Dream Big!


Dream Big!

Believe in yourself and visualize your success!

I know a lot of people who like to keep their expectations for life small, so as to avoid disappointment. Yet, many spiritual people believe that in order to achieve something you have to first conceive of it, and then, believe in it. I think there is value in having big dreams.

Not every dream comes true, but many do. The question is, what are the things we can do to be proactive in achieving our greatest desires?

The first thing is to have a clear vision of what you want. Make it be something big, but also make it be something that fits within your skillset. Don’t try to become a great singer if you can’t carry a tune, for example.

The second is to make sure that what you think you want is actually what you want. Many young girls dream of marrying a wealthy man. Yet, if he isn’t kind, and if you aren’t attracted to him, that sort of marriage could become a prison.

The third thing is to do the work you need to do to make your dreams happen. This is where the spiritual truth of “as above, so below” matters. What we do on the mundane level is reflected on the spiritual level and vice versa. So, pray for what you want, but also do the work to get there.

The more that you can see your dreams as real and possible in your mind, the more likely they are to happen. This is where vision boards, treasure maps and other visualization exercises become very helpful.

So often we are afraid to dream big because we don’t feel worthy enough, or good enough. It is important to know our value and our skills. We need to believe in ourselves in order to believe in our dreams. We need to believe in ourselves so that others will believe in us, too.

Wonderful things happen to people all the time. Every day people make great friends, meet good partners, get great jobs and build amazing businesses. If other people’s dreams can come true, why not yours?

There’s a great quote from Les Brown that says, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you will land among the stars”. What a great justification for dreaming big! Rather than keeping our goals small and manageable, why not shoot for the moon, and then be happy wherever we land?

Another quote about big dreams that I love is from the musical “South Pacific”. The song, “Happy Talk,” was also an Ella Fitzgerald hit. The quote is probably familiar to you. “You got to have a dream, if you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?”


Introducing Community Nights

We are in the new office at 3559 SW Corporate Parkway, Palm City, ahead of schedule! I am so excited to share this space with you.

Some of you know that in the office in the Westbridge Building I occasionally had free classes. The problem was that the room was small and could only accommodate a few people.

The new office has a much larger conference room. Therefore, I am going to institute monthly Community Nights. These will be free events. You can bring a snack to share and come enjoy fellowship and learning. Some community nights will be classes taught by me. Others will be taught by guest teachers. We will have an occasional movie night, or other fun event.

Let me know your ideas for Community Night. If you have something you would like to teach or facilitate, let me know!


Big Dreams Tarot Spread

Wherever you are on your journey, you can use this spread to help you get to the next level of success, whatever that means to you. You can try this spread with tarot cards, oracle cards, or both!

Arrange the cards in any pattern you like.

Card One: Let this card tell you something about your goal.

Card Two: Let this card show you something you need to do or avoid in order to achieve your goal.

Card Three: Let this card show you something you need to develop or work on in order to achieve your goal.

Card Four: Let this card show you something unexpected that can help you along the way.

Card Five: Let this card show you something you need to keep in mind on your journey.


The Week in Review

Did you see my post on my 78 Magickal Tools blog? In keeping with the season, I shared a post about using tarot on your ancestor altar.

Every Monday I do a Three-Card Weekly Reading on Facebook Live. You can catch it in archive on my YouTube channel, my Facebook business page or my Instagram, @christianatarot.

From Around the Web

Here are some Halloween-themed tarot spreads for you to try!

Daily Tarot Girl’s spread has a card for each of Halloween’s most popular traditions.

New Age Hipster’s spread connects you with your ancestors.

From Luna Luna magazine, here is a Scary Cat Halloween Spread.


Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain, everyone!


Tarot Tells the Story: A Tarot Class

On Sunday, November 24,from 4 to 6 pm, join me in the new office at 3559 SW Corporate Parkway, Palm City Florida 34990 for an exciting and insightful tarot class appropriate for readers of all levels of experience.

Tarot Tells the Story will cover the nuances necessary to give a great reading. Topics included will be Court cards, reversals, card combinations, trends and blends and tarot spreads.

You will learn to weave the card meanings together to create a cohesive story.

Bring a tarot deck or purchase one at the class.

Class fee is $37.50. You must pre-register on Eventbrite or by calling 561-655-1160.


Cards for Your Consideration

This week I want to consider a very interesting tarot deck. The Art of Life Tarot Deck by Charlene Livingstone uses famous works of art and quotations to illustrate each of the seventy-eight cards. This deck is a great tool for understanding the archetypes of tarot. It’s also a particularly good deck for one-card draws.

A card from this deck that particularly illustrates the idea of dreaming big is Major Arcana One, The Magician.

Typically, keywords for the Magician are tools, skills, abilities, learning and new beginnings. These are all things that are required if we want to achieve big things.

The quote associated with this card is from William Henley. It reads, “I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.”

This is a great affirmation for dreamers who also want to be achievers.

Upcoming Tours and Events


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 44
October 30, 2019

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Overcoming Shyness and Other Obstacles as a Tarot Reader


We Are Always Evolving