What Numbers Mean


What Numbers Mean

Are numbers prophetic?

Numbers have always had a significance to us that is more that quantitative.

Consider the golden ratio, the number thirteen, or the meaning of the universe in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe (It’s 42 if you didn’t read the book).

For some, numbers hold prophetic value. Some folks have a ‘lucky number’. Many people see the appearance of specific numbers as a sign of the presence of their angels, or those in spirit. Many esoteric systems include the power of numbers, including, of course, numerology. In numerology, important numbers in our lives are broken down into single digits which both give us information and attune us to specific energies.

In mystical Judaism the practice of gematria assigns numbers to Hebrew scriptures, giving special power to those numbers.

In some schools of belief, numbers have power that can be utilized in manifestation. For example, if you want to attract a new partner, surround yourself with pairs of things. If you want good luck for your children, surround yourself with items in the same number as the number of kids you have.

It is virtually impossible to find a school of belief that doesn’t in some way employ numbers in a spiritual way. Maybe that is because numbers are such an indisputable constant in the universe.

Numbers are assigned to tarot cards, Kabalistic sephira, Bible verses, astrological houses and the letters of the alphabet. Numbers are assigned to us individually based on our birthdate, our name, our phone number, our age and our address.

Take a moment to think about the ways that you think of numbers in a mystical way.

Have you studied any form of numerology, or any spiritual system that includes numbers?

Many people have special numbers that they notice on clocks, street signs, and license plates. People often tell me that they see a certain number over and over again. Some people feel that number means something but aren’t sure what it means. Others have looked up traditional associations for it. Others ask me to interpret it. The thing that remains true is that folks seem to naturally feel that numbers relay a special message.

Perhaps numbers are a sacred language of the universe, and therefore a way for the universe to communicate with us.

Certainly, numbers carry meaning that directly affects our lives. Grades, wealth and health data are all communicated via numbers. It would make sense that spiritual information would be communicated that way was well.


Christiana’s Annual Holiday Open House

Make plans to attend the annual holiday psychic food-raiser! On Sunday, December 15, 12 noon to 6 pm, Join us at my new office, 3559 SW Corporate Parkway, Palm City, Florida 34990,

 for an afternoon of metaphysical holiday cheer for a good cause.

I am so excited to be able to host this event at my office. This is something I have not been able to do since I was based in the Harvey Building in West Palm Beach!

As we do every year, tarot readers, astrologers, psychics and healers will be on hand to provide free mini-sessions on a first-come, first-served basis in exchange for your donation of non-perishable food items to be given to the Treasure Coast Food Bank.

Bring food to donate and work with our staff of talented professionals and students! Bring a holiday treat for the snack table! Card and Craft, Inc. will provide beverages (coffee, tea, hot chocolate and water).

Are you a reader or healer? Volunteer your time and skills for this exciting event! Call or text Christiana at 561-655-1160 to get on the volunteer list. Readers and healers will volunteer in two shifts, 12-3pm and 3-6 pm. Sign up for the shift that is best for you. Bring your business cards to promote your business! Students are welcome to volunteer and practice their skills.


Numbers in Tarot Study Exercises

Numbers and numerology play a very strong role in tarot. Numbers, along with the four suits, create structure in tarot. Numbers can help us learn the cards. Numbers also add to the interpretive value of cards and tarot spreads.

It is very important to understand the value of each number in tarot. It is also a good idea to treat the ranks of the Court in the same way that you would a number. That is, assigning keywords and an interpretive value to each rank.

In traditional numerology, interpretive value is assigned to each numeral one through nine. Multiple-digit numbers are reduced to become single-digit numbers. Reduction is done by adding the digits together. The number ten, for example, is reduced to one plus zero, which equals one.

The Minor Arcana of tarot, however, contains cards One (Ace) through Ten. The Tens don’t mean the same thing as the Aces. Therefore, in tarot, Tens have their own meaning. That is one way that tarot numerology is different from traditional numerology.

The Major Arcana is numbered as well. That is, all except the Fool. Some tarotists assign the number twenty-two to the Fool. Others, me included, prefer to leave the Fool as the sole unnumbered card in the deck.

When considering the numbers of the Major Arcana, consider cards one through nine, that is, Magician through Hermit, as the primary cards. Cards ten through twenty-one, that is, Wheel of Fortune Through World, can be reduced to single numbers. This is a way of grouping and associating Major Arcana cards by number. For example, as we mentioned before, ten becomes one. Therefore, the Wheel of Fortune is associated with the Magician. Card Nineteen, the Sun, becomes a one a well.

Larger-numbered Major Arcana cards will only have two cards in their number grouping, such as Strength and Star, or Lovers and Devil. Earlier ones in the group will have three, such as Magician, Wheel of Fortune and Sun, and Empress, Hanged Man and World.

A great tarot exercise is to create nine groups of Major Arcana cards according to their numbers and decide how the cards in each number group relate to each other, and how they each express the energy of their number.

You can do the same thing with the Minor Arcana cards. This will help you understand the keywords and meanings for each number and rank.

Then, you can look at Major and Minor cards by number together, to see how the energy of each number is communicated throughout all of the tarot cards associated with that number.


The Week in Review

This week I shared a blogpost, complete with YouTube video, that inspired this newsletter topic. It’s called “When Numbers Repeat in a Tarot Spread.”

Each week I perform a three-card reading for the week ahead to assess the general energy that will be available to us all. This has become a very popular weekly feature. I do it live on Facebook every Monday. You can watch it in archive on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.

From Around the Web

Find your birth number and see what it means in numerology.

What does your birth number mean in tarot? Find out from The Tarot School.

Have you heard of ‘Angel Numbers’?


Tarot Tells the Story: A Tarot Class

On Sunday, November 24,from 4 to 6 pm, join me in the new office at 3559 SW Corporate Parkway, Palm City Florida 34990 for an exciting and insightful tarot class appropriate for readers of all levels of experience.

Tarot Tells the Story will cover the nuances necessary to give a great reading. Topics included will be Court cards, reversals, card combinations, trends and blends and tarot spreads.

You will learn to weave the card meanings together to create a cohesive story.

Bring a tarot deck or purchase one at the class.

Class fee is $37.50. You must pre-register on Eventbrite or by calling 561-655-1160.

Image from Spiral Tarot, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Copyright 1997, Used with permission.

Image from Spiral Tarot, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Copyright 1997, Used with permission.

Cards for Your Consideration

I asked members of one of my favorite Facebook tarot groups, Tarot Nerds, which specific tarot card they associated with counting, or quantifying something. There were enough votes for different cards to suggest that there is no one card that is universally associated with numbers, counting or quantifying.

Yet, the card that received the most votes was the Seven of Pentacles.

The Seven of Pentacles is typically shown as a tired gardener. In the Crowley-Harris-Thoth Tarot the Seven of Disks is called “Failure”. In this version of tarot, it seems that the garden has withered and there is nothing left to count.

I prefer a more optimistic view of this card. I believe that with hard work, and pushing through fatigue, there will be a time of success, and a bounty that can be quantified.

What is being counted in this card? It is the fruit on the vines as it emerges and ripens? Is it the hours of toil, or the weeks until harvest? Are we counting the time until we can rest?

We might see a suggestion in this card to avoid counting our harvest until it is ready.

Many times, I have seen the Seven of Pentacles as a card of hard work and fatigue. Now I will add to that the idea of quantifying the investment into the harvest, as well as the harvest itself.

Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 46
November 13, 2019

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Are Synchronicities Always Significant?


When Numbers Repeat in a Tarot Spread