Tarot by Christiana Newsletter January 11, 2012



New Year, New Newsletter

Happy New Year! 
In honor of 2012 I am beginning a weekly e-newsletter that will be delivered to your inbox and also available on my Tarot Topics Community News website at http://tarottopics.com.

Recent Events

Psychic Gallery at Pearl Rauberts

Although the year has just begun, already wonderful things have been happening.  This past Saturday I was a guest at Pearl Rauberts’ for a New Year Psychic Gallery.  I have performed galleries in venues that range from nightclubs to church sanctuaries, but the sacred space at Pearl’s is always one of my favorites. 

Some of the feedback I’ve received includes this from Kathy:

“This was a FABULOUS experience.  I will go again, and again and again.  Pearl (host) is warm, welcoming and makes sure everyone is comfortable.  Christiana is incredibly gifted, insightful, compassionate, http://img1.meetupstatic.com/img/clear.gifprofessional and really humorous!  I enjoyed listening to everyone else’s reading as much as mine!”

And from Jo Ann, this:

“Christiana is amazing!  Her readings are insightful and delivered with a smidge of comedy. 2012 has a lot in store for all who attended!  Thank you.”

I feel honored to receive such great reviews from this group of wonderful people, and look forward to returning to Pearl’s soon.

Expanded On-Line Presence

You may know that in 2011 I expanded my on-line presence significantly.  This includes blog sites, and on-line webinars.

I am using Webex, which is an industry standard for webinars.  My webinars divide into three categories.  I have free webinars, which are free tarot classes, presented at least once a month.  I have premium webinars, which are tarot classes available at a small fee.  I also have Global Tarot Circle.  Much like Tarot Circle in Connecticut, Pennsylvania or Florida, Global Tarot Circle is a chance for like-minded people to gather and share readings, fellowship, information and, most importantly, our love of tarot.

I list all Webex classes on my Continuing Education website at http://tarotbychristiana.org, along with classes (both free and premium) that I teach in my West Palm Beach office.

I list Global Tarot Circle at http://tarotcircle.org.  Eventually in-person Tarot Circle events will be listed here as well.

In the meantime, if you are interested in tarot events either on-line or in West Palm Beach, please consider joining Tarot Circle Meetup of the Palm Beaches and Worldwide at http://meetup.tarotcircle.org/.

This Week’s Events

Wednesday, January 11 (today) at 7 pm, I will teach a free tarot class in the second floor conference room of the Harvey Building in West Palm Beach.  The class is the Four Elements and the Minor Arcana, and is appropriate for tarotists of all experience levels.  For more information, visit http://tarotbychristiana.org.

Monday, January 16, Tarot Circle will meet at Unity Church it Jupiter at 550 Bush Road at 7 pm.  For more information, visit http://meetup.tarotcircle.org/.

Next Wednesday, January 18, Global Tarot Circle will meet worldwide via Webex at 7 pm Eastern time.  For more information, and to log in, visit http://tarotcircle.org.

Do not hesitate to call me with questions about any of these events, at 561-655-1160 or 866-99TAROT.

This Week’s Special Read

I am excited to share my review of Rachel Pollack’s new tarot book, Tarot for Magical Times, from U.S. Games.  It will make its debut next month.  Check it out at http://tarottopics.com/content/tarot-book-review-rachel-pollacks-tarot-magickal-times.

Until Next Week

I am available for private readings in person, on the phone or using Skype.  Give me at call at 561-655-1160.

I’ll be back next week with more information.  Until then, have a great week!

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.




Tarot Book Review: Rachel Pollack's Tarot for Magickal Times