Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.
Doing the Work
We often talk about doing our work—that is, doing the work of personal healing. This week, we discuss what it means to dig deeply into and find transformative healing.
Concept Illustration of a woman with flowers growing out of her head.
So often, we spiritual people talk about doing our work. We do shadow work, inner child work, and inner healing. We might decline to date someone because they clearly have not done their work.
At the tarot table, I can easily see the people who do their work of personal healing and those who do not. I can also see the people who do a lot of spiritual work but dance around doing the depth of their work. They may meditate often, go on retreat, and consult their oracles, but they still have not tapped into healing their deeper hurts. Sometimes, this behavior is classic spiritual bypassing, where they actively yet unconsciously avoid their work and use spirituality to justify their avoidance. Sometimes, they are circling their more profound work because they are not yet ready to dive in.
The work of deep healing is never finished. We peel back layers one at a time. We deconstruct and reprocess the most troublesome things, then focus on other pursuits for a while. Eventually, something will bother us, upset us, or trigger us, and we know it is time to dive into a new aspect of our work.
Sometimes, we can be frustrated that our healing work is never complete, and we can feel ashamed of the unhealed parts of ourselves.
The work of deep healing and the focus on our emotional well-being may feel like a modern construct. We certainly have more tools and support for personal healing now than ever. Yet, many people, cultures, and societies throughout the ages have found healing from philosophers, poets, shamans, and healers.
I notice an interesting irony. While some level of spiritual thought and practice is helpful in the pursuit of personal healing, harmful spiritual beliefs and religious teachings are responsible for much of the trauma that we heal when doing our work. It is so important for us to approach spiritual understanding with an open mind and critical thinking skills. Again, it is also vital that we refrain from using spiritual bypassing to avoid the real healing we need.
There are so many ways for us to do our work. Traditional therapy, meditation, journaling, divination, personal inquiry, and divination are all methods that can help.
When we do our work, we develop the ability to access and manage our emotional range. This allows us to respond appropriately to every situation. Perhaps the best part is that doing our work gives us the space to be playful and enjoy life more.
The StaarCon 5 Imagining of Pixie Arcana. Art and composition by Stacey Williams-Ng, backgrounds by Animix.
The StaarCorner
StaarCon 2024 AfterGlow
Mark your calendars for my next lounge event! Monday, June 17, at 7 pm, we will have a session to improve skills in presenting difficult information in a reading.
StaarCon 5
StaarCon 5 will feature an exhibition hall with a marketplace open to the public all three days. In the marketplace, you will find opportunities to have a reading, and purchase decks, books, jewelry, crystals, and clothing. We will also have a Digital Divination Art Show playing continuously in the exhibition hall.
If you are an artist who has created a divination deck, please consider submitting some digital images of cards to our art show! You can email me for details.
Dame Darcy talks about the Mermaid Tarot at StaarCon.
A young woman with a tarot card and crystal.
Doing the Work with Tarot
There are many ways to use tarot on the journey of personal healing.
The first is to study tarot. We must do this not only to learn and memorize what the cards mean in a reading but also to learn the lessons of the cards and the stories inherent in the suits and symbols. When we understand that tarot is a book of spiritual wisdom in picture form, we can use it to help develop a new way of thinking about life and processing difficult occurrences.
We can work with a competent reader to help uncover and heal the things that have hurt us. We can also use the cards in personal divination, meditation, and magic to help inspire and cultivate our healing.
When using tarot for deeper healing, we must detach from a desire for the comfort of clear answers and predictions. We must be careful of confirmation bias, where we might interpret the cards to confirm an unhelpful story rather than find a better narrative.
Deep work with tarot requires us to hold ourselves accountable to best practices. When we can adhere to practices that help us open our minds and find new possibilities, tarot becomes a great ally in our healing work.
Mystery Card Tarot Webinar.
The Week in Review
If you missed last night’s class on YouTube Live, please watch the replay!
Did you know my YouTube channel has playlists and videos dating back over a decade? You can find episodes of my old webcast, Christiana’s Psychic Café, Answers to Your Questions about Tarot, and many other interesting videos.
