Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 11/20/2013

Tarot by Christiana Newsletter

November 20, 2013
View the newsletter online at
In This Issue
What's Up at the Psychic Café?

The word “reflection” has so many meanings to mystics and spiritual people. Reflection is something we do often – thinking deeply and being open to inspiration and guidance.
Reflection is something we do in divination in a couple of ways. Our divinatory tools, like tarot, reflect our truth back to us. The information we receive is often something that gives us cause for further reflection.
The images we see in reflective surfaces are something we can use in divination. To gaze into water, or a mirror or a crystal ball is called “scrying,” and is another way to gain insight from the Universe.

A Reflection of Yourself
In some schools of spiritual and psychological thought there is a theory that what you dislike in another person is simply a reflection of something you don’t like in yourself.
Sometimes this is true. Understanding this theory can help us be more self-reflective. If we dislike someone’s behavior it is always helpful to ask ourselves if we behave in that same way.
However, the idea that something we don’t like in someone else is always a reflection of our own negative traits seems to be a serious overstatement.
I have seen many people refuse to take responsibility for their own behaviors, instead saying “I am simply a reflection of you.”
There are many reasons we might not like a person, or a person’s behaviors. Checking in to try to understand our feelings is a helpful process. Sometimes what we don’t like in someone else really is a reflection of something we don’t like within ourselves. Knowing that can help us grow.
Sometimes there are other valid reasons we don’t prefer the company of certain people. Sometime we want to protect ourselves from behaviors we find negative, unappealing or dangerous.
People are complex. There are very few things about people that are “always” or “never” true. That’s why being introspective is so very important when we analyze our feelings about others. Our greatest joys and our greatest frustrations in life will often come from the people around us.

The Week in Review
I hope you enjoy Joanne Matthew’s contributions to our Tarot Topics Community Blog as much as I do! This week her post is called "In the Cards."
If you have something to say about tarot, spirituality, metaphysics or divination you can join our Tarot Topics Community Blog as well! Just sign up for a free account.
Recently I have been making a series of videos called “Answers to your Questions about Tarot.”
Folks email me their questions, I make a YouTube video with my answers and put it on the Community Blog.
I started this series because some of my students’ questions were so smart I wanted other students to hear the questions, and to hear my answers. Now I am receiving questions from all over the world, and the scope of the questions is much larger than I could have anticipated! Please keep the questions coming, no matter how specific or how general! Just email me and I will make a video for you!
This week my video is about shuffling the tarot cards!
On my personal blog, Tarot Trends, I wrote about a fun tarot group exercise. Try this with your friends! Enjoy "Significators – A Tarot Game."
It’s beginning to look a lot like the holiday season in Florida. Even after four seasons here, this Northeasterner is still giggling about warm-weather winter holidays! Read about "Holiday Warmth in Florida" on my Dark Forest Blog.
Last week I was a guest on Attune Radio, Personal Empowerment with Jean Maurie Puhlman and Maggie Lukowski. If you missed the broadcast, you can listen in archive.
From Around the Web
Here’s a gem from Jean Maurie Puhlman, co-host of Personal Empowerment on Attune Radio. Jean has been keeping a journal for much of her life. Now, she is blogging “My 50 Years of Journaling.” See what she had to say about the assassination of President Kennedy.
Tarot has been inspiring poetry for many centuries. Tarot artist and fellow Connecticut-girl-turned-Floridian Lisa Hunt had a great honor recently. Donovan (yes, THE Donovan) wrote a poem inspired by one of Lisa’s tarot cards! Read it on Donovan’s blog.
Here’s a very helpful post I found on Alternet. Read about the "14 Habits of Highly Miserable People."

Tarot Mirror Spread
Tarot is an amazing way to help us reflect on every aspect of life. The cards actually act as a mirror, reflecting what is really happening.
Here is a tarot spread to help you see yourself, and what is going on in your life.
Starting to the left arrange four cards in a diamond shape, so card 1 is to the left, card 2 is at the top, card 3 is to the right and card 4 is on the bottom. Place a 5th card directly to the right of card 3.
Interpret the cards as follows.
Card 1. How my perception of my past shapes my identity.
Card 2. How I want to present myself to others.
Card 3. My willingness to set and meet goals for my future.
Card 4. My core identity.
Card 5. What the Universe wants me to know.
Read these cards with an open mind. It’s hard to look into the mirror and really see what’s there. Allow yourself time to reflect on the cards you receive.

What’s Up at the Psychic Café?
This past Sunday, November 17th, we had one of the most profound and interesting interviews in the history of the Psychic Café! Nancy Evans Bush was my guest, and the topic was Near Death Experiences.
Nancy has written the book “Dancing Past the Dark,” and has been a scientific researcher and spiritual philosopher on the topic of Near Death Experiences for many years.
If you want to hear this enlightening and informative interview, find the show in archive on the Tarot Topics News Site.
This coming Sunday, November 24th, we will be celebrating creativity and spirituality on the Psychic Café. My first guest will be Alexian, a Pagan musician and priest of the Alexandrian tradition. My second guest will be Lisa De St. Croix, artist of the forthcoming Tarot De St. Croix.
I am looking forward to speaking with these two talented artists and see how their spiritual life is reflected in their art.
For more information visit the Show Info page, and don’t forget to like Christiana’s Psychic Cafe on Facebook!

