A Humbling Experience


I was recently given the opportunity to have my own blog here, and am grateful for this in many ways. 

I've been practicing with ideas on and off for about ten years now, but am forever learning through my gift. I can't remember tarot not being a part of my everyday life. Growing up around an open mind, family, and a great mentor...I've learned a great deal. At times, I've lost my way but I always come back to either tarot or an oracle deck for answers. 

My first deck ever, special because of who gave it to me. A Rider-Waite deck...which has been in hiding for some years now. I have yet to find it through some of my moves, growing up, and my gift for losing things and time.

I eventually moved on to an animal oracle deck, then Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards. About two years ago, I was given a gift deck from my mentor, Fantastical Tarot. I've had my eyes set on a few others, of which I'm working on. 

I consider myself a “forever student", always learning...always questioning...a never-ending class for me. I hope to bring some new thoughts, views, and answer some questions for myself and others. Above all, I hope to one day become the mentor I have admired in another, to someone else. 


Won't you share my journey into further educating myself, life lessons, and a whole lot of fun? 


Tarot vs. Oracle


Three Interesting Trends in Modern Music