From Around the Web
I love this recent post from Mary Ellen Collins about reading tarot intuitively.
Byron Katie, creator of “The Work of Byron Katie,” may have been the first person to use the term ‘work’ to describe the process of self-understanding and self-inquiry. I agree with this assessment of Byron Katie’s philosophies.
Morgan Rose shares ways to use tarot cards for psychological healing.
A group is experiencing a sound bath.
Making Magic
Is energy work magic? Is divination magic?
I think the concept of magic goes far beyond what we think of as traditional witchcraft. We define magic as the use of energy to create change in accordance with our will.
When we use any energetic healing modality, from Reiki to sound healing to trance dance, we are, in a sense, doing magic.
When we enter any healing session, whether a sound bath, therapy appointment, tarot reading, or yoga class, we intend to create change. If we keep our intentions in mind and visualize our desired results, we strengthen the magic of our healing session and improve our results.
Tarot Workshop at Mandel Public Library, West Palm Beach, Florida, June 22 @ Noon.
Upcoming Events
Weekly YouTube Events
Monday 9:30 am: Your 3-Card Weekly Reading
Thursday Noon: Tarot Topics Newsletter Recap
Friday Noon: Your Friday Weekly Wrap-up
Saturday 12:30 pm: Saturday Psychic Sampler
Card and Craft Academy
Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!
Christiana’s Candle Magick
Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross
Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane
Practical Tarot Techniques
Psychic Tarot
Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others
The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals
Journey Through the Major Arcana
Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth
Tarot Beyond the Veil
Your Journey Through the Tarot Court
Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Clarity in Every Tarot Card
Tarot Flow Workshop
Making Magick with Tarot
Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop
Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop
Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop
Tarot for Magic and Mediumship
Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth
Weaving the Tarot Reading Story
The Elemental Major Arcana
Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth
Personal Healing with Tarot
Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads
What the Court Cards Want You to Know
How Spirit Speaks Through Tarot
Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!
Christiana Gaudet and Lisa Hunt in her West Palm Beach office, 2008.
About Christiana Gaudet
Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.
Christiana Gaudet
3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon
TikTok @christianagaudettarot
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, and in-person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Zoom parties and group instruction are available almost everywhere!
Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule Appointments Online
Schedule online at https://christiana-gaudet.as.me.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 7 Issue 24
June 12, 2024
Gratitude and Guilt
Sometimes, we don't go for what we want because we feel guilty for wanting more. This week, we discuss how we can be grateful for what we have and still work for what we want.
A woman in a car looking back at where she has been.
What do guilt and gratitude have to do with each other?
I have recently noticed that sometimes people stay in a situation that no longer serves them because they want to be grateful for what they have and feel guilty for wanting something more or different.
Perhaps they are underpaid at their job and want something better, but they feel they owe their gratitude and loyalty to the person who hired them and gave them a chance. Perhaps they were taught to appreciate what they have, but what they have does not make them happy, and they feel guilty for wanting something else.
We can all agree that greed comes from an emptiness inside. When I speak of wanting more, I am not encouraging greed. I am encouraging people to know their worth.
When I consider why people feel guilty about pursuing happiness, growth, or success, I come to two conclusions.
Sometimes, people do not have enough self-esteem to know the value they bring and that they deserve good things.
Sometimes, people need to improve their nuanced thinking to understand that they can be grateful for what they have and still want and deserve more.
Gratitude is an important practice. Noting and appreciating the good things and the lack of bad things can help us be happier and healthier. Gratitude without guilt can bring us to the next level of happiness and success when we are grateful for what is and working toward what comes next.
The StaarCon 5 Imagining of Pixie Arcana. Art and composition by Stacey Williams-Ng, backgrounds by Animix.
The StaarCorner
StaarCon 2024 AfterGlow
Join me on Monday, June 17, at 7 p.m. ET, for a lounge event, especially for professional readers and those who want to be. We will discuss delicate ways to deliver difficult information in a reading.
StaarCon 5
StaarCon 5 will feature three full days of virtual presenters. We are excited to announce that Meg Watson will join us from her home in Minnesota to give a presentation entitled “Spreadable Substance: Turning the Everyday into Introspective Tarot Questions.”
