Tarot By Christiana Weekly Newsletter May 23, 2012


Hello Folks!  I hope you are getting ready to enjoy Memorial Day Weekend.  I will be available most of the weekend for phone and Skype readings, and will even be available in the office if you catch me in advance for an appointment.

This Sunday I will be teaching a class for professional tarot readers at the Tarot Guild.  To learn more about it, visit http://tarotguild.com.

Whether or not you had a chance to attend the Candle Magick Webinar, please visit my newest website, http://celebratespiritualgrowth.com to see the dates for upcoming webinars.  If you click on the next date for Candle Magick you can watch an archive of last week’s webinar!

I have a couple of events this week, so I hope I will have the opportunity to see you or talk with you soon!

Tonight, Wednesday May 23, 2012
7:00 – 8:15 PM Eastern Time
Free Tarot Webinar
The Four Elements and the Major Arcana

Learn the traditional elemental associations of all 22 Major Arcana cards!

For more information and log in, visit here.

I always open the webinar fifteen minutes early to give you a chance to get logged in.  If you have any problems during that time period, please call me at 561-655-1160 for assistance.

Monday, May 28, 2012
7:00 pm – 8:30 PM
Premium Tarot Class
Sharing Wisdom – Reading for Others
Tarot by Christiana at the Harvey Building
224 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Learn some basic techniques for conducting tarot readings!  For more information and pre-registration, visit here.

This Week’s One-Card Reading

Your One-Card Reading for the week is The Chariot.

Very appropriate for those who will be traveling over the holiday weekend, this card can refer to taking a trip.  On a more spiritual level, it suggests a sense of mastery.  It says, quite clearly, that you are in the driver’s seat on your journey through life.

This card reminds you to know your own will, and to use your abilities to manifest it.

This is the card of the hero, and suggests that, since you are clearly able to handle your own needs with ease, you will also work to ease the burdens of others.  In this way it is equally appropriate for Memorial Day, which we set aside to honor the heroes of our nation.

This Week’s Special Read

Recently, I was very impressed with the actions of some ministers at the United Methodist Church’s General Conference.  Read my blogpost about it here.

I hope you have a wonderful week and a fun, safe, holiday.  While we are enjoying the traditional beginning of summer, let’s remember the reason for the holiday.  Let’s hold with gratitude in our hearts the sacrifices so many have made.  May be all strive to be courageous, strong and giving, just as were those we honor this weekend.

Call me anytime at 561-655-1160 or 866-99TAROT.




Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


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