What It Means to Set an Intention
What It Means to Set an Intention
We spiritual people often speak of setting intentions. Sometimes this mean that we, ourselves, intend to change a habit or do something differently. Perhaps we set the intention to go to school or get to the gym. Rather than simply setting a goal or making a plan, the concept of ‘intention’ invokes spiritual aid to help us keep our goals.
Sometimes we set intentions for something that we can’t directly control. For example, we might set the intention to meet a new love interest. In that case, we become co-creators with the Universe, using our energy and vision to manifest something new.
At the beginning of yoga class, very often we are instructed to ‘settle into an intention’ or to dedicate our practice to an intention. The idea is the energy we raise on the yoga mat can be directed toward that goal, and the focus of our yoga practice will strengthen our vision and our connection to the universal energy that supports our intention.
There is an old expression that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Very often we intend to do better or more than we end up doing.
‘Setting an intention’ is different from simply having an intention. To have an intention is simply to mean to do something. To set an intention is to make a conscious commitment to something, and to request that higher energies help make it happen.
Some people use that spiritual energy to set an intention, but then don’t do anything on a practical level to help bring their goal to fruition. No matter how spiritual we are, our actions are necessary to achieve our goals.
Even if that goal is something out of our control, we can still do things to make the desired outcome more likely, by adjusting our language, our mindset and our actions.
When we set an intention, we combine the power of our will, the power of spirit, and the power of action to create what we want or need. We must be able to believe that what we intend is possible, we must be able to visualize it happening, we must be willing to put our time and energy toward it, and we must make our will known to the universe.
This is why the act of setting an intention can be so powerful in helping us create positive change in our lives.
The StaarCorner
Welcome to The StaarCorner, a new feature in our weekly newsletter.
Each week you will find here something new about StaarCon, our tarot conference to be held January 22 through 24, 2021, in Palm Beach Garden, FL.
This week I want to direct you to the ever-growing StaarCon website to see the addition of some great presenters, including headliner Mary K. Greer!
I also want to you to read our mission statement on the website.
We have begun a Facebook group for StaarCon. Please ask to join if you are considering attending this amazing event.
Setting Intentions with Tarot
Tarot is a book of spiritual wisdom which developed from a mere card game. Tarot is a tool of divination, meditation and insight. Tarot is also an active set of mystical tools which can help us in our intentions and manifestations.
If you are ready to set an intention, find a tarot card, or a few tarot cards, that represent that intention. Place those cards in front of you, or on your altar.
As you visualize your intention and breathe into the reality of what your life will be when this intention comes to fruition, hold the card(s) to your heart and breathe their energy into your heart.
This process of cognitively choosing your card(s), breathing with them, and meditating with them as you form and hold your vision of your intention realized, allows the sacred energy of tarot to support your intention. By using this process, you will add strength and energy that will help you turn your intention into a reality.
Come Solve a Mystery with Us!
On February 6, at 7 pm, we will gather in the conference room in my Palm City office to solve a mystery! Join us for Valentine’s Day Death: A Murder Mystery Party!
We will have coffee, tea, hot chocolate and snacks for you to enjoy as we work together to figure out who killed the town’s playboy heartthrob, Noah Fection.
This original murder mystery is written by Miranda Lial. Expect plenty of laughs, twists and turns, as we step into our characters and enjoy this unique event together.
The Week in Review
I’ve initiated a new weekly live event on my Facebook business page, Christiana Gaudet. Now you join me on Monday for Your Three-Card Weekly Reading, and on Friday for The Friday Weekly Wrap-up! Of course, if you miss me live you can watch both in archive on Facebook and YouTube.
My blogpost this week is for folks who are learning tarot, and folks who are teaching tarot, either one-on-one or in the classroom. Read Five Tips to Help You Learn or Teach Tarot.
From Around the Web
Have you set the intention to learn to work with Runes? If so, this class may be just what you need!
Here is some information about setting intentions in yoga class.
Want some more great ideas to use tarot to set your intentions? Check out this post from Incandescent Tarot!
Cards for Your Consideration
When we speak of setting intentions, we speak of our hopes, wishes and vision for the future, and for the change we want to create.
Major Arcana 17, the Star, is a wonderful emblem of this energy. The Star represents hopes and wishes fulfilled. The Star represents healing, satisfaction, and pleasure. In the Star we see the abundance that is available to us, if only we believe in it, ask for it, and are willing to receive it.
Upcoming Events and Tours
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 5
January 29, 2020