If you hang out in the Tarot Nerds group on Facebook, you will probably see Meg’s deep and insight tarot spreads based on fun pop culture references.
StaarCon tickets are available now. Get the early bird special before it is gone!
StaarCon 5 scheduled presenter Meg Watson.
Close-up of a card reading.
Ask the Cards
Sometimes, we feel guilty about leaving a situation for something better. Tarot can serve as a reflection of our moral compass. If we choose not to do something because we feel guilty, we can ask the cards questions that help us know if staying is right or if it is better to leave.
The cards can answer questions such as, “What do I owe this person?” and “Is this new opportunity right for me?”
We often hold ourselves back because we believe certain things are true. By asking questions of the cards, we can discover the actual truth.
Global Tarot Circle June 5th, 7pm Live on YouTube.
The Week in Review
TarotScopes for June are available for you on my YouTube channel and TikTok.
Please join us on my YouTube channel tonight for our monthly virtual tarot meetup, Global Tarot Circle. We will share some readings and informal tarot study.
Please join us for a tarot webinar on YouTube on Tuesday, June 11, at 7 p.m. We will delve deeply into several tarot cards, gaining an understanding and ability to interpret them.
From Around the Web
Amber Highland, editor of The Cartomancer, maintains an award-winning blog called The Bloglet of Fire. Her post from earlier this week about Pride Month is a great reminder of why Pride matters.
As we move into the sixth month of the year, let’s see what María Alviz Hernando had to say about the sixth card in the Major Arcana, the Lovers.
Want to do a tarot reading about something strange in your neighborhood? Who ya gonna call? It’s the brand new Ghostbuster Tarot!
Concept illustration of the seven chakras.
Making Magic
I believe that guilt is a useless and harmful emotion. People who do bad things don’t feel guilty, and people who feel guilty usually don’t do bad things.
So why do we feel guilt? I think it is because we feel bad about ourselves and believe we don’t deserve good things.
One way to fix this is to do chakra work, specifically root chakra work.
The root chakra, or first chakra, is located at the base of the spine. It connects us to Earth and our sense of belonging. Earth is the source of all our resources.
We can support the root chakra in meditation. We also support the root chakra by wearing red, using red stones, eating red fruits, and burning red candles.
When we actively support the root chakra, we affirm our right to be here and to work to have what we desire.
Mystery Tarot Card Webinar June 11th, 7pm Live on YouTube.
Upcoming Events
Weekly YouTube Events
Monday 9:30 am: Your 3-Card Weekly Reading
Thursday Noon: Tarot Topics Newsletter Recap
Friday Noon: Your Friday Weekly Wrap-up
Saturday 12:30 pm: Saturday Psychic Sampler
Card and Craft Academy
Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!
Christiana’s Candle Magick
Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross
Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane
Practical Tarot Techniques
Psychic Tarot
Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others
The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals
Journey Through the Major Arcana
Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth
Tarot Beyond the Veil
Your Journey Through the Tarot Court
Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Clarity in Every Tarot Card
Tarot Flow Workshop
Making Magick with Tarot
Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop
Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop
Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop
Tarot for Magic and Mediumship
Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth
Weaving the Tarot Reading Story
The Elemental Major Arcana
Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth
Personal Healing with Tarot
Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads
What the Court Cards Want You to Know
How Spirit Speaks Through Tarot
Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!
Christiana Gaudet in her office.
About Christiana Gaudet
Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.
Christiana Gaudet
3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon
TikTok @christianagaudettarot
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, and in-person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Zoom parties and group instruction are available almost everywhere!
Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule Appointments Online
Schedule online at https://christiana-gaudet.as.me.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 7 Issue 23
June 5, 2024
Up for Interpretation
In a way, there is no such thing as direct communication because we are always interpreting what people say and do. Sometimes, we misinterpret, and that leads to problems. This week, we discuss communication, both mundane and magical.
Concept illustration of two people miscommunicating.
Our daily lives are heavily reliant on communication. We have many ways to keep in touch with one another and stay current. However, much of our daily stress results from misunderstandings and poor communication.
