Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter April 11, 2012


Hello everyone!  I want to start today’s newsletter with some FAQs about my webinars!

Q.  What is a webinar?
A.  A Webinar is an on-line class, seminar or workshop accessible on your computer, tablet or telephone.

Q.  What kinds of webinars does Christiana do?
A.  I do three kinds of tarot webinars.  Premium Webinars are intensive tarot classes for which the class fee is $20.  Free Webinars are free tarot classes.  Global Tarot Circle is a free informal tarot workshop for the purpose of study, fellowship and fun.
In May I will begin a series of non-tarot webinars on topics such as Candle Magick, Psychic Development and even a Psychic Gallery!

Q. What sort of technology does Christiana use for her webinars?
A.  I use industry standard Cisco Webex.  You can participate by calling in on your phone, or following the link to the Webex website.

Q. How can I find out about Christiana’s webinars?
A.  All webinars are listed on the calendar available on my main website at http://tarotbychristiana.com.  More information about Global Tarot Circle is located at http://tarotcircle.org.  More information about Free and Premium Tarot Webinars is located at http://tarotbychristiana.org.  More information about non-tarot webinars is located at http://celebratespiritualgrowth.com.

If you want to keep current on webinar events using Facebook, please “Like” my public profile at http://www.facebook.com/christianatarot.

Events This Week

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 (Today)
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Global Tarot Circle
Join us for a fun discussion about Tarot Key Words!  Tarot Circle is a great way to make tarot friends and learn about tarot!  For more information and everything you need to log in, visit the Tarot Circle website.

Monday, April 16, 2012
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Tarot Circle at Unity Church in the Gardens
550 Bush Rd, Jupiter FL
We meet in “God’s Garage” in the house next to the chapel for an evening of tarot fun and fellowship.  Everyone with an interest in tarot is welcome!

This Week’s One-Card Tarot Reading

Two of CupsThe Two of Cups is the card of perfect love and perfect partnership.  It predicts growth in current relationships, and can be an indicator of a new relationship on the horizon.  It recommends heartfelt communication with the people we hold dear, and can portend exciting new partnerships of all kinds!

This card also admonishes that one should be a good partner to oneself.  We must treat ourselves with respect and kindness.


This Week’s Special Read

This week’s special read is the April edition of Attune Magazine.  Attune Magazine is an online periodical by tarotist Mary Nale.  This month’s edition has articles by many tarot notables, including Bonnie Cehovet, Amethyst Mahoney, Joanne Matthews and Christiana Gaudet.

Readings are Always Available!

Remember that readings with me are available at your convenience on the phone, using Skype or in my office in West Palm Beach.  Simply call me at 561-655-1160 to schedule yours!

Have a great week!


Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


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