Tarot Topics Weekly Newsletter 3/19/2014



Tarot Topics

Christiana's Weekly Newsletter


​March 19, 2014


View the newsletter online at


In This Issue




Planting Seeds

Yesterday I was admiring a neighbor’s garden. Amid the flowers and ferns was a plaque that said, “As the garden grows, so grows the gardener.”


How true that is! I just began gardening a year ago. Over the year-round Florida growing season my flowers and I have grown quite a bit.


As we welcome spring many of us think about the gardening we want to do. Spring is the time of rebirth, rejuvenation and renewal. Planting seeds and preparing garden beds reminds us that life, and hope, spring eternal.


Sometimes we use gardening terms as euphemisms for achieving our goals. We talk about planting seeds, being fruitful and weeding out the unnecessary, even if we never actually dig in the soil.

Whether your garden is literal or metaphoric, now is the time to plant your seeds.


What do you want to grow this spring?



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Seed-Planting Tarot Spread


What seeds are you planting in your life this spring? How will you nurture them? What will they yield? Here’s a simple three-card tarot spread to tell you exactly that!


Card one: What seeds am I planting?


Card two: How should I nurture these seeds?


Card three: What will these seeds likely yield?


Sometimes we plant seeds inadvertently; our fears and worries often fuel the growth of things that don’t serve us. If you find you are planting something you didn’t intend, use this spread to get you on the right track.

If you are consciously nurturing your growth, this spread should give you the encouragement and direction you need to continue.



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The Week in Review


This week I was saddened by the death of noted author Donald Michael Kraig. I wrote about three things I learned from him on my Dark Forest blog.


One thing tarotists of all levels of experience have in common is this. Sometimes it’s hard to put voice to exactly what a tarot card is saying.  On my personal blog, Tarot Trends, I wrote about five ways to talk about the cards. Read “Giving Voice to Tarot.”


On the Tarot Topics Community blog I added another installment in my “Answers to Your Questions about Tarot” video series. This time the question was about how to perform a couples reading.



From Around the Web


This week, I would like to share with you the websites of some of the professionals who will be appearing on Christiana’s Psychic Café this week.


Amethyst Mahoney is a tarot reader and spiritual badass who helps metaphysical entrepreneurs reach their potential.


Hillary Gauvreau is an energy healer, Brennan Healing Science practitioner, Reiki Master, teacher and writer.


Jenna Matlin is a successful young tarotist in the Philadelphia area.


Gary Karp is a life coach and tarotist in the Brooklyn area.


Saxz Stevens offers a unique divinatory experience through the use of multiple oracles.


Join us this Sunday as we discuss some important aspects of metaphysical business, money and spirituality!



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Gardens in Tarot


Plants and flowers figure prominently in the symbolism of most tarot decks. That’s because most cultures attach significance and meaning to specific flowers. There are even themed tarot decks that focus specifically on plants, such as “Herbal Tarot” and “The Spirit of Flowers Tarot.”


It’s interesting to look through a tarot deck and focus on the plant life you see there. Often this can give new ways to understand and interpret the cards.


There are even specific tarot cards that make reference to gardens. For instance, the Seven of Pentacles is often known as “The Tired Gardener.” This card predicts a successful harvest after a great deal of hard work.


The Nine of Pentacles is often pictured as a woman alone in her garden. Here, the garden is a place of peace, serenity and safety.


As you look through your deck, you will find many images of plants and gardens. You can use these images to strengthen your manifestation as you plant seeds in your life this spring.



In This Issue ]



What’s Up at the Psychic Café?


Last Sunday, March 16th, we enjoyed an encore presentation of our Saint Patrick’s Day Special from 2013. The show featured musicians, tarotists and Pagans discussing Saint Patrick’s Day and telling stories of their own Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations.


If you missed it, watch the show in archive on the Tarot Topics news site.


This Sunday, March 23rd we have a very special episode of the Psychic Café planned for you. If you are a metaphysical businessperson, or aspire to be, make sure you tune in to hear six successful metaphysical professionals discuss an important issue. Our topic is giving away free services - when it works, when it doesn’t and why we do or don’t do it. Our guests will include Amethyst Mahoney, Gary Karp, Jenna Matlin, Hillary Gauvreau and Saxz Stevens.


Tune in, and join the conversation in the chatroom!


For more information, visit the show info page, and make sure you like Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook!



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Learning Tarot: Three of Wands


In tarot, the number three is about production. It represents what is produced by our choices, thoughts and actions.


The suit of Wands relates to the element of Fire. The Wands cards describe our passions, our creativity, our enterprises, and our motivation.


In the Three of Wands we see a person looking out over the horizon. There are ships on the water.


Typically, the Three of Wands describes and predicts success; often the first success of a new venture.


The inspiration of the Ace of Wands and the planning of the Two of Wands have now culminated in the success of the Three of Wands.


There is some question about what the ships are doing. Is this an indication that “your ship is coming in?” Or are you just now setting sail? Either way, the mood of this card is one of satisfaction and encouragement. Good ideas and hard work create success.


Next week we will continue the story with the Four of Wands.



In This Issue ]



Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your One-Card reading this week is the Nine of Wands.


Often, I call this card the “Wounded Warrior.” It indicates a need to be faithful to your duties, even though you are wounded and need to heal.


The Nine of Wands advises patience. Now is a time to wait, not to act. The Nine of Wands assures that you will be able to accomplish your responsibilities, no matter how difficult they may be.


Now is a time to honor the demands that life has placed upon you.

Later, the time will come to rest and heal. For now, have faith in your own abilities, and be patient with the rest of the world.



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Upcoming Events


Sunday, March 23, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


A live panel of full-time metaphysical practitioners will discussion the ins and outs of giving services and products for free. When is it a good idea to donate our time, and when is it a mistake? How does it help us to give freely, and how does it hurt us?

Don’t miss this important conversation!


For more information, visit Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.



Tuesday, March 25 7 pm

Premium Webinar

An In-Depth Journey into the Major Arcana - Spiritual Enlightenment


The final seven cards of the Major Arcana, cards Fifteen through Twenty-One, hold the secrets of the Fool’s Journey toward spiritual enlightenment.


This online presentation will focus on these seven important cards. Students will learn the astrological, numerological and elemental associations for each card.


Students will contemplate the lessons of these seven cards, and discover how they point the way to enlightenment.


Armed with a complete understanding of each card, students will have an easy time learning ways of interpreting the cards when reading for themselves and others.


For registration, visit the event listing on the Continuing Education website.



Sunday, March 30, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Jordan Hoggard returns to the Psychic Café. Jordan is the designer of Tarot in the Land of Mystereum, and host of Inner State Highways on PEN. Get ready to join the conversation and call in for your readings!


For more information, visit Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.



Sunday, April 6, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Due to a power outage, many people were not able to view our “Finding Your Tarot Voice” episode featuring Beth Henry and Tarot Tidal. By popular demand, we’ll play the show again so you can see Beth’s hilarious tarot video, and get some great ideas for finding your tarot voice!


For more information, visit Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.



In This Issue ]


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.
Agent inquiries are welcome.

Toll Free: 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Local: 561-655-1160
Skype: tarot.radio
Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Symbolism and reading tarot


Global Tarot Circle