Communication breakdowns often stem from how we interpret the words and actions of others rather than their intentional deception or disrespect. In other words, our understanding of what someone says or does comes from our interpretation rather than their intention.
Unfortunately, our fears, hopes, and trauma often influence our interpretations of what people do and say.
We must work to recognize it when we superimpose our upset on someone else’s words.
We will likely start an argument if we say, “What do you mean by that?” with a specific tone. Yet, if we have the presence of mind to remember that our interpretation may not be correct, we can ask questions like, “Could you say that in different words so I can understand better?” This allows us to receive clear communication and avoid upset.
So often, we are sure we know another person’s motives and desires. Sometimes, we are wrong. Sometimes, we think someone means us well, but they don’t treat us well. Is it possible we misinterpreted their acts of affection or were intentionally misled? We can drive ourselves up the wall as we pick apart the memories of conversations, interpreting and reinterpreting what was said to try to make sense of what has happened.
If we actively work to avoid people who leave us second-guessing ourselves, we will have fewer communication problems. If we work to hear what people are saying without the influence of our fears and traumas, we will foster excellent relationships with the good people around us.
The StaarCon 5 Imagining of Pixie Arcana. Art and composition by Stacey Williams-Ng, backgrounds by Animix.
The StaarCorner
StaarCon 2024 AfterGlow
If you are a StaarCon 2024 ticket holder, there is a special gift for you in the Accelevents lobby! The Cartomancer has published a special edition in honor of Rachel Pollack’s life. The PDF from Cartomancer is available to you for free! We will also email it to you, but it is waiting for you now if you want to get it immediately.
If you are not a StaarCon 2024 ticketholder, you can purchase the magazine at a small fee. All proceeds go to Rachel’s estate.
On Saturday, June 1, join María Alviz Hernando in her lounge, The Sybil’s Tarot Lounge, for a special class, Keys to Make Sense of Oracle Cards in Practical Ways.
StaarCon 5
We welcome first-time presenter Wendee Molano of Black Moon Tarot and Sorcery to StaarCon 5.
On Friday at StaarCon, Wendee will lead a group discussion about challenging tarot readings and the ethical questions they pose.
On Sunday, Wendee will conduct a séance!
We are excited to meet Wendee and learn from her at StaarCon 5.
StaarCon 5 scheduled presenter Wendee Molano.
A tarot reader.
How We Interpret Tarot
I often joke that if you read five books or websites about a particular tarot card, you will receive five different ways to interpret the card. How, then, do we know how to interpret the cards in a reading?
Wald Amberstone of the Tarot School once said something that comforted me greatly as I grappled with this confusion. He said we must trust the universe to bring the right person with the right question to the right reader with the right cards at the right time.
What this means to me is that we have to trust the divination process. In a reading, we use many different techniques to interpret the cards. The one technique we all must use is the ability to intuitively feel that our interpretation might be appropriate. At the same time, we must be willing to go back to the well. If the interpretation we choose doesn’t make sense, we need to discuss all the possible interpretations we can think of. In that discussion, we will always land on the wisdom we need.
Memorial Day image.
The Week in Review
This past weekend, we celebrated Memorial Day in the United States. This somber holiday honors those who have fallen in service to our nation and marks the unofficial start of summer.
This coming Sunday, June 2, join your local tarot friends at our Cards and Conversation Tarot Meetup at 4 pm at Panera Bread in Palm City, Florida.
From Around the Web
Actress Christina Ricci has designed and written a new tarot deck and guidebook! Read about it in Forbes!
Truly Teach Me Tarot has a spread to help improve relationships.
Brit and Co has your June Horoscopes.
A woman writing a magic spell.
Making Magic
In the study of magic, I have learned that it is important to be as specific as possible when we work to manifest something.
Magic is, in essence, a process of communicating with the universe, spirit, or deity. The more specifically we communicate, the better our results will be.
Sometimes, we know we need a change, but we are unsure what that change should be. When this happens, it is best to figure out our desires before asking the universe for help.
Divination is a good way to gain clarity on this.
