Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 10/31/2012


Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter

Special Halloween Edition 10/31/2012

This is Halloween!

How cool is it that my weekly newsletter comes out on Halloween! I have always loved Halloween. I love costumes, candy, trick-or-treating - everything except bobbing for apples. I always thought that was gross.
The modern traditions around Halloween are all rooted deeply in the past. Halloween is exactly halfway between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice. Celebrated by ancient Celts and modern Pagans as Samhain (pronounced sow-en) this is also a somber holiday.
Halloween/Samhain is thought to be the day when the veil that separates the world of the living from the world of the dead is at its thinnest, allowing those who have passed on to return to our world for one night.
The scary costumes were originally meant to make the returning dead feel welcome, and to keep them for recognizing anyone upon whom they might seek revenge. Leaving sweets for the returning dead was an appeasement to keep them from playing a trick on those still alive.
Jack-o-lanterns were originally carved into turnips, and served both as simply lighting, and a way to scare the returning deck and protect the households of the living.
In these early rituals we see an interesting relationship between the living and the returning dead. The living welcomed the dead, but also feared them.
Today, those that celebrate October 31 as a spiritual holiday will do so in meditation, remembering their ancestors and deceased loved ones, and hoping for some communication and guidance from them.
Halloween/Samhain is also seen as the final celebration of harvest, and the Witches New Year - a time to give thanks and a time to start anew with a clean slate.
However you celebrate this day, I wish you a great one!


Stormy Weather

My family and I are sending love and light to all our friends and relatives along Sandy's path. We wish you safety, strength, shelter and quick recovery during this difficult time.

Christiana reads for callers live on WYOU in Pennsylvania

But How Do You Do That Over the Phone (or Skype)?

Over the years I have developed a huge clientele for telephone and Skype readings. In fact, that is the majority of the work I do. Still, sometimes people ask the question "How does that work? Don't you need to be near me to read my energy?"
The answer clearly is no.  While it is always nice to be able to sit down with someone, it is not necessary for my process. Every reader has their own skills and gifts. Some readers absolutely do require to be in the presence of their client, or to touch an object belonging to the client.
For me, geographic distance is of no concern. I can target in on your energy from anywhere in the world - it all feels the same to me. I can even read your hand over Skype if you like!
I first discovered my ability to do readings at a distance when I became a radio psychic. I would take calls and give readings on the air, never seeing the callers or knowing where they were. From there I discovered I was able to do the same thing on television.
When I read, I pay attention to what I sense, energetically. I pay attention to what I hear from your spirit guides. I pay attention to what I see in the cards. I pay attention to the visions I am given.
Many times, when people go to see a reader, they are advised by friends to say nothing to the reader, so as not to give the reader some perceived advantage. This makes me laugh. While I am always happy to hear your questions and concerns, I am always less influenced by what you say than by what I see.
That being said, the opportunity to discuss what I see and get your sense of how it feels for you is one I treasure. Part of the process of a reading is for you to see what resonates as truth for you, and decide how you are going to implement that truth in your life.
Every reader has a unique way of getting the information you need. For me, physical proximity is simply not a factor.
If you would like to try a phone or Skype session with me, give me a call at 561-655-1160.


Still Nervous About Trying a Webinar?
Denise was too. Finally, she decided to try a premium webinar.
Here's what she had to say about it.
"First time, better than I thought. I've gotten a better understanding of links between cards/positions/placement in life".
Denise had attended many in-person classes. I encouraged her to try a webinar. Finally she did.
I know it can be nerve-wracking to try something new on the computer. But WebEx is easy, and the webinars are quite interactive and fun.
Many people are surprised by how easy it is, how much fun it is, and how much they learn.
So do as Denise did, and try a free or premium webinar. You'll be glad you did!

WebEx webinars are listed on Christiana's Tarot education website TarotByChristiana.org, the Tarot Circle website TarotCircle.org, and on CelebrateSpiritualGrowth.com.



Samhain – October 31
By Joanne Matthew ©

Do you see it? Do you feel it?

Can you sense it in the air around you?

The veil is thinning---ever thinning.

Thinner on Halloween night than any other night of the year.

On this night, ghosts and spirits will roam among us.

A chance to connect with our loved ones of the past who have departed this living world.

Spirits, also, of our pets that protected us, and offered us their unconditional love.

We will see them in our dreams.

We will hear them in the wind, calling our name.

We will feel them brush against us, or touch our cheek.

We will catch a glimpse of a shadow and know they are with us.

Call it Halloween, call it Samhain, call it Day of the Dead, call it All Souls Day.

The name does not matter.

What matters is that they are with us always, and offer us this chance,

This one time of the year,

This best of times to connect their world to ours.

The time of the year to celebrate life and love and cherished memories.

This is the Pagan New Year celebration.

A new beginning, a celebration of our ever-lasting bond with the past.

Embrace your ghosts, your spirits, your loved ones,

Never forget they loved you, as you loved them.


Blessed Samhain, everyone!


Enjoy other poetry and prose by Joanne Matthew and others at Tarot Topics Community Blog. Feel free to submit your writings as well!


The Week in Review
This week, Christiana wrote about the American political process as she performed A Tarot Reading for America, using her well known "Tarot Dialogue" reading style.  Read about it in her personal blog at TarotTrends.com.
Joanne Matthew was busy on her blog in Tarot Topics Community Blog. Her new poem, Samhain, is reprinted in this newsletter.
Joanne is also a member of Tarot Translation Group. Read her response to the most recent question about the Death card in Tarot Translation - Week Four.
Christiana continued on the political theme with her post on the Dark Forest blog, The Spiritual Imperative for Compromise.




