We Are Always Evolving


We Are Always Evolving

We can never stop learning and changing.

When my son came home from his first day of kindergarten, he told us that he had a good day at school but was glad that he was finished. Finished? We laughed and told him that he had only just begun. Somehow, in the excitement of that first day of school we had not communicated to him that his education would be a daily and ongoing process. More than twenty years later, he is still in school now!

I think sometimes we adults forget that we must always be learning and evolving. Whether we are studying something in a formal way, learning a new hobby, or simply evolving the way we operate on the planet, we are enrolled in the school of life for our entire lives.

So much of this process of personal evolution is self-reflection. This is not about becoming self-absorbed, it’s about coming to a place of self-understanding and self-acceptance. This can be a very difficult process, because so often we have spent our lives trying to become the person that other people want us to be, rather than discovering who we really are!

It’s natural, too, that as we grow, we change. We change our goals, and even, to some extent, our values and our beliefs. There can be a bit of a cultural disconnect here. Some people seem to feel that there is honor in hanging on to outmoded beliefs or disproven ideas. They even couch this unwillingness to grow and change as some sort of spiritual virtue.

I believe that, in many ways, our emotional and spiritual wellbeing depends on our ability to think critically and shed the old beliefs that no longer work for us. We must adopt new ways of finding our enlightenment. Without growth and change, we become stuck and stagnant.

There should be no shame in changing one’s mind. There should be no resistance to evolving one’s views. There should only be joy in embracing something new and releasing something that has stopped working.

The question is, how can we find time in our busy lives to embrace constant growth, learning and evolution? When we can, finding time to take classes, read a book, meditate and make new friends is helpful. When we can’t, simply observing our feelings and reactions without shame and judgement is a good start. If we can truly see ourselves and be honest with ourselves, and be loving toward ourselves, we will always be open to personal change. We will always be evolving into the next best version of who we are.


New Office Opening November 1!

Please plan to have a reading with me in my new office, anytime November 1 or after. Card and Craft, Inc.’s new headquarters will have a larger conference room, a lovely lounge area, some retail space, and, of course, a private and comfortable reading room. Get your friends together for an in-office psychic party!

I am in the process of planning some wonderful events for our community to enjoy in this new space that will be more than simply an office, it will be a spiritual community center!

The new office, in Parkway Plaza, is just a few miles away from the Westbridge Building where we have happily worked for the past three years. It’s closer to I-95 and Florida’s Turnpike, and closer to Panera Bread where we hold our monthly meetups!

Of course, if you would like to see me in October, I will be happy to accommodate you in my current office, right up until moving day!


Self-Reflection Divination

Self-reflection is one of the most noble and helpful goals of divination. Whether working with oracle cards, tarot cards or other sorts of random token divination, when we set self-reflection as the goal, our tools can act as a mirror to help us see ourselves more clearly.

The question becomes, how can we use our tools in this way?

Here are two exercises to try. The first is a single-card reading, the second is a four-card spread.

Who Am I Right Now?

Simply ask the question, “Who am I right now?” and pull a card. Spend some time meditating on the card and working to see how this card reflects you. Try to make a spoken or written sentence with the card by saying, “Right now I am a person who is…” and complete the sentence using what you see in the card.

Four Cards for Personal Evolution

Try this four-card spread for self-reflection and creating a focus for positive personal change.

Card One: Who I am now.

Card Two: Who I am becoming.

Card Three: What I need to release in order to evolve.

Card Four: What I need to embrace in order to evolve.


The Week in Review

I am so happy that the brand-new magazine, The Esotoracle, has published its first issue, which includes an article from me! You can order a print copy or read it online.

Check out my new blogpost on shifting your perspective on tarot and life, published on my community blog.

Monday’s Three-Card Weekly Reading was very interesting. You can check it out in archive on Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram.

By now, you probably know that I am moving my Palm City office to a new, larger building. You can read the announcement blog on my website for more information.

From Around the Web

Here are some great tarot games from James Ricklef. We will have to try some of these at our tarot meetups!

From Backpackerverse, here is “How to Use Tarot as a Tool for Self-Reflection and Meditative Therapy”.

Here is another self-reflection tarot spread for you to try.


Tarot Tells the Story: A Tarot Class

On Sunday, November 24,from 4 to 6 pm, join me in the new office at 3559 SW Corporate Parkway, Palm City Florida 34990 for an exciting and insightful tarot class appropriate for readers of all levels of experience.

Tarot Tells the Story will cover the nuances necessary to give a great reading. Topics included will be Court cards, reversals, card combinations, trends and blends and tarot spreads.

You will learn to weave the card meanings together to create a cohesive story.

Bring a tarot deck or purchase one at the class.

Class fee is $37.50. You must pre-register on Eventbrite or by calling 561-655-1160.

Image from Spiral Tarot by Kay Steventon, Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Used with permission.

Image from Spiral Tarot by Kay Steventon, Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Used with permission.

Cards for Your Consideration

This week let’s consider Major Arcana 15, The Devil, from Spiral Tarot by Kay Steventon.

The Devil is certainly a challenging card. In a reading this card can indicate addiction and unhealthy behavior.

Yet, the Devil is also the gatekeeper on the journey toward spiritual enlightenment. The Devil asks us to see ourselves as we are, to acknowledge our shadow selves. That’s why I particularly like this image.

Here, we see that the Devil is holding a mirror. The person looking into the mirror doesn’t want to see herself, but she must.

Without honest self-reflection, there can never be growth or enlightenment.

Perhaps the most egregious flaw the Devil can show us is our unwillingness to face and embrace our flaws.

Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 43
October 23, 2019

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Dream Big!


A Tarot Perspective Shift That Can Change Your Life