The Coming of The Second Harvest and My Take


As I sat there wondering about the transition from one season to the next, it occurred to me we are coming up on one yet again.

Yes, Mabon, The Second Harvest, or Continuing Harvest. Almost Fall time, and with great adieu to our Summer solstice. For me, a generally wonderful but also sad time of the year.
I know what you're thinking, with each turn of the wheel, we are to be happy, right? Well...generally, yes!

I love this time of the year, it is starting to grow on me more and more with the passing of each year. Pumpkins, apple spice, hayrides, the like. I still can't fathom loving the chill, but...alas, it will come. Like it or not...I can smell it in the air. I have always been able to not only feel the change, but can smell it as well. The crispness of the air, the chattering of all the birds and squirrels in their readiment for hibernation or the great journey to warmer places. Stocking up as we so often do ourselves for the Fall, and the impossible to miss, Winter. Yes, they come by a few names...but in nature and our bodies, we know nothing of names. Our internal clock still guides us, but others are more in tune with it. I still look back on days past and remember fondly of this time of year, synonymous with school starting...the end of summer! Sad but exciting!!! A new change if you will.

I live up on a mountain, away from the city lights and noise pollution. Albeit, not completely secluded, but separate from the mainstream. Our seasons up here are generally different...they come on early, and strong. Sometimes with warning, but sometimes not. It's wonderful being away from many and just sitting here watching the animals get ready for their harvest as well. The leaves are starting to change colors...beautiful colors! I can't wait this year! Something about growing older has me feeling more and more positive of good things to come. Maybe it's wisdom, maybe it's what I've overcome, and maybe it's the fact that my year and a half year old is starting to realize the fun things more...a combination of all three perhaps?
I feel this year is going  to be really good! I'm positive it will be...for more than just me. Of course, there are always hardships...we all feel them from time to time. 

So, I felt the need to pull a card...what am I being urged to consider? Do you know what came up? 
The Seven of me, this is such a meaningful card at the moment.
Not only can it mean good business, successful enterprises, and/or a possible means so much more! Generally, we would think of this card in the literal sense. If you think about me means a great and wonderful harvest! A gentleman standing in a wheat field with the pentacles overhead, ready for his harvest session. It's almost time! The seasons end to Farmer Markets...farms will be closing to the public for the season. Good business when it comes to our crops, harvest, or life. Successful enterprises...possibly in new directions to better ourselves. Maybe at work or school. Inheritance, definitely! Inheritance of a great harvest. Whether in the field, our home life, or our relationships. All the good that is to come, and I'm so excited for it. Let's get ready to stock up and hibernate like the animals...for it is inevitable, and right around the the Northern Hemisphere at least!


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