Seven of my Favorite Tarot Blogs


I love the internet. I especially love social media and blogging. Blogging invites us to share the vision and experience of so many people living so many different kinds of lives.

I particularly like tarot blogs.

Many tarot teachers (me included) ask students to keep tarot journals.  A tarot journal can include a record of readings, notes from classes, musings about cards, keywords for cards - really any kind of writing that is tarot-related. In a way, tarot blogs are tarot journals that we share with others.

I once had a tarot teacher who said that all great tarot readers must also be tarot writers. I agree. When we write about the cards we learn how the cards speak to us and work for us.

Perhaps there is something about the process of writing about tarot that seats the tarot images and energies more deeply within our higher consciousness.

Eight times a year I blog with the Tarot Blog Hop (brainchild of Arwen at Tarot by Arwen). It is so much fun to see how twenty-plus cartomancers each handle the same topic.

When I first started reading tarot in the 1980s we had books – books that we bought at New Age bookshops. About ten years later the American Tarot Association was formed and there was a photocopied newsletter circulated by mail. To see the recent writings of my tarot peers, and ultimately to have articles published in this stapled bundle of writing, was exhilarating. For the first time I didn’t feel as if I was working in a vacuum.

Today’s tarotists have a world-wide community with whom they can interact, real-time, on line. Tarot blogs provide a significant resource for tarot students at any level of expertise.

I offer a place to blog about tarot on my Tarot Topics Community Blog. If you have something to say about tarot, feel free to share it there.

There are so many great tarot websites out there; so many teachers who share their knowledge freely. A tarot blog is specifically a site with regular log entries that often outline tarotists’ personal experiences with the cards, and with the world of tarot.

Here are seven of my favorites (not in any particular order) – some of the tarot blogs I click to when I have a few spare moments and want to read something interesting.

  1. James Wells’Circle Ways

    James’ clear voice of reason, kindness and practical spirituality shines through his blog. “Circle Ways” offers exciting tarot exercises and helpful insight for all tarotists, from beginner to professional.

  2. Olivia Destrades’ First Earth Tarot

    Olivia is a second-generation tarot reader with a clear, intelligent and personal writing style. Her blog includes monthly tarotscopes along with detailed readings performed and illustrated with a variety of decks.

  3. Ginny Hunt’s 78 Notes to Self: A Tarot Journal

    Ginny’s deep and soulful posts are often focused on healing, and the healing nature of tarot.  Her writing reflects a common-sense attitude that is rooted in compassion.

  4. Alison Cross’ This Game of Thrones

    A whole blog devoted to the sixteen Court cards? You betcha. With humor, insight and creativity, Alison helps us make sense of those pesky Court cards.

  5. Brigit Esselmont’s Biddy Tarot Blog

    Brigit has created an on-line treasure trove of tarot learning opportunities. Her blog is one of those treasures, with card-learning posts and perspectives from well-selected guest bloggers.

  6. Theresa Reed’s The Tarot Lady Blog

    Veteran tarot professional Theresa Reed is an all-around class act. Her blog is well-organized, with opportunities to learn the cards as well as thought-provoking topics for more experienced readers.

  7. Benebell Wen’s Blog

    Benebell Wen’s Blog is a labor of love; she is not a professional reader. Her professional-quality posts are intelligent, inquisitive and thought-provoking.

These are but a few of the great offerings out there. I could list seven a week and never run out of material. Maybe I'll do that.
 With so many great free resources, modern tarotists have every opportunity to deepen their skills by reading and writing about tarot!

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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Tarot Topics Weekly Newsletter 4/2/2014