Learning Tarot
The Chariot

The Chariot is card 7 in the Major Arcana. The Chariot completes the first group of seven numbered cards in the Major Arcana. Some tarotists see the twenty-one numbered cards of the Major Arcana grouped into three groups of seven.
I see this first group, Magician through Chariot, as the Fool’s journey through the material world. In these cards the Fool learns to master the challenges of living on the planet. The Chariot is the final card of that journey and signals that mastery has been achieved.
That the Chariot’s steeds are black and white suggests a need for balance, and a need to join opposing forces together to move in a particular direction. The charioteer controls those steeds without reins, indicating the strong force of will.
The Chariot represents the vehicle of success, and reminds us that we can be the hero of our journey.
On a more mundane level, the Chariot in a reading can indicate travel, or can make reference to an issue with transportation. Just as a teenager in our society feels a sense of mastery when he gets the keys to the car, the Chariot in a reading indicates that sense of power, success, mastery and freedom to move according to ones’ own will.
Keywords for the Chariot include mastery, will, travel, transportation, and hero.
One interesting fact about the Chariot is that we associate this card with the sign of Cancer, and therefore the element of Water. Cancer, the Crab, is armored. The Charioteer is like the Crab, self-assured and protected. Both Cancer and the Chariot are about emotional control. The Charioteer cannot control his steeds without first having control of his emotions.
In a reading the Chariot reminds you that you are in the driver’s seat. You are in control of your life, and of your destiny. The Chariot indicates that it is time to move forward, to champion your cause and to unite the energies around you in order to create progress.
Next week we will begin the second group of seven Major Arcana cards as we explore card 8, Strength.

What Happens in a Tarot Reading?
You can have a tarot reading with me from anywhere in the world, by phone or Skype. If you happen to be in Florida we can meet in person. I can even come to your home for a house call or Psychic House Party!
Whether you schedule an in-depth hour-long reading or a shorter party session, the results will be the same. A tarot reading with me will give you a clearer idea of what is going on in your life.
A tarot reading with me with give insight into your relationships, and will help you find new ways to communicate with the people around you.
In a reading, we can explore your goals, your gifts, your talents and your dreams. I will be able to give you concrete ideas to help you create the future you desire.
I even have the ability to communicate with your loved ones in spirit. This can be helpful in creating closure, easing grief and understanding the connection that continues even after life ends.
Whether you are interested in discussing career, motivation, decisions, relationships, family, or simply want to check in and see what’s going on, a reading with me is an investment in your future, and your happiness.
Call me today at 561-655-1160 to book your session with me!

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Your one-card reading this week is the Eight of Wands. One traditional meaning of this card is “messages.” This week be extra aware of what you are communicating to others, and of what others are saying to you.
In the Waite image we see eight wands flying through the air. We can’t see where they are coming from, or where they are going to, but it does look like they are coming in for a landing.
The Eight of Wands reminds us that we don’t always have all the information. Sometimes we have to act quickly. Sometimes we have to act on instinct and intuition.
Especially when it comes to matters about which we are passionate, the Eight of Wands encourages quick, decisive action, even if we cannot guess the results.
The Eight of Wands encourages us to invest in our passions without fear, and without holding back.

Upcoming Events
Sunday, November 24, 9 pm
Christiana’s Psychic Café

This show will be about spiritual creativity.
My guests for this special show will include Pagan musician Alexian and tarot artist Lisa De St. Croix. We will learn about Alexian’s Pagan traditions and how music is part of his faith.
Lisa is developing a beautiful new crowd-funded tarot. She has already reached her funding goal and has finished her final card.
We’ll find out what inspires these artists and how they nurture their spirituality and creativity.
For more information, visit the show page on Facebook.
Sunday, December 1, 9 pm
The Psychic Business on the Psychic Café

This will be an encore presentation of our September 15th show.
On Sunday, September 15 our topic was the unpredictable psychic business. I interviewed two professional readers - Jenna Matlin of Queen of Wands Tarot and Helene Martz of Intuitive Goddess. Jenna has just completed her first year as a full-time professional reader. Helene has been a favorite on the Psychic Cafe and has a long history as a pro reader.
The perspectives the three of us were able to share about business, marketing, spirituality, problem clients and advice for new readers were funny, poignant and truthful.
The one thing that shone through all of us was our love for the work we do and our gratitude that we are able to do it successfully.
Tuesday, December 3rd, 7 pm
Free Webinar
The Four Elements and the Major Arcana

The four elements of life are Earth, Air, Fire and Water. They each have metaphysical properties as well as physical properties.
The four elements correlate with the four suits of the Minor Arcana of the tarot. They also correlate with individual cards of the Major Arcana.
The term “Major Arcana” means “Greater Secrets.” The twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana contain the most spiritual messages and lessons of the tarot, and tell the story of our journey through life.
When we learn the elemental associations for each of the Major Arcana cards, we have a clear way to understand these important cards.
This 75 minute webinar will help the tarot student more fully understand the four elements. It will provide a deeper way to comprehend each of the Major Arcana cards. The student will be able to more fully interpret the Major Arcana cards, whether reading for yourself or others.
For log in information, visit the event listing on the Continuing Education Website.
Sunday, December 8, 9 pm
Christiana’s Psychic Café

Join us for the “Night of 1000 Fools” on the Psychic Café!
The Fool is the star of the story told by tarot, representing each one of us on our journey through life.
We’ll talk with tarot artists and tarot readers to find out more about the Fool, and how we can each embrace the Fool’s energy every day.
For more information, visit Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.

Tarot by Christiana Gaudet
Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.
Agent inquiries are welcome.

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