Little Bites


You may have heard the Chinese proverb that “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’”.

This week at the tarot table I have talked with so many people who are feeling overwhelmed, for a variety of reasons.

Though their situations were different, the ultimate question was the same.

“How do I handle this?”

While the cards had specific and individual advice for each person, they all each received a similar message as well. That message is a bit of wisdom that is good for all of us to remember.

When facing a daunting task, don’t tackle it all at once. Don’t get ahead of yourself in figuring out how you are going to manage the things that will come in the future. Look at what is on your plate today, right now, and take it in manageable little bites.

Some people call it taking ‘baby steps.’ I don’t love that analogy. Babies take small, wobbly, faltering steps because they don’t know how to walk. Addressing something that feels overwhelming in little bites takes wisdom and mastery.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed when we look at the whole of a thing, whether that thing is starting a business, catching up on piled up work, going through a divorce, or healing from a loss. Yet, when we focus simply on one task at a time, our mission becomes bearable and doable.

It can take some finesse to figure out what the little bites are, and what in what order they must be done. That’s where divination, counseling, or a trusted expert can help.

It’s important to remember this, too. The bigger the task, the better the reward will be when we get through it. When we are suffering, it is hard to consider that there will come a time when we will feel joy once more. When we are overwhelmed, it is hard to know that there will come a time when we will be able to relax. Yet, when we chew through our difficultly in little bites, eventually we will get to the other side of it.


The StaarCorner

I was so excited to interview Gita Rash for this week’s episode of StaarCast. I am working on a review of her new deck, The Mahabharata Oracle. During the interview I was surprised to learn that, years ago, I had an interaction with Gita that helped inspire her to design her deck!

Since StaarCon has a mission to honor our artists, this is a very special episode of StaarCast.

You can watch the video on YouTube or listen to the podcast wherever you get your podcasts.

Visit the StaarCon website to stay up to date on all things StaarCon!


Tarot Beyond the Veil

On Tuesday, October 27, from 7 pm to 9 pm EDT, I am teaching a very special class on Zoom.

Tarot Beyond the Veil is a class about using tarot to connect with spirit.

In this class we will learn ways to use tarot for mediumship.

In a tarot reading, we can be in direct communication with our angels, guides, and loved ones in spirit. In this class, you will learn a variety of techniques to conduct these deeply spiritual readings for yourself and others.

Class fee is $37.50. Register now on Zoom.


Learning Tarot in Little Bites

One task that can seem daunting is learning the seventy-eight cards of tarot, and then learning the intricate art of seeing how those cards work together in a reading. There is so much to know and remember, even beyond what we must intuit.

Like most daunting tasks, the best way to learn tarot is in little bites. Here are three ways to do that.

Card of the Day (COTD)

Every day, preferably at the same time, draw a card at random. Look up its meaning in numerous sources, look at the image, thing about what the card might mean to you in this current moment, and other ways this card may have spoken to you at other times in your life. Journal about the card. Later on, look back and see how this card was reflected in your day or week in ways you might not have expected.

Tarot in Sections

Learn tarot one section at a time. You can start with the Majors only. Learn these twenty-two cards and do readings with only these cards. Then you can learn the Minors either by suit or by number. When you feel comfortable with a new section, add them in to your readings. Eventually you will be reading with the full deck.

One Card a Week

Put your tarot deck in order. Each week, starting with the Fool and moving forward in order from there, study one card. See how the energy of that card shows up over the course of the week. During the week, read everything you can about that card, and work to form your own understanding of it. After seventy-eight weeks, you will have a very clear understanding of the tarot cards.


The Week in Review

This week I shared a blogpost about why self-reading is important for tarot students.

I do live broadcasts on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays on my Facebook business page, and Tuesdays and Wednesdays on the StaarCon Facebook page.

I also do regular free classes and meetups on my YouTube channel.

From Around the Web

The Llewellyn blog has had some great entries lately. Check out this Third Eye Tarot Exercise from Barbara Moore.

Here is a Simple Tarot Spread for Tackling To Dos from Empath Editor.

From Healers Wanted, here is an article about tarot and anxiety.


Cards for Your Consideration

When confronting overwhelming tasks, the Sevens of tarot offer a great deal of wisdom and insight.

In tarot, I see the number Seven as related to the journey of the individual, and the journey within. These cards each describe something we can do for ourselves that no one else can do for us.

The Seven of Cups reminds us to use our imagination to consider what is available to us and warns us against fearful imaginings.

The Seven of Wands reminds us that we are able to multi-task, and strong enough to stand against multiple attacks and superior odds.

The Seven of Pentacles instructs us to tend our garden tirelessly, knowing that it will one day bear fruit.

The Seven of Swords asks us to be on the alert against treachery, but also remind us to think craftily to solve our problems.

The Chariot affirms that we are the masters of our destiny, and able to bring together what we need to move forward.

Events and Tours

Happy birthday Christiana! Best wishes from all of us at Card and Craft.

Happy birthday Christiana!
Best wishes from all of us at Card and Craft.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 43
October 21, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Are There Specific Tarot Cards That Indicate Orientation?


Advice for Tarot Students: Be Your Own Guinea Pig