Once we know what we want, it is good practice to write our desires and ensure that what we write reflects what we want. This can lead us to other spellwork, or writing our desires can be a complete spell in and of itself.
Global Tarot Circle Livestream June 5th, 7 pm.
Upcoming Events
Weekly YouTube Events
Monday 9:30 am: Your 3-Card Weekly Reading
Thursday Noon: Tarot Topics Newsletter Recap
Friday Noon: Your Friday Weekly Wrap-up
Saturday 12:30 pm: Saturday Psychic Sampler
Card and Craft Academy
Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!
Christiana’s Candle Magick
Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross
Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane
Practical Tarot Techniques
Psychic Tarot
Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others
The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals
Journey Through the Major Arcana
Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth
Tarot Beyond the Veil
Your Journey Through the Tarot Court
Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Clarity in Every Tarot Card
Tarot Flow Workshop
Making Magick with Tarot
Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop
Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop
Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop
Tarot for Magic and Mediumship
Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth
Weaving the Tarot Reading Story
The Elemental Major Arcana
Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth
Personal Healing with Tarot
Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads
What the Court Cards Want You to Know
How Spirit Speaks Through Tarot
Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!
Christiana Gaudet and Amy Forman.
About Christiana Gaudet
Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.
Christiana Gaudet
3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon
TikTok @christianagaudettarot
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, and in-person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Zoom parties and group instruction are available almost everywhere!
Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule Appointments Online
Schedule online at https://christiana-gaudet.as.me.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 7 Issue 22
May 29, 2024
Risk Management
Life is risky. How can we have faith in the future?
A woman in a red dress standing on a tightrope holding an umbrella.
We live on a dangerous planet. The dichotomy is that if we are worried about what can go wrong, we become anxious and don’t function well. We need to feel safe to feel okay. Yet, we are also aware that any terrible thing can happen anytime.
Safety is a matter of degrees, and the chance of something terrible happening is never zero.
Part of the appeal of religion is that it gives us an entity we can petition to avoid harm. Yet, experience tells us that those petitions often seem to fall on deaf ears.
We use divination and common sense to help assess risk. We use prayer, magic, and wise action to help mitigate risk. In ways spiritual and mundane, we work to strike a balance that manages the dangers we face.
There are two types of risks—those of daily life and the gambles we make to get ahead.
Some people have higher risk tolerance than others. People who can gauge the benefits of a calculated risk and are willing to take that risk are often the most successful people we know. Risks can have rewards, but taking a risk is scary.
We can’t consider taking risks that could benefit us until we can manage the anxiety of life's unavoidable ‘what ifs’. We know that our spiritual practices can offer help and protection. Still, it feels unhealthy and is demonstrably untrue to believe that worshipping a deity or conducting a specific ritual will reliably keep bad things from happening.
We must believe that our spiritual practices are helpful and believe in our ability to handle whatever life throws at us.
That faith gives us the balance to create the best opportunities for ourselves, with the least amount of risk.
The StaarCon 5 Imagining of Pixie Arcana. Art and composition by Stacey Williams-Ng, backgrounds by Animix.
The StaarCorner
StaarCon 2024 AfterGlow
Join me tonight, Wednesday, May 22, at 7 pm ET in the Tea with Your Tarot Fairy Godmother Lounge for a tarot spread class!
On Saturday, June 1, join María Alviz Hernando in The Sybil’s Tarot Lounge at 5 pm ET for a session on working with oracle cards.
StaarCon 5
We are doing a few new things for StaarCon 5, including an early bird special for ticket sales! If you are a member of my YouTube channel, find your discount code in the community thread. Everyone else can use the discount code on the StaarCon website.
This special is available for a limited time, so get your tickets now and save!
Sheilaa Hite presenting at StaarCon 2023.
Tarot cards with a focus on the Fool.
What We Learn About Risk from the Fool
The Fool is arguably the most important card in tarot because the Fool represents each one of us on our journey through life.
While several cards in the deck can discuss risk, The Fool most clearly offers a spiritual philosophy to help us understand the risks inherent in life.
