Tarot Topics Blog
Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!
This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.
Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.

Six is the First Perfect Number
This week we take a deep dive into the power and meaning of the number Six.

The Power of Creativity
Creativity is borne of the element of Fire, as is spirituality, and motivation. Creativity is as essential to human life as is air, and water.

Because We Have Gathered
Some thoughts and pictures from StaarCon 2023.

Humility Enhances Intuition
When we work with divine energy it is important to stay grounded!

What You Don't Know
It is always better to know the truth, even when we don't like what we see. The trick is in knowing what questions to ask, and where to find the truth we seek.

Looking Back and Moving Forward
This is a sacred time, when we remember the past and look to the future.

Welcome 2023!
We welcome a new year of promise and hope!

Miracles and Celebrations
This is the season of miracles, and a time to celebrate!

We all need a break. We all need time to ourselves. We so often feel guilty for taking the time we need. This holiday season, let's not feel guilty for our downtime!

The Tincture of Time
Is the best action no action? Perhaps time is what you need.

Pouring From an Empty Cup
This time of year can be demanding. Boundaries and self-care are essential, now more than ever.

What Feeds You?
At Thanksgiving we give thanks for what feeds our bodies. It is also a time to discover what feeds us at a soul level.

The Power of a Question
Never be afraid to ask a question, and never be afraid to look within for answers.

The Balance of Blessings
What does it mean when we say we are blessed? How can we find and create blessings in difficult times?

Needs and Wants
What is the source of greed? Perhaps greed happens when our needs are not being met.

The Mask, and What Is Beneath
We all wear masks, even when it is not Halloween.

Is Fear Fun?
Spooky stuff can be fun, but it also helps us process our real fears and traumas.

Are We There Yet?
We all have so many goals in life. Sometimes it feels that we get stuck along the way. The path forward is never a straight line. The secret is to enjoy the journey.

The Temple Within
We can discover within ourselves a temple within we communicate with the divine.

The Choices We Regret
"To err is human, to forgive is divine". How can we process the choices we later regret? How can we learn to trust ourselves?