stars, or seated on a throne, or surrounded by woodland creatures. In your mind, become the Empress herself.


Call this image to mind several times a day as a self-blessing. As the energy of the Empress come into your life you will be blessed with greater resources, in greater abundance.



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The Week in Review


This week the Tarot Blog Hop hopped again! Read what we tarotists had to say about the “Union of Opposites.”


On my Dark Forest blog, find out “Why I’m a Lousy Gardener.”


On the Tarot Topics Community Blog, I’ve answered another question about tarot. Watch the video about doing “Public Tarot Readings in Small Towns.”


On my 78 Magickal Tools Blog on PaganSquare, I wrote about “The Tarot Magick of Reversals.”



From Around the Web


It’s the first week of the month once again, so let’s see some scopes!


From First Earth Tarot, here are May 2014 Tarotscopes.


From Queen of Wands Tarot, here are May 2014 Lenniescopes.


From Eric Francis, here are May 2014 Horoscopes.



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A Mother's Day Reading


Every mother gives their child at least one precious thing – life. Many of us are lucky to have mothers who give us much more than that.


Either way, another thing every mother will give every child is at least one thing to tell their therapist! With that in mind, here’s a two-card spread in honor of Mother’s Day.


Card One: What is something I learned or inherited from my Mother that I should try to maximize and celebrate?


Card Two: What is something I learned or inherited from my Mother that I should try to heal from, or remove from my life?



In This Issue ]



What’s Up at the Psychic Café?


This week Fiona Benjamin, the Tarot Reader of Okinawa, was my guest. I really enjoyed my conversation with this fascinating young tarot professional. We performed a few readings, and talked about the nature of tarot reading as a profession.


You can watch the show in archive on the Tarot Topics news site.


On Mother’s Day we’ll enjoy an encore presentation of our first “Psychic Business” episode. This one features Helene Martz and Jenna Matlin.


For more information, visit the Show Info page, and don’t forget to like Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.



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Learning Tarot: Ten of Wands


In the Rider-Waite-Smith image we see a person carrying his bundle. From the path he walks we can see it is a long distance to the town. He successfully carries his burden alone.


Typical key words for the Ten of Wands are burdens, responsibilities and oppression. This card can indicate a heavy burden, either real or imagined. It can indicate a difficult task that you need to accomplish on your own. Sometimes the Ten of Wands represents a feeling of being overwhelmed. Sometimes the Ten of Wands can represent emotional baggage.


For me, the Ten of Wands can be a card of encouragement. The burden is heavy and the journey is long, but you are doing what you need to do. You will continue to do what you need to do until the journey is over.


The suit of Wands, Ace through Ten, tells the story of an inspiration, something that ignited, survived, grew and thrived; something that needed to be defended and preserved. Now, this creation is nearing its successful completion.


Next week we will visit with the Page of Wands.



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Christiana's Trip to Connecticut


This August, I will once again be traveling to New England. I will be offering Psychic House parties in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.


My travel dates are flexible at this time, but I anticipate being available in Connecticut and nearby states between August 8th and August 24th.


Dates are already booking, so if you would like me to come to your home or office for a Psychic House Party in August, please call me at 561-655-1160 now!



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Last Minute Party Opportunity in Palm Beach County This Saturday Night


I’ll be in Palm Beach County this Saturday evening, May 10th.


Due to a scheduling change I have an opening for a psychic house party, house call or in-home class. Let me know if you would like to take advantage of this rare opportunity. Call me at 561-655-1160.



In This Issue ]


Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your one-card reading this week is the Page of Pentacles. Often this card can indicate a young person in your life. This card may encourage you to get to know a particular young person, or to become a mentor or teacher to someone young.


The Page of Pentacles also encourages you to become a student, to learn something new, particularly related to your business and career.


If you own a business, the Page of Pentacles is a specific reminder to use the internet to market your business more effectively.


If you want a new job or a promotion, the Page of Pentacles encourages you to be proactive in communicating your needs, or in searching for a job.



In This Issue ]



Upcoming Events


Sunday, May 11, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Celebrate Mother’s Day with Jenna Matlin and Helene Martz as we enjoy an encore presentation of our “Psychic Business” episode.


What does it take to run a psychic business? Watch the show and find out!



Monday, May 12, 7 pm

Premium Webinar

Personal Tarot – Reading for Yourself


This class is designed for serious tarot students who want to develop their tarot skills. Self-reading is the best way to learn to understand the cards. It is also an important practice for personal and spiritual growth.


Christiana’s virtual classroom is accessible using your computer or your telephone.


This online presentation will teach you good practices for self reading. You will be able to identify and interpret your specific personal cards. You will be able to use self-reading to enhance your tarot studies. Christiana will help you explore specific techniques for self-reading that will help you derive all the information you need.


For more information, visit the event listing on the Continuing Education website. 



Sunday, May 18, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Join me, Jenna Matlin, Amethyst Mahoney and Gary Karp as we discuss ways to catapult your metaphysical business into success! There are so many creative ways to get noticed, attract clients and build the business the works for you. Find out what worked for us, and what can work for you!


For more information, visit Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook!



Tuesday, May 20, 7 pm

Free Webinar

The Four Elements and the Minor Arcana


Please join us for a 75-minute-long webinar about the Four Elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) and the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. This class will cover the powers and properties of the four elements, and how they relate to the four suits in tarot. You will learn ways of interpreting the pip cards and the court cards based on their elemental association. You will learn ways of designing and performing tarot spreads based on the four elements. This class is appropriate for beginners, and readers of all levels.


For log-in info, visit the event listing on the Continuing Education website.



Thursday, May 22, 4 pm

Radio Guest Appearance


I’ll be a guest on Tarot Dactyl’s BlogTalkRadio show “There’s a Rock for That.” I’ll be sharing some of my experiences mining Arkansas quartz, and using the crystals in healing work. We’ll talk about the environmental controversy surrounding mining.



In This Issue ]


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.
Agent inquiries are welcome.

Toll Free: 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Local: 561-655-1160
Skype: tarot.radio
Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Tarot in My Life: Making a Choice Changes Your Life


Why I’m a Lousy Gardener