We typically see the fool getting ready to step off a cliff. We cannot see what lies beneath the cliff, nor how big his leap will be. The Fool is unconcerned with his circumstance's risk or danger. His countenance is merry and unbothered.
The Fool is ready to meet his fortune, good or bad. The Fool has a level of faith in his journey and himself. He does not need to know what lies ahead to be confident in his next move.
So often, in divination, we are focused on what lies ahead. When we can get a precise prediction, or even a clue, of the near future, we are more able to be prepared. Yet, every tarot reader knows that the future is sometimes unpredictable.
The Fool teaches us that we do not need to know where the road will take us to prepare for the journey; we only need to stay in faith and meet the journey with a sense of adventure.
The Magic of the Question Tarot Webinar May 21st, 7 pm.
The Week in Review
If you are a member of my channel, you can watch the replay of our members-only live stream about tarot and self-care.
Last evening, we had an enlightening livestream class on structuring questions in tarot readings. Don't miss the chance to watch the replay of The Magic of the Question Tarot Webinar and enhance your tarot reading skills.
From Around the Web
Counterfeit tarot decks are a massive problem in our community. I was happy to see this blog post from Ladybug Tarot, which explains how to spot counterfeit decks and why we must be concerned about this unfortunate trend.
I found this 2017 tarot spread test drive from Theresa Reed. The spread looks good for figuring out risk management issues.
I just discovered the blog of Yetta Snow, Present Day Tarot. Her most recent post, Tarot Reading for the Self-Employed, is terrific.
Concept illustration of hands with healing energy.
Making Magic
We often talk about protective magic, magical spells meant to protect us from misfortune. Most of us grew up with superstitions about protection, like throwing salt over our shoulders or not walking under ladders.
How much can magic protect us? It is impossible to know for sure. Many of us decide that we should do everything we know how to do. If it works, great. If it doesn’t, at least we tried.
For example, I always like to perform protective magic on my car and family members' vehicles. This can involve putting an image of Raido, the ‘travelers’ rune’, or an image of the tarot Chariot in or on the vehicle.
Another facet of protective magic is what we refer to as ‘psychic protection’. This is particularly crucial for those who engage in readings or identify as empaths. Psychic protection is a practice that involves meditation, visualization, and intention. We might also incorporate using stones, candles, or incense to amplify the protective energy. This shield of psychic protection helps us maintain our emotional and mental well-being in the face of external energies.
Even color can be protective. Energetically, black is considered the most protective, which is why we think of witches wearing black.
We all know that sometimes we cannot prevent difficulties. However, basic protection magick is simple to use. On an energetic level, we know that protective magic can keep us from absorbing energies we don’t want or need. Perhaps protective magic can keep other unwanted energies away as well.
Cards and Conversation Tarot Meetup June 2nd, 4 pm in Palm City Florida.
Upcoming Events
Weekly YouTube Events
Monday 9:30 am: Your 3-Card Weekly Reading
Thursday Noon: Tarot Topics Newsletter Recap
Friday Noon: Your Friday Weekly Wrap-up
Saturday 12:30 pm: Saturday Psychic Sampler
Card and Craft Academy
Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!
Christiana’s Candle Magick
Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross
Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane
Practical Tarot Techniques
Psychic Tarot
Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others
The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals
Journey Through the Major Arcana
Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth
Tarot Beyond the Veil
Your Journey Through the Tarot Court
Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Clarity in Every Tarot Card
Tarot Flow Workshop
Making Magick with Tarot
Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop
Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop
Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop
Tarot for Magic and Mediumship
Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth
Weaving the Tarot Reading Story
The Elemental Major Arcana
Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth
Personal Healing with Tarot
Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads
What the Court Cards Want You to Know
How Spirit Speaks Through Tarot
Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!
Christiana Gaudet and Teri Salomoni as the Sun and the Moon.
About Christiana Gaudet
Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.
Christiana Gaudet
3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon
TikTok @christianagaudettarot
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, and in-person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Zoom parties and group instruction are available almost everywhere!
Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule Appointments Online
Schedule online at https://christiana-gaudet.as.me.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 7 Issue 21
May 22, 2024