The Process of Allowing


The Process of Allowing

When we were children, our parents, teachers and caregivers were the gatekeepers of what was allowed, and what was not.

As spiritual adults, the word ‘allow’ can take on a different meaning.

Rather than whether we are allowed to eat a certain thing, or go to a particular place, the process of allowing is an exercise of acceptance.

So often we judge ourselves harshly, rather than simply allowing ourselves to be human. Sometimes we set up stumbling blocks for ourselves, rather than allowing ourselves the possibility of success.

Very often we want to know if something will work out, such as a relationship or a job, long before enough time has passed to properly answer that question. Then, it is so helpful to simply allow the situation to unfold in its own time.

Sometimes allowing is about holding space for our grief, or our disappointment.

Sometimes allowing is about leaving behind ways of thinking that don’t serve us, and welcoming new perspectives.

In the age of toxic positivity culture, we can allow ourselves a bad mood once in a while.

When we allow ourselves space to be human, it becomes easier to be patient with others, and to accept their human failings as well. When a relationship seems unhealthy, it becomes easier to allow the opportunity to exit.

There are many religions that require people to believe without question things for which there are neither evidence nor reason. As spiritual people, we can allow ourselves the opportunity to question what might feel true for us. We can allow ourselves to have faith without certainty. It is a powerful thing to allow that we do not know anything for sure, yet we find comfort and guidance in the things we believe.

By allowing for our own uncertainty, we can allow those around us to think and behave differently than we do.

When we don’t understand someone, we can simply have boundaries around what is healthy for us, and what isn’t. Whatever behaviors cause us harm we can avoid. Everything else is allowable, even if it isn’t understandable.

When we allow ourselves to be ourselves, our experience of life becomes genuine, and full of potential.


The StaarCorner

As we get ready to open registration for StaarCon, we have added a few new presenters to our growing list.

As you may know, one of our goals for StaarCon is to offer opportunities to learn about many aspects of divination, as well as tarot. To that end, Toni Puhle, the Card Geek, will be traveling from Europe to lead a class on Kipper cards! I am also excited to announce that author and deck designer Jaymi Elford will be sharing techniques for using oracle cards in a tarot reading!

Florida’ s own Kim Danbert will be leading an exciting interactive workshop on the tarot Court cards.

Another goal we have is to reach out to the Spanish-speaking community. To that end, author, teach and reader Maria Luisa Salazar will be traveling from Lima, Peru to join us, and will be presenting in both English and Spanish.

You can keep up-to-date on our list of talented and well-known authors artists and card designers who will be sharing their knowledge and skill with us by visiting the StaarCon website regularly.


Tarot Creates Space

Very often tarot cards will appear in order to help us accept something, or to allow space for something to exist or heal. Similarly, cards will sometimes tell us what we cannot or should not allow in our lives.

In any reading, we need to be open to the idea that the cards can give us permission for something. The cards can also suggest that an action, a relationship, or a way of thinking does not serve us.

We can formalize this process by pulling cards in response to specific questions. It’s always a good idea to ask questions about what we should and should not allow in our lives.

The cards can also give us ideas about how we can shift our perspective in order to accept things that are difficult to accept, as well as to allow hope for our best possible outcomes.


Come Solve a Mystery with Us!

On February 6, at 7 pm, we will gather in the conference room in my Palm City office to solve a mystery! Join us for Valentine’s Day Death: A Murder Mystery Party!

We will have coffee, tea, hot chocolate and snacks for you to enjoy as we work together to figure out who killed the town’s playboy heartthrob, Noah Fection.

This original murder mystery is written by Miranda Lial. Expect plenty of laughs, twists and turns, as we step into our characters and enjoy this unique event together.


The Week in Review

Tarot is popular these days. Many people are studying tarot, many people are having readings, and some people are stepping up to begin their own tarot businesses.

This week I shared a blog post called So You Want to Be an Online Tarot Reader. Check it out if you think professional tarot might be in the cards for you!

You can catch my weekly live events on my Facebook business page, Christiana Gaudet. On Monday join me for Your Three-Card Weekly Reading, and on Friday for The Friday Weekly Wrap-up! Of course, if you miss me live you can watch both in archive on Facebook and YouTube.

Remember that tonight, Wednesday, February 5, is Global Tarot Circle on Facebook LIve at 7 pm EST!

From Around the Web

South Florida friends, please check out this amazing local arts festival, Women Crossing the Line. Join them for free workshops and a day of exciting performances!

Here is a great article about making space for, and allowing, your less-than-positive feelings.

On February 1 the seasonal Tarot Blog Hop happened. Start with the Master List, and read what seven tarotists had to say on the topic of Earned Success.


Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships

Join me in my Palm City office on February 19, from 7 to 9 pm, for an exciting tarot class.

How do tarot cards speak of people, their personalities and their relationships? How can we use tarot to better understand ourselves and each other?

In this class you will learn how to give helpful relationship readings and couples readings, and how to determine the nature and needs of an individual simply by understanding the cards that appear for them.

This special Valentine’s Day inspired tarot class is appropriate for readers of all levels of experience. Bring your tarot deck or buy or borrow one in class.

Class size is limited. Class fee is $37.50. Get your tickets now on Eventbrite!


Cards for Your Consideration

Let’s consider the Four of Swords as a card that tells us to create space for ourselves in order to allow a process, or to sit with a feeling or situation.

Typically, the Four of Swords can be about rest, retreat, recovery and meditation. I often see this card as having an empty quality. Sometimes this card appears to tell us that something is, or will be, absent from our lives.

When it comes to the process of allowing, absence is a quality we might be seeking.

The Four of Swords can speak to the space we create when we refrain from reacting to something. The Four of Swords can tell us to ‘give it a rest’ rather than ruminating or fretting about something.

In the Four of Swords, we see the pause that allows us time to heal. Sometimes that pause in enforced upon us. Sometimes we must choose it. Always, we must allow it.

Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 6
February 5, 2020

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Are They Cheating? Handling the Tarot Reader's Dilemma


So You Want to Be an Online Tarot Reader