Tarot vs. Oracle

Before I begin, I would like to remind you my word is not set in stone...but rather can be used as a stepping stone of sorts. Any and all questions, input, or thought is welcome!

There is a difference between a tarot deck and an oracle deck. They can be vast, and can be used to compliment one another in a reading. I like to use my tarot deck first, and if unsure...I ask more questions for clarification of the oracle deck. They can often work well together and I find I get more of a direct answer when using them together. 

Especially, when asking an unsettling question or receiving a slightly unsettling answer or card from my tarot deck. The oracle cards can help turn it into a more positive feeling.  More of an upbeat attitude if you will. As well as a more in depth way to answer you or your clients answers. 

I'm extremely interested in keeping up with this way of reading, for myself and others. 

Following this exact method earlier today has helped me make a few important decisions, made me more positive, and have a happier feeling than the tarot alone. While this isn't the preferred method of some...I find it helpful.

I'm also intrigued to know how others will fare using the same setup...


Many blessings!!! 


Jennifer Sieck on the Psychic Cafe


A Humbling Experience