Special Seasonal Event!

Saturday, November 3, 2012 - 7 pm EDT

Psychic Gallery with Christiana
in Royal Palm Beach
This Saturday please don't miss this great event.
Those who have attended Christiana’s galleries are always impressed with her accuracy, insight, energy and humor. Each person will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance from Spirit. You will find healing, inspiration and direction from the messages you receive. You may even receive communication from a departed loved one. Don’t miss this opportunity to work with Christiana and receive your message from Spirit!

The beginning of November has long been believed to be a time when the veil between the world of the living and the other world is at its thinnest. Let's use this special time to hear the messages of Spirit! For more information and to reserve your seat, visit CelebrateSpiritualGrowth.com.


Reading for others


Wednesday, November 7, 2012 - 7:30 pm EST

Please join us for the premium webinar Sharing Wisdom - Reading for Others. In this online presentation, Christiana Gaudet will guide you through each step of performing a great reading. She will help you discover your personal style as a reader, and discuss some common pitfalls and ways to avoid them. She will give you insight in how to derive the most specific information possible from each reading. For more information and to register, visit TarotByChristiana.org.



Monday, November 12, 2012 6:30 pm EST

Join us for the premium webinar An In-Depth Journey into the Major Arcana - The Material World. In this on-line presentation, students will develop an understanding of The Fool, and the first seven cards of The Major Arcana. These cards hold the secrets of career, relationships and personal mastery.

Students will learn the astrological, numerological and elemental associations for each card. Students will contemplate the Fool’s Journey through these seven cards, and discuss how the lessons of each card apply to common experiences in modern life.

The first seven cards are a map for mastering the material world. Students will learn the invaluable philosophies inherent in these cards.

Armed with a complete understanding of each card, students will have an easy time learning ways of interpreting the cards when reading for themselves and others. For more information and to register, visit TarotByChristiana.org.


The Fool and Magician


Monday, November 19, 2012 7:00 pm EST

Join us for a free tarot webinar The Four Elements and the Major Arcana. This 75 minute webinar will help the tarot student more fully understand the four elements. It will provide a deeper way to comprehend each of the Major Arcana cards. The student will be able to more fully interpret the Major Arcana cards, whether reading for yourself or others. For more information and log-in, visit TarotByChristiana.org.


Tarot Circle members


Sunday, November 25, 2012 5:30 pm EST
Join us for our monthly Global Tarot Circle. Anyone with an interest in tarot is welcome, from beginner to professional. Together we learn about tarot, practice readings and enjoy fellowship. This is a fun, informal free webinar! Please be a part of it. For log-in information and other details visit the event listing on TarotCircle.org.




Let's Go Blog Hopping!
I am a member of two blog hops. What is a blog hop, you may ask? A blog hop is what happens when a group of people who blog on a similar topic agree to write about a specific question all at the same time, and link to each other so that it is easy to read what each person wrote.
The Tarot Blog Hop is a rather large group of tarot bloggers. Eight times a year we do the blog hop. One person volunteers to act as a wrangler. The wrangler sets the theme and the exact time for the hop. Each blogger links to the next so a chain is formed.
The Tarot Blog Hop is really amazing because of the talent bloggers who participate, and the creativity with which each writer handles the topic. Bog hop posts include personal stories, poetry, tarot spreads, musings on tarot cards and even recipes. Long after each event has passed readers find the hops and follow them through, so each hop remains a wonderful creative internet "book" for all to read.
The Tarot Blog Hop this time around went live on October 30th at 5 pm Eastern. You can find my post Bringing Light to the Shadow on my personal blog, Tarot Trends. From there you can follow the links to see what each participant (there are about thirty of us this time) had to say about exploring the shadow self, our Halloween-inspired topic this time around.
We will blog together again on the Winter Solstice. If you are a tarot blogger and would like to join us visit the Tarot Blog Hop on Facebook.
The second blog hop in which I participate is quite new. It's called Tarot Translation Group and is the brainchild of my editor at Jupiter Gardens Press, the publisher of my first two tarot books. This is a much smaller group and blogs together much more frequently. Almost every week we all address a specific question, whether it is a tarot reading that we need to interpret, or a question about a specific tarot card. We all post our answers on our own blogs, and also on a website called The Jupiter Frequency. This week's question is about the Death card in the Major Arcana of Tarot. Read my response on my personal blog, and then follow the link to see the responses of others on the Jupiter Frequency page.
If you are interested in joining Tarot Translation Group, visit our page on Facebook.
Reading and writing tarot blogs is fast becoming one of the best ways to learn tarot. Blogging together is a great way of building community, stretching our writing skills and providing the public at large with a great deal of information about our favorite topic!


One Card Weekly Reading
Your one-card weekly reading for this week is the Page of Pentacles, or, as it is known in the Halloween Tarot, the Page of Pumpkins.
This card reminds you that no matter your age, you can always learn to do something new. It encourages you to master new tasks - even things that you thought you could never do.
Especially important are tasks related to health and well-being, your home and your finances. Now is a good time to invest in your own future, and nurture your prosperity.

Page of Pumpkins

Tarot by Christiana

To schedule a reading

or for more information call 561-655-1160
Toll free call 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)


Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Great Hibachi at Japan Inn


What are your thoughts on Major Arcana 13, The Death Card?